My Super God QQ

Chapter 330: Kirin's natural closeness

very close!

Li Qing can even see every hair on it, even the fine debris on the hair.

Its eyes are blood red, and it seems to symbolize killing and endless death.

Its breath is also extremely arrogant, flowing slowly, not very tyrannical, but it gives a depressed, inspiring feeling.


It exhaled hard and didn't attack immediately. It seemed that Li Qing was a little different, watching carefully.

Taking advantage of this time, Li Qing quickly waved back: "Brother Duan, you take my sister to find a place to hide, I will break it!"

"Let me do it!"

Duan Yue grabbed the axe in his hand, but was bold enough to walk up.

"No! I have been staring at it, locking the breath!" Li Qing said seriously.

Duan Yue stunned, a sad look flashed in his eyes.

Jie Yu was directly scared and stupid, and was carried by Duan Yue before he responded.

Why did Li Qing say he wants to break?

Because he only believes in himself, and then he is likely to break off, and others don’t believe it. Of course, there is a more important reason, that is, he can enter the third floor of QQ Book City at any time.

As long as he pads and creates a little time for Jieyu and Duanyue to escape, then it is still possible for him to escape.


Pixiu gasped and stared at Li Qing for a long time without moving.

This makes Li Qing a little strange?

Why doesn't it attack itself? Li Qingdu has already tightened his nerves and made a state of extreme defense, but after tightening for a while, it did not respond, as if still observing Li Qing.

"Is it considering whether I am delicious?"

Li Qing gave birth to such an idea inexplicably.

"Huh, there is no reminder in the QQ memo? Is it not dangerous?"

"Or say, I will not be in danger, can enter QQ Book City?"

"What the **** is it looking at?"

Li Qing's various thoughts cluttered.

Looking at the pixiu again, it seems that the red light in the eyes slowly weakened, gradually becoming a little golden, and the raised hair slowly and docilely.

Hey, how can it be a bit close to itself?

Li Qing'an!

This is not scientific!

It's like a beast that eats people, and suddenly it turns into a rabbit eating vegetables. It's really very different. It's unbelievable!

Li Qing looked at it suspiciously, and it looked at Li Qing suspiciously.

This made the few people who secretly noticed Li Qing also be ashamed!

Skeleton black robe is one of them, his eyes are rounded, his mouth is open, and he looks stupid.

"Is it because of Qilin Zhiren Qingyun Jue?"

There was a flash of light in Li Qing's mind, and he suddenly thought of this reason.

If not, there is really no other explanation.

Because, after the opening of the ground, Qilin is the first **** and beast born, it is the spirit of all things, and is naturally close to all things. As long as it is a beast, it will naturally get close to it naturally.

Well, this is probably the reason. It feels the natural breath of Li Qing. This breath not only put an end to its hostility, but also slowly affects it, letting the breath of its tyrannical rampage slowly fade.

"Try it?"

Li Qing walked towards it, it still didn't attack.

It took another two steps, but it took two steps backwards.

This time, Li Qing is happy!


Unexpectedly, the scales left by his cheap dad are really so easy to use!

Especially in this mysterious environment, it is like a bug!

Li Qing is close...

It went backwards again.

In the end, Li Qing took a breath and stretched his hand to touch it.

As a result, Li Qing really touched his head when everyone thought that Li Qing was crazy.


Is this the legendary beast?

Can you touch the beast? Li Qing's previous hanging wire mentality came up, and there was a very excited thought in his mind.

Even, he wanted to open the live broadcast and let everyone watch the real beast. Will the effect explode?

Just do it!

Li Qing picked up the phone and opened the live broadcast.

He also wanted to see if there were any signals, ordinary phones did not, but QQ phones did.

Li Qing playing prosperously, he opened the live broadcast and aimed the camera at himself and the brave pig.


Xiaohui was writing a novel. Halfway through writing, she suddenly received a reminder from her mobile phone.

"Huh, that Li Qing live broadcast?"

The thought that floated in his mind was that Li Qing was a singing anchor, and his singing skills had become perfect. Thinking that he was stuck in writing the novel now, he ordered it.

He went in a little, and he froze.

"Where is this? There is this thing, is it a statue of Pixiu? What's so good about taking a photo with Pixiu?" At first, he didn't care much, and even felt dissatisfied, so he was a singing anchor, and it was okay to broadcast outdoors. ?

Many people have also come in and have such a thought.

But the next second, the brave pig suddenly moved, seemingly unaccustomed to Li Qing's caress, and shook his head.


Xiaohui was so frightened that he threw the phone high and then fell to the ground, breaking the screen directly.

