My Super God QQ

Chapter 610: Strike

The appearance of Li Qing made their faces look strange.

"Where did you go? Why can't I find you just now, if I were not there, your wife and friends would be taken away!" It was noon, it was a little hot, but Hedingtian's speech was cold. , Seems very dissatisfied with Li Qing.

Li Qing smiled bitterly.

He is not willing!

In the qq book city, he slept for so long, but fortunately it was inside, otherwise it would be doubtful if people were outside to see this situation.

"I have been in the house, and have never left!" Li Qing said with a pretense surprise.

"In the house? Why can't they search you? Is it possible that you have become transparent?" Speaking of this, he secretly uttered a voice near Li Qing: "The grandson of the Purple Star Lord was attacked last night. I was assassinated, and now the entire city of Star Nest is under martial law. I am thoroughly investigating this matter.

Li Qing blinked, motioned to be clear, and then said again: "I was asleep in the house, they couldn't find me, and I couldn't help it!" After that, he shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands. No sign.


At this moment, an old man came out and whispered.

This old man, Li Qing, had seen the old guy who said that he was in charge of the security of the Star Nest City. At that time, Li Qing had dealt with him when he was arrested for the prevention of Wang Lin.

"Why not?"

"I've been searched by your mansion, they can't miss any place!" The old man obviously suspected Li Qing, staring at Li Qing with a decisive gaze, looking for loopholes in his words.

"That lord, I want to ask you a question!" Li Qinghan smiled.


"Did you come to my house when you came to my house?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Then ask, to see if I just came in from outside the house, don't you know?" Li Qing smiled.

In this way, the veteran angry eyes of this old man are speechless.


He said that Li Qing could not be searched, then Li Qing might not be in the mansion, but Li Qing did not come back from outside, and it proved that he did not leave the mansion!

This made him wonder whether his men missed something.

When Hedingtian saw Li Qing's performance, he secretly admired in his heart, a witty boy!

"Boy, where were you last night?"

Seeing this, he asked Li Qing something else.

"I was in the house last night!"

"Who can prove it?"

"All the people in my house can prove it!"

"it is good!"

Immediately, the old man, the guarding and safe elder in charge of the Star Nest City, called for a few beasts and began to interrogate the servants invited by Jie Yu.

"Good guy, even the heart beast has brought it!" Li Qing whispered in his heart, this is enough preparation!

He wondered whether the old man was the old lady of Zi, otherwise, how could he be so faithful.

"Senior, who is he?"

He inquired about the old man from Hedingtian.

"His surname is Zhou, you just call him Zhou Old Man, and later become the elder of the stars. Do you want to ask, is he Mr. Zi's wife? No, he does not belong to her, just this responsibility Importantly, he was also overwhelmed, he didn't have to worry about it." Hedingtian explained to Li Qing.

Li Qing nodded, so it turned out.

Examining Li's servants, this is almost a big move at the bottom of the salary.

Because, as far as Elder Zhou knows, this servant of the Li Man has not just been here for a long time. The sense of belonging is definitely not there, let alone the heart beast.

It is a pity that he still miscalculated. Li Qing had been in the house last night, and it was only his avatar that went out. In order to have a proof of presence, Li Qing had been in the lobby last night.

Li Qing has evidence that he was there last night, and Old Man Zhou can no longer convict Li Qing.

So he asked again, has anyone visited Li Fu recently.

When he confessed, he recruited Heding Tian and Dao Feng, as well as Mr. Kong Lao.

Mr. Kong Lao, Mr. Zhou dare not doubt, because this Confucian and Taoist saint-like high-level existence, he did not dare to provoke, and Hedingtian is also an elder, it is not easy to check, and finally can only Dao Feng Call over and let the next one debate.

"Brother, I'm so embarrassed, let you run a little more~"

Li Qing was a little embarrassed and did not want to involve Dao Feng.

"It's okay!" Dao Feng was refreshing: "Just run it, and it should come out and be airy."

Finally, the old man named Zhou returned without success.

Anyway, no matter how you check, you can't find Li Qing's head.

According to Li Qing, if he goes on like this, the old woman with the surname Zi will only look at other places, and will not be entangled with herself again. As long as the teleportation array arrives, he will go to the earth.

However, things are not over yet.

That evening...

After Li Qinggang and Jie Yu and Bai Xiaotian had finished their meal, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, as if something had to happen.

Very strange feeling, very restless.

Just in case, Li Qing decided not to enter the third floor of qq book city tonight.

Sitting cross-legged in the hall, practicing his own soul.

Nowadays, Li Qing's soul has been several times stronger than before, even if the avatar causes the loss of the but still.

The powerful spirit is also of great benefit.

At least, Li Qing can feel that he is 100 meters around him, and any wind and grass will not escape his own detection.

Two o'clock in the middle of the night...

It should be this time, Li Qing heard a gust of wind blowing from outside the house.

No, it's not the sound of the wind, it's clear that someone was flying directly from the sky!

When he was alert, a man in black had attacked Li Qing directly from the dark sky.

"There are assassins!"

Li Qing shouted. This roar was enough to spread for thousands of kilometers.

It's weird. At this time, there were no air patrols in the sky. Only Li Qing's neighbors heard this voice.

Seeing that the situation was dangerous, Li Qing did not dare to neglect and quickly summoned Dun Tiansuo!

As soon as Dun Tiansuo appeared, the wind rose when he saw the wind, becoming a giant shield in front of Li Qing.

The next second, a tremendous loud noise!

Li Qing felt that all of his eardrums were directly broken, and the whole person was hit by a huge force and flew out.

The chairs and tables were all shattered. Li Qing even broke the wall and fell to the yard at the back of the hall before he fell heavily.


The internal organs were violently shaken by the earthquake, and Li Qing couldn't help but squirted out.

So strong!

The strength of Lai Ren is simply not what Li Qing can resist!

Although he did not show the terrible coercion, but with such a blow, it can be transmitted to himself through the shield Tissot, and one can imagine how horrifying it is.


In the next second, what happened to Li Qing changed.

He actually found the shield surface of Shield Tissot and cracked a gap.

This super magic weapon was almost shattered, terrible!

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