My Super God QQ

Chapter 466: Newcomers join the team! Coach Chen

"What's the matter, Lou?"

Seeing Yonglou sneer and watching their backs leave, a staff member approached and asked with a curious smile.

"No, a guy who just came from the mundane world actually said that he wants to buy a house, cut... Just joined the Star Alliance, it is necessary to buy a house, ridiculous!" Yong Lou looked disdainful.

"Isn't this kind of fool not seen? It's just relatively few, just ignore it!" The staff smiled, not surprised.

"Well, it's time to get off work before the fool takes them to see the house!"

"Hahaha, the newcomers don't understand. A few more times, she knows that some guests do not need to be received!"

"Go, drink!"



Walking on the road, Li Qing asked Yuanyuan because of some life.

"You don't seem to be a monk?"

"Yes, I came from Tianlingzhou."

"Tian Lingzhou?" Li Qing puzzled.

Jing Tiande said that he knew that it was another state in the realm.

The entire self-cultivation world is divided into nine continents. Sin Chau is the second largest continent, while Tianling Chau is on the side.

As for why it is called "continent", it is because the continental plate here is divided by this, and some are separated by the sea.

"Isn't that far?"

"Okay, some teleportation teams are fast, but the cost of using it once is too high. If I can't make money, I may not be able to return to my hometown."

"Then why did you come to Star Nest?"

"Because, I heard that Star Nest City's money is very profitable! At that time, the earned contribution points can be exchanged for spirit stones and then gold coins!" Yuan Yuan's eyes were full of longing.

In the cultivation world, mortals are traded in gold coins or gold, and the most high-end ones are traded in spirit stones, but ordinary people generally cannot get spirit stones, and use gold coins as currency barter.

"So how much do you have for a meal?"

"It's zero point one point, eat better, it's zero point five point."


Li Qing seems to understand the truth.

Maybe it was just after you arrived, you could get 10,000 contribution points. Li Qing was a little underestimated the value of points, but listening to her said that contribution points are really precious.

"It seems that Elder Lei Ming is also very generous~" Li Qing thought.

After catching the "Spirit Beast Car", they walked for about half an hour, and finally came to the place where the building was sold.

"The house here has good lighting and ventilation. The aura in this area is also counted in the whole city. In addition, there is a water element. If you want an element that can control the temperature, you need to buy it yourself. In addition, the house also comes with defense and warning! As long as an outsider enters, it can sound an alarm. In addition, it also has a self-defense formation to resist outsiders."

"There is a formation?"

Li Qing asked her to try it!

I saw that she took out a card, put it on the door, and the door opened automatically.

"Please take a good look~"

She took the card again and posted it in the door, and a hazy protective cover rose outside the house.

"This not only prevents outsiders from seeing through the scenes, but also prevents people from forcibly entering!"

"What is the strength of the protective cover?"

"The monks below the Jindan period cannot enter!" Yuan Yuan explained.


"If you want to make this shield a little better, you can connect to the underground spirit veins. By then, your shield will always be open to prevent people from entering. At the same time, it can also make your shield rise. A level!"


Li Qing nodded.

I think this is really like an underground passage for heating and gas supply, as long as it is connected, you can get energy.

The house is not big, but it is not small, there are five rooms!

There is also a small wall outside, which can be used to plant a few potted flowers. The ancient style building is very comfortable.

"Sister Jieyu, how are you going? Live here?"

"Now, I am a maidservant, you are the master, of course you have the final say!" Jie Yuyang raised the small pink identity card in his hand, which was used by the maidservant.

"Jie Yujie, you kidding me..." Li Qing smiled bitterly and said to Yuan Yuan: "Then buy this place first!"

Li Qing was quite satisfied. Besides, he wouldn’t have lived here without thinking, as a temporary place to stay, it was better than having only one room in the assigned dormitory.


The disciples' dormitory he has read the atlas is better than the university's dormitory. The single room is only more than 20 square meters.

If the disciple lives with his maidservant, it will really be crushed.

"You bought it now?"

Yuanyuan said in surprise, seeming a little unbelievable.

"Yes! Can't it?"

Li Qing wonders why she has this expression.

"No, no!" Yuan Yuan was so excited that she was a little incoherent: "You are happy, no, I was a little unexpected, uh, I didn't expect you to decide so quickly."

It's really exciting!

