My Super God QQ

Chapter 462: Wang Lin, where the evil Buddha sets up the holy bone?

Qing Yunzong's suzerain was also fond of Ying Feng, and he was not annoyed that he suddenly jumped out to interject.

Or maybe, maybe Feng Feng also said what he wanted to say! However, as the head of a case, he didn't want to fall into a suspicion of bullying the small.

"Yes, the two swords are cut against each other. Naturally, you can tell which sword is good..." Mo Guanshi also shouted beside him, his eyes full of jealousy.

"Cut high and low points!"

"Yes, cut it!"



Not only they, but other Qingyun Sect disciples, all eyes full of jealous light, echoed loudly.

It was as if they had seen Li Qing's flying sword cut off and they laughed.

Li Qing believes that if it were not forbidden to use force here, maybe they would have violently robbed themselves of this 10,000-year-old ice.

"It seems that I still underestimated the value of these 10,000 years of ice!" Li Qing regretted it a bit, and the so-called wealth is not revealed. Just looking at the other person's expression made Li Qing feel a little miscalculated.

"How to do it?"

Li Qing thought about it and asked Tiande.

"Uncle Tiande, something like Wannian Hengbing, can you redeem contribution points at Star Nest?"


Li Qing quickly thought of this.

The thing about Wannian Hengbing, he still has more, then, if you want to solve the problem that makes people jealous and people can jump into the wall, it is to get it out.

It is a good way to redeem the contribution points that he will consume immediately.

"Yes! Regarding some things like Heaven and Earth, Star Nest can be exchanged, and, surely, it can be exchanged a lot!" Tiande's eyes lit up. Obviously he also understood Li Qing's meaning and hurried back. At the end of the day, he thought again and said, "It's a pity."


"Yes, if you want to redeem it for contribution points at Star Nest, you will definitely lose a lot more than taking it out for auction."


Li Qing finally said, an indifferent look.

This really makes the other party angry!

That is Wan Heng Bing!

How can this guy pretend to be able to say "casually"?

It's just that they don't know that Li Qing has more Wannian Hengbing, and naturally he will not "cherish" this slap in the face of Wannian Hengbing.

"Boy, I don't know. What do you think of the statement of my disciples?"

Qing Yunzong's head is also a little angry, because of his identity, he can't say anything, but seeing this boy is so arrogant, he also wants to learn a lesson.

And cutting off the opponent's flying sword is the way Qing Qingzong's master now wants to teach Li Qing.

"No, what if the treasure that hurt your sect..."

Li Qing replied.

He was really worried that his flying sword suddenly cut the opponent's sword and forced the other dog to jump off the wall. Don't look at the kindness of the other party's eyebrows, but it's awesome, and its strength is certainly not worse than Tiande. Li Qing also has to take this into consideration.

"If you say big things, don't be afraid that the wind will flash your tongue!"

"Hahaha, this bragging skill, hey, I am also convinced!"

"Boy, are you dreaming!"

"I'm so angry, why is it so shameless!"

Li Qingyi said they were even more angry.

Isn't this the blue sky sword that obviously looks down upon them?

He also said that if they were cut, they would be distressed!

The group is so excited, they just are!

Even if it is Tiande, I think I am a little friend, bragging too much, I feel a little unhappy in my heart.

Man, it’s better to be down-to-earth. If it’s not convenient here, he has to tell Li Qing to teach him well. After all, he doesn’t know how powerful Li Qing’s flying sword is.


Li Qing was really uneasy about the flying sword produced by his system.

If you can control the intensity, then it is okay, the opponent's Qingtian sword can be repaired, then there is still room for discussion, but if it is really broken?

"Don't say more, just try it, otherwise, don't talk too much! A inferior person makes you boast a few words, do you really want to go to heaven? Want to have a better sword than our Qingtian sword? ridiculous!"

Ying Feng feels that he can't control it! No, I can't control myself. I just think that Li Qing is bragging, so annoying and so annoying.

When Li Qing heard the inferiors, he couldn't help it any longer, and his face was cold.

"Okay, but advise, don't try too hard. If it breaks, I won't pay! Can you? Make a guarantee?" Li Qing's two ribs also got angry.

Ying Feng took a look at his master's look. After he was confirmed, he shouted: "Okay, we swear in the name of Qingyun Zong, if something happens to our Qingtian Sword, we will never pursue it with you, otherwise Heaven and Man will give up. As for you?"

