My Super God QQ

Chapter 517: The origins of the superior

Not to mention the loss of the Herbal Medicine Hall, and the lack of responsibilities, just letting a Tiandan Master read the joke is enough to make the assistant of the Palace anxious.

Not to mention that if this piece is passed on, although the reputation of the Herbal Medicine Hall will not fall sharply, it will certainly attract a steady stream of rumors. Originally, the Herbal Medicine Hall was difficult to earn because of contribution points, and few people were willing to come. If this is passed on again, wouldn't it be less? !

No way!

He secretly told himself that this incident must be dealt with today, otherwise, it will definitely not be compensated for, and the loss will be significant.

"Master Lord, the subordinate... The subordinate really couldn't find this fairy grass, so he did it!" Lin Guanshi cried, his face pale to the extreme, with a very bleak expression.

"Then if you can't decide, won't you report it to me?"

"The Lord of the Palace Lord manages everything, and his subordinates dare not bother!"

"Fart! From today, you are no longer in charge of the Herbal Medicine Hall, and you were also hired at that time, and if you do not perform your duties, you will bear the legal responsibility! Come here!" he shouted.

Two other stewards came out and stooped and nodded, "Sir!"

"Bring her to Star Prison, then her own judge will be held accountable by law!"


Both of the managers are intimate, and there is a sense of alertness in the eyes.

Decades have passed since they were in charge, and they gradually wear away the sense of responsibility in their hearts. At this moment, they once again feel the importance of responsibility. I believe they will not dare to neglect their duties after this time.

"Adult, lord, you forgive me! He is just an inferior, inferior...I did that!"

Seeing to be dragged away by force, Lin Guanshi shouted angrily again.

"Under et al?"

Hearing these three words, everyone in the temple looked at Li Qing with a change of sight, faintly disdainful and so relieved.

"What's wrong with the inferiors! In Xingmeng, no matter the inferiors are superior, everyone is equal!" But Tian Dan Master suddenly looked like a cat stepped on the tail, his face changed, extremely dark, angry Shouted.

"Yes! Everyone is equal! There is no inferior person, Lin Guanshi, you have the suspicion of disrupting the solidarity and coexistence of the Star Alliance, the crime is increased by one! What are you still doing, dragging away, I don't want to hear anymore She said half a word!" The deputy of the hall commanded with a loud voice.

At the moment, the three stewards dared not stay, and forced her to leave the hall.

From afar, she can still hear her begging for mercy.

"Lin Guanshi was just overturned?!"

Seeing this scene, all the disciples in the temple were a little unbelievable and doubtful in their dreams.

When they look at Li Qing again, there is more fear than envy and envy in their eyes.

Who can imagine that a new disciple of Li Qing could actually overthrow a manager. Although most of the credit is attributed to Master Tiandan, it is impossible to achieve this point if he is the initiator.

"People have their own harvests!"

Li Qing thought of such a sentence, shook his head and sneered.

"Li Qing..."

"Yes, Lord Lord!"

"I handled it this way, is it feasible? Are you still satisfied?" The deputy hall master smiled at Li Qing kindly. Today, this matter will be spread out. For fame, he has to be like this.

"Satisfied, very satisfied!" Li Qing nodded: "Thank you, Lord Master, for doing justice for me!"

"You are the new disciples of my Star Alliance, which is the future of our Star Alliance. Since you have no opinion, just like this!"

Next, Master Tiandan paid a certain amount of contribution to get the treasure medicine and fairy medicine!

In the meantime, Yu Mei kept her head down, and she seemed to be afraid of attracting Li Qing's attention. Even without Li Qing's attention, she could feel the mockery of some people around her.


After all, Bao Yao can usually find it very good, but today in front of Xian Yao, she lost the qualification to play prestige.

Every time I thought about it, everyone still praised her treasure medicine for its beauty and nobility, but now no one paid attention to it, and she was reconciled and resentful.

After handling the handover with Tiandan Master, the vice-lord opened his mouth to Li Qing again.

"Congratulations, you broke the record of our medicinal disciples, who took the most medicine in a month! We will report about this record, I believe there will be rewards in the next two days!" The deputy hall master was almost announced.

Suddenly, the hall was in an uproar.

The look in Li Qing was more eager and envious.

Record breaking!

This is simply a good thing for fame and fortune.

At this time, they can't wait to be Li Qing to enjoy this great honor.

"Excuse me, how many contribution points does this reward have?"