In this way, at least dozens of friends broke the phone.

Then they picked it up again, and forgot to break the screen, they continued to look round their eyes.

"Anchor, are you?"

It took a long time for someone to barrage.

"Ha ha ha, this is my friend, how is it, handsome?" Li Qing smiled: "Come, who is free, help me take a picture, take a picture!"

At the moment, many people continually take screenshots.

In this way, Li Qing didn't care about anything else. When he told everyone, he turned off the live broadcast.

Because, he was thinking, Pi Yao didn't attack himself, so, if the treasure house, wouldn't he be able to enter?

It seems that only you can enter?


No more worrying, no more fearing, he swaggered toward the black camp.

Indistinctly, in the camps in the distance, people who do not know the truth are strange, who is doing this, and there is such a big laugh.


"There must be something wrong with the brain!"

"Is it scared crazy?"

"It's very possible, alas, after being frightened and extremely nervous, it's very possible to make some inhuman actions!"

"Finished, this brother!"

"Huh, right, this guy has been laughing for so long, does it mean that the pig is gone?"

A monk thought suspiciously and opened the curtain to go out.


Within a few moments, he screamed out, and he was directly torn into pieces by a braun.

In other words, Li Qing has a special case.

Li Qing walked to the camp account, and there was no change in the two ends of the brave paw, as if Li Qing had obtained their approval, enough to enter the treasure house.

Reaching out his hands, Li Qing pushed open the black door.

In the process, he has been vigilant. Who knows what other accidents will happen?

The door was wide open, and a large courtyard appeared before him.

The turquoise blue stone is paved on the ground. From here, you can see clearly that except for a tall building in the front, there is a row of black bungalows.

At the top of the bungalow was written "The Quartermaster Depot", and there was a golden plaque "Fengmo Building" on the large high-rise building.

The munitions storehouse is indifferent, but the magic building is more special.

There is a white smoke in Fengmolou, and the detailed architectural features and appearance cannot be seen at all.

After Li Qing approached, he sucked it hard and realized that it was the ultimate aura, and it came out of it.

Are there extraordinary treasures?


As everyone knows, Reiki is transparent and very thin, even rarer than oxygen.

Here, so many auras have been turned into mist, which is already the same as the third floor of the previous QQ Book City.

Pushing open the empty wooden door, Li Qing's vision changed, and I saw a hall with a total area of ​​500 square meters!

The most conspicuous is a golden censer, which is constantly emitting a thick mist of aura from inside, rushing to the ground, and spreading from the surrounding walls.

Needless to say, it's a good baby to be able to spit out the spirit mist!

The incense burner is divided into 90%, similar to the tower, and I don’t know if it is an aura that exudes from me, or what is in it, which can transform it and spit out the mist.

The two rows are tables and chairs, and they are not ordinary products. Although Li Qing did not know how it was made, it smelled of a faint grass and trees.

Even the unknown yellow blankets spread on the ground, Li Qing can feel a strong breath, like a beast before his life ~ ~ Even after death, there is a trace of coercion remaining.

There are two ink paintings vaguely hidden on the wall by the spirit fog. One picture is a **** sword, rolling under the thick fog, as if you can see the sword inside shaking, blood is still dripping.

"Could it be that even a portrait here is baby?"

Li Qing was taken aback.

Looking at another picture, it shows a round shield.

The shield didn't move, but it was constantly gathering like a mist, turning on the shield surface.

The sword symbolizes the attack!

Shield, also known as defense!

Swords and shields fought, and it really deserves to be the treasure house of the military quarter.

Without further ado, Li Qing immediately went over and reached out to reveal the sword figure.

As soon as he approached, Li Qing felt that the sword in Turi exuded a powerful and sharp sword, and Li Qing's eyes hurt.

"Specially, why can't you bear a picture?"

Li Qingyun's defensive exercises throughout the body, all superimposed, just approached.

After being taken down, Li Qing touched the picture woven with filaments, and a piece of information flowed into Li Qing's mind.

In this picture, there is a sword intent, which can be released by inputting true energy. When the sword intent comes out, its aggression is enough to withstand the full blow of the monk who built the foundation.

Li Qing went to get the shield map again.

As soon as he took off the shield figure, he now saw a portrait of a woman behind the shield figure, which was very subtle...

"No, damn, I forgot Jie Yujie!"

Li Qing thought of Jie Yu suddenly, and gave himself a hard head, rushed out to find Jie Yu.

But after Li Qing came in, could Jie Jie show up to Pi Xiu and get rid of...

Thank you for your 100-coin reward for your "following billions of years", and ask for a recommendation. Dear fathers...

(End of this chapter)

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