Ten thousand contribution points! It can be said that she didn't dare to imagine this house. She could buy it for a lifetime!

Actually, the guest bought it without blinking.

It seems that when she first came, I heard from the big brothers who sold the floor that it was not so easy to sell?

Ten thousand contribution points, the commission she can withdraw is one thousand.

Absolutely a windfall.

She has a dizzy feeling of being hit by gold on her head.

"Then do you go through the formalities now, or?" Yuan Yuan shivered, so nervous, she was afraid that the other party would regret it.

For her, a thousand contribution points is an astronomical figure.

"Well, it's best to do it at night, live here at night!" Li Qing decided.

"Okay, then please go back with me again, it only takes an hour or two to do it!" She resisted the tension and uneasiness in her heart.

That's how people are!

When faced with a huge sum of money, you will be very nervous. I am afraid that the other party will regret making no money.

After going back...

After completing these procedures and getting a commission, Yuan Yuan has a sense of happiness, and she is flying into the sky!

It happened that Li Qing and them were sent away. When Yuan Yuan was going back to the dormitory, they saw Yonglou and they returned after drinking.

"How are you, newcomer, have you been busy for a while?"

Yonglou smiled like a smile.

Someone beside him laughed.

"Rookie, as a senior, I will teach you that some people can't buy a house, such as ordinary people like us, like the newly-added Star League newcomer, who just came from the ordinary world..."

"Brother Yonglou, I sold it, a house with ten thousand contribution points..."

Yonglou was still drunk, but was pulled by the person next to him.

So, he seemed to hear something, blinked and asked drunkenly, "Ah? Did you say you sold it?"

"Yes!" Yuan Yuan smiled happily: "Thank you seniors for this opportunity!"

After she finished, she jumped up and down happily, leaving only a group of people with big eyes squinting and looking at each other.


For a long time, a terrible scream rang out.

Among them, there are also some screams of excitement that are stimulated.

In the end, Yonglou woke up and immediately awakened, sitting down on the ground regretfully.

He was completely ashamed.


On the first day of coming to the real world, although he was busy and there were many things happening, on the first night, Li Qing still slept soundly. He had to say that the air here was more than several times better than that on the earth, even sleeping Very comfortable.

Tiande also stayed all night.

Because, tomorrow, Li Qing still has to report and take him.

It's a good babysitter!

Although Tiande did not say anything, Li Qing remembered this intention, and his heart was full of warmth.

After waking up, Tiande took Li Qing to the disciples' reporting office.

Tingde said that the new disciples will join a team and have a coach.

"How does this seem to be in the army?" Li Qing asked.

"Well, of course, you can think of Xingmeng as an army! Compared to Zongmen, some of our purposes and methods are more like an army, and discipline and unity are needed!"

After sending Li Qing to the reporting office, Tiande left, allowing Li Qing to contact him directly with a phonetic note.

And Li Qing is Like a student who just entered the school, he was waiting for the coach a little nervously.

How will you live in the Star Alliance?

He was a little nervous and a little anticipating.

It's more about thinking, when will you have free time to carry out your plan, find alchemist and void spirit stone.

"You are new here?"


"My surname is Chen, let's go!"

I don't know how long the past, Li Qing ushered in a scarred middle-aged man.

He held a black whip, and after Li Qing nodded, he said straight away and led Li Qing to a school ground.

On the school ground, there were twenty people in total, dressed as Xingmeng disciples.

A black tension suit with a pattern on the back and a golden star shining brightly.

He asked Li Qing to walk in front of everyone and introduce himself.

"Introduce yourself!"

"Hello everyone, my name is Li Qing, from the earth, I am twenty-three years old this year!" Li Qing doesn't know what his age should be, because he often spends time in QQ Book City. Finally, he asked the system to use his own body. Said it was twenty-three years old.

In the case of root bones, some people in practice can find out at a touch. Li Qing's current body root bone life is twenty-three.

"Earth?" Coach Chen said: "Where!"


"Oh!" Coach Chen said: "Return to the team!"

Li Qing walked into the team and ranked last.

Coach Chen has always been expressionless and cold, but some of the disciples in the team showed a disdainful look, and even the disciple who stood on the side of Li Qing was leaning on the other side as if disgusted, it seems that Li Qing is in trouble Smell the smell, lest it be avoided.


Li Qingqiang endured the anger and said nothing.

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