My Super God QQ

Chapter 643: Training Qingdimen

"What luck?"

The teenager poured a glass of water to Zhang Sangou and asked curiously.

When he wanted to come, it would be a great luck to have the residence and identity here, and such a house. Even if he didn't live, he would be able to sell it for a lot of money.

Until Zhang Sangou said "Xianxian", he shook his hand excitedly, and the water was poured on Zhang Sangou's pants, which made him yell.

Zhang Sangou kicked his **** and rushed him to Xiuzhen Museum.

Followed by a group of teenagers who were also blushing and excited, laughed.

Just when they walked to the Xiuzhen Hall, they all calmed down.

Because, the decoration of Xiuzhen Museum, with a solemn atmosphere, there are two dragons, vertically down from the two sides of the gate, the dragon eyes seem to be true, staring at the true.

Each of these dragons, there are three people holding so thick, it is as vivid as real.

Then, there was a painted wall with sword immortals, demons, countless magnificent sights and Caiyunxiang Palace. Anyway, they just don’t know why. When they came here, they had a vibe and made them serious.

"Li Shao, here we come!"

Without entering the door, Zhang Sangou asked respectfully outside the hall and bent his waist ninety degrees.

Others hurriedly studied him in a panic and stooped.

So, I heard Li Qing's voice coming out from the inside: "Take off your shoes, come in!"

"Yes, everyone takes off their shoes!"

Zhang Sangou ordered to everyone.

"However, my feet are a bit stinky!" A young man with a sad expression on his face, afraid to go in and smoke to the door owner, when the time comes, nothing will get rushed back to China.

Zhang Sangou immediately frowned, not only him, many, but also three or four.

"Come in!"

Li Qing's voice urged.

Zhang Sangou had to bite the bullet and take them in.

It's not that Li Qing didn't hear their voice, so when they first entered, that is, when they stepped into the hall, an element of water appeared.

This was purchased by Jieyu, and was taken down as a gift for my mother-in-law and just used.

The human-shaped water element appeared. Suddenly, a water snake was thrown, and a slight roll on the feet of everyone rushed out of the hall with a bad smell.


The sudden appearance of the water snake scared everyone and made them cry out.

Then I saw that their masters were showing their magical powers, and their eyes instantly became like Baidu's lamps, shining brightly, trembling with excitement, and tightly clamped in chrysanthemums.


Li Qing motioned them to sit down.

A total of eighteen people sat in two rows. Suddenly, Li Qing seemed to see himself who had just entered Star Alliance. At that time, I didn't understand anything about the realm of truth, and slowly, under the guidance of coach Chen, became familiar with it.

"Now, I teach you a cultivation method, and then report your QQ one by one!"


They were stunned.

The original solemn and excited atmosphere suddenly stagnate.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Zhang Sangou remembered that Li Qing had done the same before and shouted, "Listen to the master!"

Afterwards, he reacted again and said sorry to Li Qing.

"It's okay, you care about them too, come and report to Zhang Sangou one by one!"

In this way, Li Qing collected their QQ and logged into their QQ number one by one, and changed their profile picture to them, a piece of sun-like gold.

That's it, they all become metal spirit roots.

What Li Qing taught them was "Supreme Jin Geng Jing!"

This is the cultivation method of metallic spirit roots, even in the realm of cultivation, it belongs to the top grade.

So, on such a day, Li Qingquan slowly passed through in the process of teaching them.

Fortunately, they all watched Li Qing's live broadcast and had a little familiarity with cultivation, which made Li Qing less tired.

To this end, Li Qing also took out the "Reiki Incense Burner" in the attic of Feng Mo City and set it in the hall.

After the spirit stone was put inside, the aura suddenly turned into smoke, which overflowed in the whole hall, rolled like a dragon, and rolled up.

Excellent cultivation environment!

If it were not for Li Qing to take out such cultivation weapons, it would be difficult for them to be in a place where the aura is thin.

One day passed!

Everyone has successfully entered the first floor of the gas refining period, and some have entered the second floor.

This made them scream with excitement!

They have also become official composers.

However, before they were happy for a long time, they were reprimanded by Li Qing, and began to understand and familiarize them with the answers from conversation and cultivation.

Some of the disciples of the Qing Emperor's Gate have poor understanding of cultivation, so they are slow.

Some are as clever as it is fast.

Based on their strengths and weaknesses, Li Qing gave them their own offensive methods to practice.

So, on the third day, the Meng Gong water symbol was taken out.

"Now, give you a chance!"

Li Qing stood on the high platform and said loudly to them.

Everyone watched quietly, listening, for unknown reasons.

"Please ask the door owner to show me!"

Instead, Zhang Sangou was clever and responded quickly.

"Now, I will give you a chance to follow me to a place where your training speed, er, will save time. Of course, there is a price to pay, that is, you may lose a memory. You can also choose not to, rest assured, I will not punish or expel you, you are still disciples of Qingdimen, now, you are free to choose!"

Li Qing said, sitting cross-legged, closing his eyes and meditating, letting them choose.

The result was quite unexpected...

They all chose to lose a memory.

Li Qing took them all to the third floor of QQ Book City.

Here, their practice speed will definitely increase, because the day outside, the year inside, plus the supply of Li Qing's spirit stone, when they come out again, they will already be a rare master.

The third floor of QQ Book City...

Looking at this place like a fairyland, everyone is as silly as if in a dream.


Li Qing just let them hold hands, and they suddenly appeared here with them.

This is beyond their imagination, so that they do not understand, what is going on!

Li Qing didn't want to explain to them, but gave Zhang Sangou a storage bracelet and told him that there was food for them in the future ~ ~ and threw them here.

Before leaving, Li Qing still left the spirit stone incense burner inside, and gave Zhang Sangou a pile of middle grade spirit stones, which he handed over to him.

Next, they will retreat here.

"If any of them can't stand Ji Mo, and feel extremely tormented, you tell me, I come in about once a month!"

In addition, you can watch these books at will, but do not practice easily, otherwise, the consequences will be terrible.


Li Qing looked at it as if there was nothing wrong, so he left the third floor of QQ Book City.

"Have you heard the doorkeeper's words?"

Seeing Li Qing leave, Zhang Sangou trained.

"Hear, brother!"

"Relax, being able to follow the door owner is a blessing that we haven't been able to repair in our lifetime. I will definitely cherish it!"

"Yes, I grew up dreaming of becoming an immortal. Now that there is a way to find it, I will never give up even if I die!"

"me too!"

"I can never leave, I will die here!"


They all expressed their determination.

Zhang Sanguo nodded when he saw that Ruzi was teachable, and nodded his head, and said, "Okay! Then start working hard! Jackie Chan is just now! I hope that all of us can follow the gatekeeper out of this world and become The existence of the man-in-law!"

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