My Super God QQ

Chapter 502: That kind of stimulation

How to do it?

Li Qing's forehead, no, not to mention his forehead, his neck, back, waist, all wet with sweat.

One can imagine how difficult and nervous it is to steal fragrance and jade.

Especially the tension that made Li Qing couldn't help but hold his breath.

After breathing, people are the easiest to sweat, but Li Qing pulled it a few times and still couldn't pull it!


Finally, Li Qing's breathing became heavy, and he felt extremely tired.

"Forget it, give up, it's too insignificant!"

"Sleep forget it!"

Li Qing turned around and turned to lie down.

"No, I have untied the apron rope behind Jie Yu. Wouldn't she have to find it tomorrow morning? She had to tie it again!" Li Qing's distress!

Can only get up again carefully and tie the rope for her. However, no matter how the man knew how to tie the apron rope, it would not work too tightly, and it might not work too loosely. Li Qing was in trouble for a long time.

From Li Qing's perspective, this back is really beautiful, white like jade.

"dont see!"

He forced himself to close his eyes, turned back, and forced himself to feel that Li Qing was about to explode, and wanted to sleep.

However, something depressing happened.

Li Qinggang lay quietly for a while, and Xiao Liqing was about to stop. Jiejie Jie turned over again and put it on Li Qing's belly, no, directly on her lower abdomen.

It was tuned, and actually lightly clamped Li Qing's standing chicken.

In this clip, Li Qing sucked in coldly.

So exciting!

That's the clip, Li Qing couldn't help it anymore, one turned around and stretched out his right hand to pull her pants.

Little by little, this posture was much better, and she slowly pulled off her pants.

Seeing that you were done, Li Qing was drunk again, because he found that there was also a purple lace inside, and a few small hairs curled up and protruded out of it naughtily.


Li Qing can only pull her little again, little by little, finally revealing her mysterious place.

Jie Yu's hair, like a small brush, is very cute.

Li Qing pulled her little carefully from the top. At this time, when he looked at him, his breath had become extremely heavy and his face was red.

I saw that under the reflection of the moonlight, she was wearing a apron, and the white light of her lower body almost blinded Li Qing's eyes.

That wonderful curve seems to be a masterpiece of God, one point is too much and one point is too thin.

Especially the sunken valley and the water snake waist form a deadly contrast.

"Will this be bad?" Li Qing's thoughts flashed through his mind, but he quickly discarded this thought: "Forget it, you can't control so much, just die!" Sink down and kiss her belly.

Li Qing likes to kiss her belly because it is the softest.

As he kissed, he touched his hand and explored the wonderful pinnacle.

Taking the two steps together, Li Qing couldn't bear it anymore, and slowly broke Jie Yu's legs apart...

Jie Yu was nervous, and even that heart beat faster than Li Qing.

In fact, she woke up long ago!

However, she was embarrassed to show it, and even more afraid that she rejected Li Qing, whether it would give him bad thoughts. If you misunderstand that you do not love him, then the consequences will be big!

Therefore, at this time, Jie Yu closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

Just now, Li Qing was about to take off her baby, she was very nervous, and even her feet were shaking a little. Fortunately, Li Qing was also nervous, so he didn't pay attention to this detail.

This tension, she always wanted to stop Li Qing.

Li Qing stopped afterwards, but Jie Yu felt a sense of sorrow, as if something important had lost her heart.

Isn't the old lady's charm enough?

She's a little angry!

Not to mention, she was also aroused with interest, not to mention Li Qing's chicken, she felt a little moist herself.

In the end, instead of Jie Yu, he pretended to be asleep and turned over and put it on Li Qing's belly.

This put!

Sure enough, she is not happy to find it!

On the spot, Li Qing got her little girl down and went in.

The kind of tearing pain she couldn't hold back, exclaimed.

"Ah, wake up!"

Li Qing was terrified. At that moment, however, he felt that amazingly compact and moist, no matter how he ignored it, there was a madness.


The jade teeth were bitten in pain in the jade, and he couldn't help but shouted: "You're gentle!"

Li Qing looked at her with surprise.

This made Jie Yu very embarrassed, almost embarrassed, and her beautiful eyes were watery, with flushing and blur on her face. Finally, she was too shy to put her pants on her face.

Upon seeing this, Li Qing was not afraid anymore, and he ran wild.

The taste of it was only known to the people who came over, and how long it had passed. Li Qing was afraid that his bed would collapse, his head was numb, and his legs were slightly sore, which was completely comfortable.


That pant!

Li Qing lay back on the bed, breathing heavily.

Jie Yu was painful and refreshing, painful and happy, obviously still enjoying the aftertaste.

Speaking of which, I have to mention that women are really more comfortable, men are only a few seconds, but women fly directly into the sky.

"Sister Jieyu, I'm sorry, I didn't hold back!"

After thinking for a while, Li Qing said, a pitiful look of a pupil who did something wrong.

Jie Yu originally wanted to say nothing, but he turned around and saw that Li Qing was like this.

Really, Li Qing is like a child at this time, so cute, especially such a handsome child.


Jie Yu loved as soon as possible, and kissed Li Qing's forehead.

Make Li Qing so dumb!

Did you treat me like a child?

Li Qing grabbed her white cotton angrily and squeezed into various shapes: "Jade Yujie, you laugh at me~"

"Humph, bad things, can't laugh anymore?" Jie Yu wailed.


Li Qing bowed his head embarrassed again.

Yes indeed!

I actually did this to Jie Yujie, how to say it, I was responsible for it.

But men, how can it bear it, especially Jie Yujie is so charming, full of women's charm and sexy.

Especially the scent, it is just hooking people.

"Hey, forget it, you will be good to your sister in the future~" Jie Yu touched the cute little man in front of him, and he was very compassionate.

At this point, let alone what he wanted to do, Jie Yu felt that he could sacrifice everything for himself, even for his life.


Li Qing nodded solemnly, holding Jie Yu in his arms.

Just in one's arms, the chicken quickly became hard again.

"Ah! No!"

"Come again, sister~"

"It really doesn't work, my legs are sore, it hurts so much."

"I can't help it~"

"Good boy, I really don't want to. I can't stand your sister. You are too fierce, like a calf."

"I do not care!"

"Then I will help you somewhere else~"

"How to help?"

"Ah, Jieyu Sister, Hoo~" Li Qing felt a cold breath as he felt his teeth hurt, a little painful, and very irritating.

The pleasure of the boudoir is only one night!

The next day, Li Qing was refreshed!

I just felt that the whole sky was much bluer and it was unusually clear.

He felt it for himself, and unknowingly, his strength went up again.

Now, it is already six floors in the foundation period.

"What's going on, can it be said that doing this can improve his own strength?" Li Qing thought doubtfully.

Last time, he seemed to do the same.

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