My Super God QQ

Chapter 370: Cruel test

At this time, the first test is a very fat man, less than one meter seven height, can weigh 200 pounds, walking like a ball rolling, I do not know how to pass the test to the top .

"Senior, is it going directly to the pool?"

The fat man asked hesitantly and nervously.

Even today, this congenital gossip reveals a variety of light, but in the fat man's brain, it is a pool in itself, and if it really walks past, it will definitely fall into the pool water.


The nether messenger snorted.

The fat man had no choice but to walk to the pool, his eyes closed slowly-this is a natural reaction to every fall that would fall into the water.

Step by step, he moved slowly.

But as he walked over the pool, he couldn't help opening his eyes in shock...

He didn't fall.


On this side, many of the more than 30 people waiting for the test couldn't help but exclaim.

It completely violates the common sense of physics!

This is not scientific!

But without waiting for them to think about it, the fat man suddenly flew up and went straight up.

In an instant, the fat man was screamed in fright and danced with his hands.

Until it was five meters away, his figure was fixed, and then, the ten rays of light of various colors, like a laser, slowly swept over his body.

First, the red representing the root of the fire spirit swept away.

The blue of Shui Linggen has not stayed.

There is also an unknown purple, which has not stopped.

And just as the yellow representing the nature of the earth swept across his body, he stopped there.

Not only that, the area of ​​the yellow light is still increasing, and finally, Shengsheng squeezed the light in the whole pool to only a small half, and almost the light that bloomed in the whole pool was yellow.

"Gourmet earth root! Good!"

The Nether Messenger could not help but yell.

Immediately, all of the disciples waiting for the test were envious.

And the ten monks of the sect were all following the echo saying "good".

Li Qing passed this test and knew how the other party measured it.


If you have any spiritual roots in your body, then the light of the corresponding color will stay on you, and the quality of the spiritual roots represents how much area the color light will occupy the pool.

The better the spirit root, the stronger the light, and the light of other colors can be squeezed away and weakened.

"Did I pass?"

Hearing applause, the fat man reacted like this, staring down at the bottom.

He couldn't come down, he couldn't come down. Because, wait for all the light to sweep through his body to determine whether he is a single spirit root.

Whether it is a single spirit root or a premium earth root is enough to prove that he will have a very good and great future, and if he has other spirit roots, I am afraid that he will be too happy and the effect will be greatly reduced!

As if filtering and checking, a ray of light continued to scan over him.

In the end, he was put down to prove that he was a single spirit root or a superb soil root.

A monk from the heart of the ancestral period immediately laughed, as if showing off, glancing at everyone, and went up personally.

"Come on, come down! Now, you are officially our disciple of Cang Lanzong!"

He and Yan Yuese were authentic.

The fat man is also flattered!

I thought that when he climbed the mountain, he was not loved by his father and mother, as if he was struggling to die like an orphan, but now...

Happiness came too suddenly, he did not dare to imagine, so he froze for a long time, and then rushed up ecstatically: "Disciple, thank you teacher...Thank you Zongmen for cultivation, I will not let you down, then, What..." The child was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

More than 30 people waiting for the test, all with envy and jealousy on their faces, and red eyes, can only hope to kick this fat man away and replace it.

"Good luck!"

"You can have such a good spirit root if you are fat, my god, it's really crazy!"

"It would be nice if I had such a good spirit root, I would rather become so fat!"

"Sister, don't you become so fat, then I won't like you anymore!"

"Huh, who wants you to like it!"

"I don't know what kind of qualifications we will be waiting for a while, hey!"

"I'm so worried!"

"Yeah! The fat man's qualifications are so good, it makes me feel more and more stressed!"

Li Qing looked at the fat man and was a little envious.

Of course, he has a QQ system, not worried about his slow training, but envied that he has such a good qualification.

"I don't know what my spirit root is like..." Li Qing thought a little bit inwardly.

After the first one, it is the second one.

She is a girl, about twenty years old, and her body is very dirty, it seems to roll out of the quagmire, only her face is clean.

Li Qing couldn't help but wonder how she escaped hail and mudslides.

