My Super God QQ

Chapter 476: Street Fighter Pass

"The quality of this quilt is really bad, it is not silk cotton, my brother must be uncomfortable when he falls asleep!

"The color of the room is also dark, so I have to buy some decorations to decorate it a little bit, so that my brother can wake up and have a good mood..."

"I don't know if my brother wants to eat or not. I don't even have kitchen utensils. I have to buy a set. Sometimes I can make some loving breakfast, candle light dinner and the like!"

In this day, Jie Yu spent all his time cleaning up this new home.

After finishing everything else, she solemnly arranged for Li Qing to clean up his room, because she promised Murong Fengrou to take care of Li Qing for them. Of course, she had to do her best. Of course, even if they don't say it, Jie Yu can do it, who makes Li Qing her favorite little man.

I just fell in love with the bones. I remembered that he was carrying himself for several days outside the magic city. The kind of skin blindness, the kind of bone love made her feel comfortable. It was at that time that Li Qing's heart was deeply carved into her heart, which was difficult to erase.

"Go out and buy some food! Make a dinner and celebrate the new home!" She thought a little bit excitedly when she thought about her romantic time with Li Qing.

But when she walked out of the house, she suddenly remembered something.

"No, I don't have the money here, nor the Lingshi. How can I buy food, anger!" She lowered her head, her beautiful and **** face was full of annoyance, and kept stomping her feet stupidly.

"What's mad!"

There was a sound.

"No Money!"

"No money to find me, ha ha ha, as long as you accompany me, what do you want!"

In this way, Jie Yu reacted and raised his head. I saw a teenager wearing a gold-stranded suit staring at him with interest, his naked eyes constantly looking up and down his body.

Originally, Jie Yu was also very open, and never minded others looking at herself. In that way, she could still feel that she was still very charming. However, being in a different place and unfamiliar with one's life, the other party's vision is still so aggressive, and at once, Jie Yu was frightened like a bunny and screamed twice, constantly retreating.

"Lift your face, it looks better, your body is perfect, your face is superb...My God, how come I didn't find this class of superb woman in this street? Especially this dress, this prince, hey Gee, I can't stop seeing my son, no longer, little girl, you come out and let me kiss Fang Ze, when the time comes, you will have what you want!"

He seemed to be looking at a plaything, and his eyes began to appear "silent evil insignificance".

"who are you!"

"I'm on this street, your neighbor, people call me Xiaobawangtong, hahaha, I can allow you to call me Xiaotongtong~" This young man is Wang Tong.

"I don't know you, go away, my brother will be back soon!"

She was a little scared and a little timid, it was because she was too weak.

Even, she began to regret why she wore such a **** gauze. Originally, she wore it just to let Li Qing see it. Now she didn’t even think about changing it, so she wanted to go out, which is too bad.

"Your brother? Hahaha, are you just here, coming from a field? It's okay, I will cover you here in the future, and my Wangtong will be a bit thin in the entire Star Alliance. By then, your brother will be in There is no obstruction in this street, and I will definitely like having my brother-in-law!" His face was full of lust, showing off the authenticity, and the sloppy look seemed to be so excited that he could not find the north.

As he said, he was about to walk in.

"Don't come in!"

Frightened Jie Yu stepped back a few steps and quickly said.

"What's the matter? Believe me, as long as you follow me Wang Tong, you can definitely walk sideways in this star city."

He kept cheating on Jie Yu, and even changed his name into a baby.

Facing this situation, Jie Yu quickly opened the unique protective cover of the house, and a layer of transparent protective cover separated him from the outside.


Wang Tong was slowly pushed away, and it was so angry that he thundered.

Suddenly, when he thought of something, he took out a piece of material from his waist, which was a bit like the shape of a small arrow: "This object is called a broken cone! It is still fine to break your protective shield of this level, etc. Let me break it, and I will hurt you after entering!"

With that said, he inspired this magic weapon, and he would touch the shield with a smile.

It was also terrifying to Jieyu. After seeing that his magic weapon touched the protective cover, the protective cover was continuously drilled in, and the gaps were still expanding.

Seeing this situation, Jie Yu was afraid that this protective cover was really useless, and would be broken in!

"Hey, stop for a while!"

Jie Yu had no choice but to shout.

"What's wrong? Change your mind?" He smiled smugly.

"You are not afraid of Star Alliance... do law enforcement officers see?"

"Hahaha, all the people in this street are mine. What are they afraid of being seen by them?! Don't believe it, just yell and try!" Wang Tong laughed fearlessly.

This made Jie Yu almost feel desperate.

Did he really let him in?

Really let him break in, his own body...

No, she had to leave it to her brother for the first time.

"Little beauty, don't worry, wait a minute, I will make you under my crotch, and feel comfortable, it's just too comfortable!" Wang Tong laughed.

"No, no, my brother may be coming back, or will he come later, later?" Jie Yu can only coax him at last: "And, your protective cover broke me, if you were not there, What if someone breaks in? Don’t you want to protect me?"

As she said, she showed a charming expression of pity in my eyes.

Not to mention, Jie Yu was a charming goblin when he was on earth.

As soon as he showed such a pitiful appearance, Wang Tong really moved, and hesitated to move.

"What you said makes sense! Then open the protective cover, I will hurt you, baby!" Wang Tong finally put away the magic weapon.

"No, they are still unclear. What are you doing on this street? They are so curious. Could you please satisfy others' curiosity first, and then say anything else!" she said coquettishly.

"Good!" Wang Tong suddenly felt a sense of soul-giving and nodded again and again.

"You guys say that~"

"I am on this street, from the royal family, and my father is in charge of the Star Alliance, because my father, the city guards will give a little thin noodles. Now, you understand, as long as you follow me, in the future It’s true that it’s delicious and spicy!” he patted on his chest.

He felt that the charming stunner was about to take a hook. As long as he was on the hook, he must have fun with this little goblin.

As everyone knows, Jie Yu is just dragging him at this time, dragging Li Qing back quickly.

Otherwise, this guy in front of her, she really has no confidence to deal with it!

"Brother, come back soon..."

She smiled brightly on the surface, but she was crying so anxiously in her heart that she never expected that there was such a bully and sloppy guy in this place.

"How to do it?"

Li Qing racked his brains and got a headache. I was really worried that Jie Yu was not safe to be alone.

"If I knew I could sell more blood, I would sell more and buy a house in the city, it's mad!" Li Qing thought regretfully.

Where does he know that after receiving coach Chen's training, there are such rules.

In fact, what Li Qing does not know is that the rules of Star Alliance were originally Newcomers who joined Star Alliance even had to live in assigned dormitories, how could they be free to spend time outside Later, as the times have changed, the rules have only loosened up a bit.

"call out--"

Suddenly, at this moment, someone in the sky flew across the head with flying birds.

Something fell from above.

Li Qing dodged, and it turned out that it was a drop of bird droppings.

This made Li Qing angry, and no matter what kind of person, his spirit beast is not good, he was scolded by him, and suddenly he saw the distance, and his door to his new home seemed like someone.

Looking closer, the expression on this man's face seems to be full of laughter and yin evil? !

Feeling anxious, he hurriedly rushed over.

The Great Wall of China will never fall. Will you vote for a recommendation? ! !

(End of this chapter)

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