"I also swear, if it breaks, don't pursue it!"

Li Qing sneered.

Since they were so persuasive, they still didn't listen, so they blamed themselves, Li Qing thought.

In fact, they didn't find out that the whole thing had happened, which exceeded the basis that they had to use Daoji to compare up and down. Now they are fighting with swords.

On the one hand, Li Qing's Wannian Hengbing disturbed their hearts.

On the other hand, they also think that Li Qing is too crazy. As a native monk, they have their own self-esteem, that is, they don't want to be compared with such a lower class by Li Qing.

How can inferiors have better treasures than them? !

Not allowed, never!

"Then compare?"

Li Qing raised his flying sword.

"Tuer, you compare!"

The Sect Master of Qingyun Sect also took a sword from his ring and handed it to Ying Feng.

"Yes, Master, I will definitely teach this guy who doesn't know the heights of the earth, and will talk to people all day long!" Ying Feng took the sword solemnly and said.


The middle-aged man in charge here sighed and shook his head.

He also felt that Li Qing was too bragging, so how can I say that Qing Tianjian, he has also heard of it. It is not considered the best sword in the real world, but it also belongs to the list.

Even Tiande didn't believe Li Qing.

In Tiande's heart, he was thinking at this time: "Let him take a loss, save his eyes above the top, and see the gap between the real world and the common world, which is good for him."

Since he entered the realm of truth, Tiande has always wanted to sharpen Li Qing's heart, let him keep a low profile and let him know how to bow his head. However, he failed again and again and again and again, which gave him a sense of frustration.

Now, it is a good opportunity. He also wants to see what Li Qing will look like after being frustrated.

"This must be good for his growth!" Tiande defined.

"bring it on!"

Taking out the sword, Ying Feng walked towards Li Qing.

Li Qing put away Wannian Hengbing and went out, and the two stood in the middle of the hall.

"I advise you to force yourself..." Li Qing said again.

As soon as this remark came out, it intensified the anger of everyone in the other party.

Their anger has already burned up, thinking that Li Qing is too arrogant and arrogant.

As everyone knows, Li Qing is only persuasive, really wronged!


"I'm sorry, the elders, but now Wang Lin has something to do with him. If it is handed to you at random, he may have some problems!" Lin Guang, facing the enthusiasm of the elders and the head, wants to take Wang Lin away , Not humble and honest.

"What's the situation?" The lord of the Holy Bone Sect frowned. "It's impossible, can't you solve what you think you can solve?"

"Yes, what do you mean!"

"It's so bold!"

"You, what do you mean, look down on us?"

The elders were so angry that they had the meaning of killing Lin Guang in their eyes. They stared at Lin Guang fiercely, and it seemed that Lin Guang could tear him up if he said something dissatisfied.

However, Lin Guang was not continued: "Sovereign, the elders are not in a hurry, please listen to Lin Guang one by one."

"Say, there is no reason to say that Hugh Blame is welcome!"

"Yes! At that time, don't blame the old man for ignoring the friendship of the same door!"


They said viciously at the same time.

"Do you remember the taboo of our holy bones?"

Lin Guang was so elegant.

Taboo secret method?

Upon hearing this, the head of the Holy Bone Sect and the elders were all stunned.

"You are talking about the way the evil Buddha made the holy bone?"

The head of the Holy Bone Sect remembered it first.


"No, did you actually apply this taboo secret to him? You!"

"God, how dare you!"

"You could be a disaster for people!"

"Fart, what is life, but you are too brave, right?"

Facing their questions and doubts, Lin Guang said slowly, not only not afraid, but also smiled: "Otherwise, how can the elders of the sect can see this soaring blood column, this is the taboo secret!"

"But, has this taboo secret method been tried by many seniors? It took hundreds of millions of lives to try it? How could you..."

The head of the Holy Bone Sect was astonished the more he thought, and the more incredible the more he thought. In the end, his body trembled slightly.

Not only him, but other elders of the Holy Bone Sect were also dumbfounded...

Could it be that this guy really succeeded?

And that person who is testing the spirit root is the object of his successful experiment?


Seeking recommendation tickets! I have more than half of my headaches today... It’s really bitter, and I don’t know if it’s heat stroke or where it is. It’s so hard to drink qi and nausea. I just poured five bottles...

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