My Super God QQ

Chapter 607: start a feud

Although "Purple Star Lord" is not the strongest star owner in Star Alliance, it is recognized as the most difficult star owner.

Because she is a woman, she has almost all the shortcomings that can be found in women.

Be careful, shame must be reported, jealousy, short-cut...

Since Li Qing has angered her grandson, of course she has to shoot, not to mention, she has been very unhappy with Li Qing for a long time.

In the past, Dao Feng had heard a rumor that an elder star star was even forced away by Zixing's master and became an elder in a sect outside.

For this matter, Xingmeng also punished her, but after a period of silence, she still went her own way.

"It's finished!"

Dao Feng kept talking about these three words.


Li Qing watched his face change, and in turn comforted him.

"Hey, how can it be okay, don't see that she has made a move to you now. If you can't find someone who really fears her, then her hands will continue to grab your little tail and will not kill you, Will always disturb you." Dao Feng said with a wry smile. At the beginning, the elder of the stars was so broken, and he broke away from the Star Alliance in anger.

"Then solve the problem in front of you first! As for the old lady with the surname Zi, I will always solve her..." Li Qing's cold light in his eyes was almost equivalent to swearing in his heart.

"Okay! Then you must be careful, don't let her catch any handle!" Dao Feng can only comfort himself, Li Qing has a way.

"In other words, Brother, why are you here today?"

Li Qing asked about him.

"Did I not hear about you? I want to come to congratulate you and become a first-class star, but now I think that this class of star is afraid that it will not work~" Dao Feng pointed out that Li Qing’s The first-class star identity is useless to the Purple Star Master.

Li Qing didn't understand what he meant, but he didn't panic and smiled: "Thank you, Brother!"

"Thank you! Now, I don't think I can help you much!"

"It's okay!"

"It's okay, I'm in a hurry for you, you still..."

"Look, my savior is coming!" Li Qing pointed to the sky in the west direction.

A white giant crane has crossed the sky, like a meteor, hurried to come here.

When he came down, he jumped directly.

In this way, he saw that Li Qing was fine, and there was less anxiety in his eyes, and he asked angrily, "Who is it, who wants to capture Li Qing?"

"Your Excellency?"

The leader's disciple seemed to not know Hedingtian and asked suspiciously.

"I am the elder of the stars, and I will bring a lawsuit to you about your deliberate planting and framing. You can go and leave people!"

"I'm sorry, as long as they are suspected, then they can't let go!" The leader's disciple thought about it and refused.

In his view, the elders of the stars are not as big as the stars.


But he didn't think that as soon as the voice fell, He Dingtian slapped it fiercely.

The leader's disciple swelled his face directly, hit the wall, shot into the yard, and stirred up the smoke.

Too violent!

Li Qing was really taken aback, but it was extremely warm and cool in his heart.

Yes, it feels like having a backer and being protected short. In the past, Li Qing was almost unreliable, but now Hedingtian can say that with such a blow, Li Qing has this kind of protection by elders. Calf feeling.

"Damn a chicken, and so much nonsense with me! Now there is one that counts, let me all get rid of this, I will take care of this matter, the person who calls you, you can call her to come to me!"

Hedingtian is domineering.

Suddenly, those disciples didn't dare to put one, and they picked up the stunned leader and dispersed as birds and beasts. As for Bai Xiaotian, who dares to tie him.

Several disciples were searched inside.

When Li Qing and He Dingtian and Dao Feng went in, the disciples were smashing things, making a lot of noise.

Until they entered, Jie Yu was crying on the spot.

I saw some decorative designs elaborately designed by Jieyu, chairs, and the screens were all smashed.

The land is full of wolf, which is terrible.

Li Qing was also so angry that his eyes were red, and his murderous heart was full. This is what he regarded as his own home!

Can you not be angry now that you are being tossed like this?

"Brother, I will help you clean them up!"

"No need to!"

Li Qing wanted to say no, Dao Feng had rushed out to find them.

As a result, after a scream, five third-level stars were thrown out of the hall door with swollen faces and piles.

"Throw you in, it's all dirty!" Dao Feng snorted and stepped on them.

Looking at them, Li Qing finally had a place to vent his anger, and also walked over to them, pulling them up one by one on the spot.

Step on your hands and feet and kick off!

All five of them lost their limbs and threw them out of the door.

Looking at Li Qing's faction, Hedingtian did not stop, but nodded in satisfaction, because Li Qing's strike just reached a certain level. If they were killed, then things would be a lot more troublesome. As for interrupting their limbs, Hedingtian directly said that he had just interrupted it, which was not a problem at all.

This is the benefit of rights.

Li Qing didn't think about killing them, but instead of thinking about himself, he had to think about Jieyu, Baixiaotian, and even Hedingtian!

He can only hold back the anger in his heart, of course, he also has a plan, that is, he wants to kill the purple dragon.

Didn’t they find themselves in trouble?

Then kill it!

If it weren't for Wushuang mirrors, Li Qing wouldn't be so impulsive, but now that Wushuang mirrors are there, at most the avatar dies to create another one, so there is no danger.


Above the tower, the 97th floor...

An old lady wearing a purple robe is sitting on a Taishi chair, teaching a young man.

"How many times have I said that you are not allowed to make your own shots, or you are not allowed to make your own shots, why do you want to go with them, or if I stop you, I am afraid that you are now destroyed by the old man!"

The young man lowered his head on the surface, seeming to be confessing, but at an angle that the old lady could not see, the handsome face was full of dissatisfaction.

"It's grandchildren's impulsiveness, don't blame your grandmother!" The young man whispered: "It's just that the old man of the crane is too arrogant, obviously knowing that it is the grandmother you sent, he dare to make people like this. Take your grandmother's eyes!"

"Did he put me in my eyes without you talking?"

"If we can't do it, won't we avenge?"

"Hey~" The old lady sighed in disappointment: "You just put your eyes on Old Man He. Is it possible that you never thought about Li Qing?"

"That Li Qing is nothing but a **** who has gone shit!" The young man said disdainfully.

"Inferior? Can he be broken at once, from an ordinary newcomer disciple to a first-class star? Think about it for yourself, you are only second-class, others are first-class! Yes, people have natural supernatural powers. How can you compare them with others?"

"Don't I have a grandmother?" he muttered.

"Then if my grandmother was gone? This time, I told you that I almost fell to the Star Fortress! At that time, I was most worried about you, did you know? Worried about you being bullied and worried about how you are doing Okay, worry about what level you can practice..."

"Grandmother!" The young man listened to this, his eyes reddened: "You will be fine..."

"Hey, how can I be okay! If you can be as good as Li Qing, it's OK... People come from the lower realm, although they are inferiors, but how many people now know his name! Just like that, they are born Magical power, does anyone dare to call him inferior? I tell you, the most difficult thing now is not the old man He, but the two of them united together, which is not something I can easily do. Besides, that Li Qing... "

"What's the matter with Li Qing? Grandma, why don't you say half of what you said..."

"That Li Qing, if he is allowed to grow up, the future will be unlimited, and if we can't kill him, then we will die in the end."

"Impossible!" The teenager was so angry that he almost jumped up.

"Have your grandmother deceived you?" When the old lady Zi said this, she took it seriously.

Immediately, the teenager thought of a series of things, and there was nothing more to say.

"You can rest assured, this will be collected in advance, I will try to deal with him again!" Old woman said, finally waved his hand, indicating that he can go back.

"How to deal with it?"

Zilong also wanted to use this to please the lady, of course, to ask clearly.

Ask for a recommendation ticket, go ticket, the goddess is ready!

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