My Super God QQ

Chapter 532: Benefits of Bailai's live broadcast

ten minutes!

In just ten minutes, Li Qing's popularity, that is, the audience in the live broadcast room, reached 100,000!

The barrage began to brush more and more...

Some are still suspicious, making movies.

Others are wondering if this is broadcasting a movie.

More was in surprise, opened his mouth wide and looked at the scene before him.

Fortunately, Li Qing's speech was directly played in the middle of the screen, so that what he said would not be overwhelmed by those speeches.

"Cultivation Realm, yes, I am the Immortal Cultivator!"

This is what Li Qing answered most.

However, the second answer is the most: "Really, there is no deception, I don't know how to live broadcast, I can live broadcast..."

If someone said a liar!

Li Qing immediately scolded: "If you don't see it, you will get out of it. Isn't it a pleasure to find yourself?"

He didn't make money on this. Think of his live broadcast before, when he met this kind of black powder, that is, Keyboard Man, as a small anchor, he would also persuade him. Now, instead of relying on this to make money, he wanted to threaten with it, and he just scolded it back, moved his thoughts, and kicked out of the live broadcast room.

"Anchor, would you like me to be a manager, that is, a housekeeper?"

Chen Lang feels quite novel, if these are true, then this live broadcast room must be hot! He wanted to seize this opportunity, whether it was fire or not, in short, it should not be missed.

"You were the first to enter the broadcast room?"


Chen Lang has to constantly brush the screen. It will take a long time for Li Qing to see him speak.

"Okay! I saw some keyboard guys kicking out without mercy!" Li Qing replied: "This is what you need to do."

"Good, guaranteed no problem!"

Seeing the popularity of this room getting more and more popular, Chen Lang swore.

When Li Qing thought about it, Chen Lang had become a management, with a golden "tube" in front of his name.

Chen Lang excitedly, immediately shot a few to continue to come in the black anchor, said that the anchor is not obedient, all kicked out.

"Hello, don't stop talking nonsense. People just doubt and stop talking, they don't make sense!"

"It's not okay to talk nonsense!"

"Too overbearing, this anchor?"

"Room management is arrogant!"

"What stuff, watching you live broadcast, is to give you face!"

Just after a few people were banned, someone jumped out and protested.

"Anchor, there is a Virgin Mary watch, what should I do?" Chen Lang was afraid that the ban would go wrong for a moment, so he could only ask Li Qing.

"Handle it together, I am not their parents, they will not hurt them, just kick out or mute!" Li Qing said mercilessly.

"Okay, the anchor said well, hahaha, these people are here to find a sense of presence!"

"This kind of people banned their words, so as not to affect our mood to watch the live broadcast."

The two people he hated the most in his life were the keyboard man and the black people everywhere, and the second was the Virgin.

These virgins are even the scariest.

Some will be kidnapped morally, while others will be more busy.

Li Qing wanted to ask, in reality, do they really have such a good character. Of course, Li Qing knows that these people are good, all of them are only installed online, so that they are also the reality, it is absolutely impossible.

Regarding the forbidden words, it took another ten minutes or so before anyone could dare talk again.

Anyway, the anchor has said that he is not bad for those audiences, as long as Chen Lang can ban it, all banned or kicked out of the room.

So, after restoring the order in the live broadcast room, Li Qing began to pay attention to the auction again.

"I have two thousand stars!"

"I have two thousand one hundred stars!"

"Two thousand three hundred!"

Listening to this bidding, everyone in the studio was curious.

"Anchor, what is Star Stone?"

"Star stone, is it a star, that is, a stone on the planet?"

"I know, it must be a meteorite?"

"Uh, when I read the novels, aren't they all called "spirit stones"? What is the real situation, but the star stones?"

"Anchor, how much is the value of Star Stone?"

Li Qing had no choice but to reply: "Star Stone's words are something that can be converted into contribution points and can also be used for cultivation. In addition, in this cultivation world, apart from Star Stone, there is no spirit stone. Even if it is valuable, even It’s very difficult for people here to earn a piece of star stone. Basically, if you work part-time, ordinary people can earn a piece of stone in about ten or decades."

"Oh my god, what about this auction is too advanced, is it a few thousand pieces at a time?"

"I thought it was very cheap. It turns out that ordinary people, if they want to earn so long, the gap between the rich and the poor is too big?"

Li Qing nodded: "Yes, so these occupations are ordinary people, not for those who are self-cultivators. The gap in ability represents the rich and the poor. The stronger the person, the richer! In the realm of comprehension, a big fist is right. "

"Anchor, what are they doing?"

Li Qing had to explain to them.

"Isn't it exactly the same as the jade solution on our earth?"

"Nothing wrong, to be honest, I haven't been in the realm for long, and this is the first time I have come to the auction."

"Anchor, accept me as a disciple, teach me to practice!"

"Anchor, I want to hold your thighs, please, I also want to be true, can't I?"

"Accept me. I can bear hardships and be old. I want to be true."

"Anchor, do you have money there? Would you like to buy a piece to solve it, everyone help you?"

Li Qing thought about it and shook his head.

He didn't know the star stone at all, how to judge whether the star would come out, the degree of the star was not big, and there were not many star stones in it.

"Benshan people pinch their fingers and will never lose money!"

"Your sister, people are all self-cultivators, and you are also embarrassed to get the axe, everyone kills him, let him pretend."

The man who said that he was from the mountain was drowned in it by everyone.

It seems that Li Qing laughed. In fact, it's really interesting. It's also very At least it won't be lonely and lonely. Someone will be with me to chat.

Xing Yuan Shi was finally taken away at the price of 6,800 Xing Shi.

"Hello, do you need to resolve the stone?"

Hua Banrong asked with a smile.


The man in box one replied.

Those who can sit in this box are either rich or expensive. One can imagine that it doesn’t matter. They bought it for fun.

"Wow, it's going to be a stone, so exciting!"

"I'm so excited, I want to understand!"

"I'm afraid I have seen the auction. The biggest one is the most advanced. I am an appraiser! Unfortunately, it is a mortal appraiser..."

In the process of calcite, they took out professional magic weapons, surveyed slowly, cut slowly, and grinded slowly.

In the end, a star-shaped stone as tall as a human can only be solved but not as big as a head.

"Blood loss, hahaha, fortunately the anchor didn't buy it. I know it by looking at their expressions. I'm definitely blood loss."

"Too much betting!"

"Maybe people don't care about money, you just didn't hear the host say, they are sitting in box one."

"Okay, next, the auction is a book of exercises..."

"The auction is now an intermediate magic weapon!"


The auction continues.

More and more people poured in in the live room, some came in curiously, some heard.

Ten pass, ten pass, and soon, the popularity broke through to one million people.

One million popularity can earn one thousand merits.

Li Qing is quite happy to do this kind of thing that can earn merits in open live broadcasting.

Over time, the popularity continues to rise wildly...


Is there a recommended ticket? ! ! ! Can you give more, update more

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