"In view of the record breaking, and the credit for finding the fairy medicine, it should be able to reward 800,000 contribution points!" he pondered.


Li Qing's heart beat, and he was instantly excited.

Finally there is money!

Thinking of 800,000 in his pocket, he could immediately buy a good house in the city and place Jieyu Jie, Li Qing was a little uncontrollably excited.

With these 800,000, he can finally do nothing to worry about some minor problems.

"Thank you Vice-President!"

"This is what you deserve. I hope you will continue to inspire and make new contributions to our medicine collection hall!"



Li Qing said, and walked outside the hall.

That is, outside the hall, he saw Tiandan Master and was waiting for Li Qing.

"Today I would also like to thank Master Tiandan Master for his justice, thank you!"

"Hahaha, don't care, you also helped me at the same time, otherwise, I really want to miss this continued monster. Are you okay?"

"It's okay for now!"

"Then tell me how to get this celestial fairy grass?"

"it is good!"

"Then come with me, come to me..."

He sent an invitation to Li Qing.

And this is also a good thing that Li Qing is looking for.


Don’t forget that one of the main purposes of Li Qing’s coming to the realm is to seek an antidote. Originally, he was still worried about how to contact these high-ranking, indifferent Tiandan Masters. Isn’t the opportunity to send them to my door now?

Tiandan Master's car is a spirit beast shaped like a horse and as big as a camel, called the Garden Beast!

Li Qing was sitting in the back, and he was sitting in the front. The horse ran very smoothly and could hardly feel the bumps. In this way, it took Li Qing to the mansion of Tiandan Master.

There are dozens of acres of land in the manor, which shows the wealth of Tiandan Master. After entering, there are shadows of servants shuttled back and forth.

Tiandan Master took Li Qing to the back of the manor, which was also a small hillside. Here a red pavilion crossed the running water from underneath, and the environment was very beautiful.

After the next man offered the tea, he said: "Come on, drink this little Taoist tea!"


Li Qing picked up the tea and took a sip, and felt refreshed. There was a sense of joy in the realm that was rising.

This is the life of the rich!

"Since you are here, don't be polite. I'm 120 years old today. You don't want to call me Master Tiandan, just call me Dongbo or Dongbo!"

One hundred and twenty!

Li Qing was shocked in his heart because he looked like he was fifty-six years old, and it was amazing to be able to stay in the face.


"Well, are you surprised that I am so young at this age? You will know when you get to my realm, not to mention that I am a famous Tiandan Master. For Yan Yan, it is a piece of cake for me."

"Dongbo is amazing!"

"Haha, Li Qing, where are you from?"


"I haven't heard of it. I come from the pharmaceutical industry, that is, our small world is in the field of medicine. With the achievements of others, I can only reach this height now." Zhengdong said with deep emotion: "Hey, we come from the small world People, it’s not easy to mix up at the beginning! However, I hope you don’t give up hope because of difficulties..."

Zheng Dong persuaded At first, the old man Hedingtian also encouraged Li Qing so much. It can be imagined how hard and bitter the people from the lower realm had just come up.

At the same time, it may be the same as the people in the lower realm, which makes them all feel the same as the fallen people of the world, and have an inexplicable sense of familiar identification.

"Uncle Zhengdong! Why, would they think that people in the realm world are superior? The kid never understood!"

"Hehehe, according to legend, the entire starry sky was created by Pangu opening up chaos! The cultivation realm was transformed by Pangu’s main body, and the rest of its body was scattered into countless small worlds, because it was transformed by the main body, The souls of people born here will generally be much stronger than ours.


Li Qing didn't really think about it, there is such a legend in the realm world.

Yes, it's just a legend, but it's spread at the same time.


"Then there is no other place, better than the real world?"

"Yes, according to legend, although this is the transformation of the main body, there is a place that may be no worse than the realm of truth! It's just that I don't know which planet it turned into..."

"which place?"

"Heart of Pangu! Legend has it that the heart of Pangu is the essence of the great **** of Pangu. As long as it appears in its heart, that is, the people on that planet, genius is more endless, and there are countless Jieling."

"oh, I see!"

"Well, it's better than the real world, only that place!"

Li Qing is thinking that if the earth is also good, countless talents have appeared in history.

Such as when the Qin and Han dynasties, such as when the Three Kingdoms are standing up, Zhong Lingyuxiu, talent is not out, which is not a ghost and hero...

(End of this chapter)

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