My Super God QQ

Chapter 480: People near QQ

When the QQ system was first acquired, Li Qing had the function of adding people.

As long as you look for people nearby, you can view their information.

Li Qing thought of such a function.

"Find people nearby!"

Li Qing uses this feature.

Immediately get the information of the people nearby, and then distinguish it, Li Qing found the information of the ten riders.

Not only that, Li Qing was also pleasantly surprised to find that after the QQ upgrade, the good guy actually had a more personalized signature.

In other words, at this time, their mood will be displayed on the personalized signature.

Surprise is more than that.

Li Qing checked it one by one.

"Today, it seems that I can't win. Hey, I don't know if my brother has pressed on me!"

"It's unfair to attract such a perverted participation!"

"It's over, it's over, I'll lose again this time, I lost three games in a row, and who can put my bet on me in the future."

"damn it!"

"I will definitely win, no matter who it is, I never want to take my first place, even if you are a hybrid, Peng Qi!"

"I don't know how to arrange it, so let him participate!"

Li Qing looked at these individual signatures and summed up a message.

It seems that among these riders, there is a guy with great strength, and this guy can win the game in a cheating and unfair way.

Just look at their mood so unstable, you can know.

So, who is Pengqi?

Li Qing followed the names of nearby people and found Peng Qi, a young man in the middle of the rider.

He had blond hair, he looked very handsome, with a eagle nose and charming big eyes. At this time, his face was filled with a spirited look.

The spirit beast it rides is inconspicuous, that is, a huge black eagle.

This kind of eagle eagle seems to be a combination of eagle and vulture, which can bring speed and ferocity to a higher level. It seems to be an outstanding work of the beastmaster.


The eagle eagle seemed very submissive, and was whispering slightly, not knowing whether he was happy or coquettish. From time to time, he would rub the heel of the eagle seven with his head, more like a surrender.

"What ability does he have to allow these riders to show surrender? Not fair?"

Li Qing is a little curious.

However, at the urging of Coach Chen, he still overcame Eagle Seven.

When I heard Li Qing said that he would press the fifth, that is, the Eagle Seven, Coach Chen was a little surprised.

"How do you want to suppress him? Didn't you come here yesterday?" Can't help but Coach Chen asked to exit again, even he was a little surprised himself. How did he face Li Qing more and more so calmly? gas.

If the player he had taught before saw it, it would be so stunned.

Of course, Li Qing can't be said to be a perverted function of the QQ system. He can only scratch his head and lie and open his mouth: "I think his expression is very confident, and the name of this player is Ying Qi, which has an eagle character, which represents It’s fast, I’ll press him!"

Coach Chen obviously didn’t believe Li Qing’s words and mumbled: “The kid is still mysterious.”


Li Qing laughed inwardly, but pretended not to hear.

"Okay, this time, you are really lucky!"

Coach Chen said, turned his head and ignored Li Qing again.

As a spark burst in the sky, ten riders soared into the sky on a spirit beast.


There was a burst of applause on the ground, as if a huge sound wave had formed.

In this way, Li Qing has the time to observe the crowd on the field. The crowds are crowded.

When he first came in, because Coach Chen showed his identity, he was able to enter the field first. After he was surrounded by people, he discovered that there were so many people here to gamble.

There are also disciples in Xingmeng, but Li Qing has not been eliminated because he was the last to join.

At this time, he paid attention to the disciples' costumes on the field and discovered that they were all different.

Like his teammates, all are in black tights, with a pattern on the back and a golden star shining brightly.

This is a junior disciple and a disciple.

If the strength rises further, then, it is the third-level star, and their belts are silver to distinguish them.

Then, there are second-level stars, and their belts are purple-gold.

There are very few words of first-class stars, but Li Qing also saw a woman. Her belt was golden and jade-like, and it was inlaid with countless jade and hung on her body.

When Li Qing just observed the woman, the woman immediately reacted and turned to look at Li Qing.

Seeing that Li Qing was not wearing a disciple's costume, she seemed a little puzzled, and then glanced at Coach Chen. She seemed to think of something, and then stared at Li Qing.

At this point, it seems to be saying, younger brother, don't mess with your sister and eat her tofu.

Li Qing's old face turned a little red, and he turned around quickly.

"I'm afraid it's being treated as a disciple..." Li Qing said in secret.

There are very few first-class stars. As for the rumored Tianyao stars, Li Qing is even more invisible.

In addition, the star officer, Li Qing has also met several people, they are also distinguished by the color of the belt, such as coach Chen, which is a third-level star officer, the belt is silver, the stars on the clothing are very large, and the belt is also on the side With countless little stars.

There are also second-level star officers.

But the star officer of the first level, Li Qing did not see half.

This makes Li Qing a little ignorant.

I thought that as soon as he entered the Star Nest City, he even saw two elders. However, he was not seen by half of the elders.

I don't know whether he should be lucky or bad luck.


Suddenly, a burst of applause shattered the clouds in the sky.

Li Qing looked at the manifested mirror and saw that it was just before a sprinter riding an unknown flying bird surpassed another competitor.

This player, more than one, also has a very cool posture, which is actually rotating.

Play handsome!

This was Li Qing's first thought.

Just like on the earth, those racers will also be handsome in various ways to attract the attention of the audience, so will it here.

On the contrary, Li Qing has always been optimistic about the Eagle Seven, flying all the way behind, a pair of being unhurried, not arrogant and impatient, and stable in winning.

In a lap, the third player took the lead.

This made many of the audience who bought the No. 3 player cheer and cheer, and it seemed that the dance was like winning.

Li Qing took a closer look. These cheering audiences are generally third-order stars. If they had just entered the Star Alliance, they would be the first-level stars, that is, the female star always focused on the Eagle Seven.

It seemed that Li Qing's gaze was felt again, and she gave Li Qing a shy glance.

Immediately, Li Qing seemed to feel that two sharp blades were shooting at him, stunned his brain.

"This is a mental attack? It seems that she is treating me as if she is bothering her again~" Li Qing smiled bitterly.

At this moment Suddenly, everyone is quiet.

"This kid has to do something unexpected again..." Coach Chen smiled bitterly.

Li Qing looked at the mirror.

I saw the eagle seven suddenly burst into a terrifying blue light, and the blue light blew up, as if the flame jet accelerator started, and pushed suddenly.

The spirit beast under the body of the eagle is like a chicken blood, screaming, with a three-fold acceleration sprint.

Like electric flint, more than one, another one...

Three, four, five...

Until he became the first, the time spent in it did not exceed ten seconds. Not only that, he was constantly accelerating!

Use a chapter later!

(End of this chapter)

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