In fact, what Li Qing is not clear about is that these tests are controlled by people, and the difficulty will be controlled according to your human strength. And this woman, when she went up the mountain, the mudslides she encountered were much smaller, and the hail greeted her much, so she could stand here.

She swallowed and looked nervous, flushed, and sweat on her forehead.

When she was about to go to Xiantian Bagua Xiantianchi, she paused for a moment, but was afraid to go forward to test.

"Go up!"

A monk of the monk's heart period shouted.

Only then did she clench her fists tightly.

All kinds of light swept through her, and only one golden light stayed on her. Then, the light was not too bright, and was rated as Golden Spirit Root, Golden Spirit Root of Middle Grade.

"not bad!"

Liu Changqing nodded.

Li Qing also thinks it's pretty good, because there are too few Needling Roots, and it's good to have a single line of Roots, at least to get into the Sect.

"It seems that this single root is not difficult..."

"Yes, maybe we are also single spiritual roots, as if there are not all five spiritual roots!"

"Well, don't be nervous!"

"It's all about luck. It's really no need to be nervous. The situation seems easier than we thought!"

Both of them successfully cleared the customs, which made the hearts of the disciples who will be tested next hang from their throats and eyes, and gradually put them back.

The second past, and the third one is a little-known guy.

He seemed not nervous, and he was a little confident.

But just when he stepped into the innate gossip Xiantianchi, all the light swept through his body, but in the end, the three spirit roots stayed on him at the same time.

"Middle Grade Earth Spirit Root, Lower Grade Water Spirit Root, Lower Grade Gold Spirit Root... was eliminated!" Liu Changqing shook his head.

The teenager also stayed on top, as if struck by lightning, his face stunned.

He seemed to be unable to accept reality, froze for a long time, this was like crazy, yelling.

"No, absolutely not, try again, try again..."

His body landed automatically and flew to the edge of the pool.

However, he had to go up and test again, but he was bounced off, flew to a few tens of meters away and nearly fell down the mountain, falling to the ground and bleeding.

Despite this, his **** face climbed up, madly rushing back and rushing into the pool.

Finally, a monk from the upper heart stage with a cold face froze, walked over, slapped him with one face, and whispered: "Waste!"

At this time, the treatment of this eliminated boy and the previous fat man is a world of difference!

One was greeted in person.

One was stunned ruthlessly and was also rejected.

The cruelty and cruelty of the world society can be seen.

At this moment, no one had the fluke mentality. They looked at the innate gossip Xiantianchi all over again, with intense tension and fear in their eyes again.

They are afraid that their spiritual roots are so mixed, then, they feel that they must be so crazy.

You know Most of them came up at the risk of nine lives.

They have been cultivating for many years. Their dream is to embark on the realm of truth and embark on the road to becoming an immortal, but they hang here before they embark on it. They really cannot accept this reality.

The fourth one comes up to test...

As if all luck is placed on the person in front, this fourth is actually a combination of five elements, even if there is a fire spirit root is the best, it can't pass this test.

As in the same way, he was still on his knees unwillingly, snotting and tears, and asked to test again. However, what responded to him was the applause of a monk in the heart period of the sect, and he slammed him aside.

"a shame!"

He heard that he was scolded, and flew to the ground next to him, as if he was in love, lying on the ground and crying out of tears.

This is definitely a cruel place than the college entrance examination!

If they can pass this level, they will be able to embark on the road of cultivation of immortals, but that is the nightmare of their lives.

Even the golden sheep fairy, he was nervous at this time, because when he first came up, he stood in front of him now, as if it were the sixth.

He looked at Li Qing with help.

"What are you afraid of, you are all set by the ugly man, even if you are not qualified, he will take you to the real world!" Li Qing stepped forward and grinned badly.

"However, I don't want to be embarrassed, and embarrass him... I also want to rely on my own ability!" He was melancholy and said seriously.

"Relax, brother, it's okay!" Li Qing patted his shoulder: "Trust yourself, be confident!"

As he spoke, he summoned the QQ system.

"Is there a way to help me change my brother's spirit root?"

"Master, QQ avatar is fine, but not so fast!" the QQ system replied.

"There is no quick way?"

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