My Super God QQ

Chapter 651: Conjecture of the Holy Gate

Li Qing took Xia Mo Can Yue on a UFO, crossed the sky, and flew straight to Bear Village.

Before reaching the destination, there are hundreds of kilometers away from the bear village. UFO encounters countless monsters.

The ground, like thick smoke, is endless. The kind of running power is countless times that of thousands of horses and horses, and it seems to be like a sandstorm, which stirred up the sky and sand.

In the air, the number of monsters and beasts is also covering the sky, making the ground dull and dull.

Like the end of the world, the disaster of extinction is coming!

"Ready to fight!"

That is, as they approached here, countless monsters released their attacks.

Li Qing immediately changed the shape of UFO and changed into the shape of a spaceship, that is, after the change, countless antennae appeared under the spaceship.

The tentacles are not long. They are about like arms. Two branches are one organization. There are nine groups in total. When they appear, they burn around the red lightning ball.

Li Qing wants to enter the bear village, then he must rush through the encirclement of these monsters.

Immediately, UFO battled these monsters.

Lightning Extinction!

Li Qing's thoughts moved slightly, and there were nine groups of lightning light **** immediately, which directly exploded into nine rounds of red lightning light balls.

Every half a second, a ball of lightning can eject a ball of light.

As if it was downpour, there was nothing blocking the ground, as long as the monster that touched this lightning ball was directly ashes, barely able to leave the body, it was also unmovable.

"It's still a powerful UFO. I'm afraid that our suspended spaceships on robotic units are not comparable to this UFO!" Xia Mo Can Yue sighed.

Li Qing didn't want to bring her.

However, she said that Li Qing needs to respond if it is time to reach the ground.

Li Qing thinks about it, Xia Mo Can Yue has a superhuman steel body, but he is not afraid, so he promises to bring her together.

"Well, this UFO's ranking is better than a suspended spaceship! It's just that so many monsters don't know when they can hit it!"

"What's so scary? Isn't your UFO using nuclear energy? Endless energy is inevitable, and these monsters can also be endless?" Xia Mo Can Yue smiled.

Li Qing didn't reply, frowning at Jianmei.

Looking at the monster in front of him, it is really boundless. Li Qing does not know how much damage and loss will be caused to humans if all these numbers are put into the human population.

"Hope, they will kill all!"

Li Qing finally murmured in his heart.

UFO is constantly advancing, but the speed is very slow, maybe an hour, or ten kilometers!

The flying monsters that rushed forward and back continuously hit the UFO, maybe they tried it, and their claws and teeth could not bite the surface of the UFO. They actually sent a large number of self-explosive monsters behind them.


This monster is like a green puffer fish that can fly.

As long as it encounters UFO, it will directly explode.

Seeing the power of the explosion, Xia Mo Can Yue was relieved, because they could not explode the surface of the UFO at all, leaving only ash.

But after ten minutes, Li Qing was shocked to find that the surface of the UFO was constantly being corroded.

"damn it!"

This will not work!

If it is allowed to continue to corrode, Li Qing can't guarantee that the UFO will be directly penetrated by the corrosion. At that time, let alone driving the UFO in, I am afraid that this rare UFO will be lost.

"How to do?"

Xia Mo Can Yue panicked.

"It's okay, let's take off, and use the highest place to reach Big Bear Village directly!" Li Qing was in danger, thinking of this way!

So they broke through and ran straight into the sky.

That is, when they rushed to the sky, suddenly a huge, crocodile-like beast actually took off.

I am afraid that the monster is 100 meters long, let alone the jumped posture, and it is shocking. Even when it opens its big mouth covered with serrated blood, it rises to ten times when it sees the wind. Just bit the UFO in.

In an instant, the field of vision outside the UFO was dark.

The lights inside are constantly flashing, and it seems that the power will be cut off.


Xia Mo Can Yue screamed in shock, Li Qing hugged her quickly, so, in Li Qing's arms, she gradually relaxed and hugged Li Qing.

"It's okay, this UFO defense is absolutely okay. It dare to swallow the UFO, then, it is looking for death!"

Li Qing's thoughts moved, and the spaceship suddenly burst into terrible light.

The concentration of that kind of light may be higher than that of the aurora. Then, in the outside world, the huge crocodile-like beast roared with pain and constantly struggled to twist. In the end, its body wore countless aurora, it seemed to be shredded by light into countless pieces and exploded.


Li Qing controlled the UFO to continue to rush upwards.

Finally penetrated the encirclement of the monsters, so from the extreme void, came to the top of the bear village.


If you say that the monsters you just saw, Li Qing already feel a lot, covering the sky and the mountains and the wild.

Well, now they see more monsters and beasts, they are simply in a world of monsters and beasts.

"There is a white door..."

Suddenly, Xia Mo Can Yue pointed down.

Li Qing stunned, looking down, it really was.

An immaculate white door radiates light, and in the place full of darkness and darkness, it looks very dazzling and very holy.

At first, in Li Qing's eyes, this giant gate seemed to descend from the sky, enter it, and it would lead to that bliss heaven... But now, this giant gate is constantly swarming a large number of monsters and beasts from it, endlessly, scrambling to scramble. The ground, as if there was something frightening them behind the giant gate, driving them out of it.

"Don't this gate disappear long ago?" Li Qing was a little embarrassed.

At the beginning, when he came out of the magic demon city, he also specially found this door, but it was missing.

At this time, it appeared strangely-it seems that it also brought these countless monsters, so, what is its origin?

Or is it that the magic city was originally brought by it?

It was originally a teleportation array?

Li Qingsi was extremely curious about this gate.

"Let's go and see!"

If you don't enter the tiger's cave and get a tiger, Li Qing wants to go to the UFO to see it.

Xia Mo Can Yue was holding Li Qing tightly, not letting him go down, so many monster beasts make people feel scalp numb, she does not believe that Li Qing can still come alive.

It’s so much!

The world in my except monsters and monsters are monsters and monsters.


Li Qing gave her a confident smile.

Xia Mo Can't let it go!

Finally, Li Qing tried to let a robot in UFO go down and try.

The end, very miserable, miserable, very miserable!

As soon as the robot went down, it had been under endless siege from the air, and finally it was torn to pieces without touching the ground.

In this way, Xia Mo Can Yue didn't even want Li Qing to take risks.

"It's okay, I'll try something else!"

Li Qing thought of the monster!

So, does it send the spirit beast that is also a beast to know what to do?

So, he got a dragon ant.

After summoning it as your own QQ pet, throw it away.


The dragon ant fell down, and was not discovered by those monsters. Li Qing leaned on the dragon ant to go to the giant gate continuously. He wanted to see what was behind the giant gate.

Seeing the giant gate still halfway away, an accident happened!

The dragon ant was actually stepped on by a huge foot and stepped into pieces...

Li Qing almost didn't get angry.


Then come another dragon ant!

This time, Li Qing was very careful that while controlling it to move forward, he would also avoid those huge monsters, which is the way, so that he slowly approached the white giant door.

"Go in!"

Li Qing was a little nervous because the giant door was ten meters in front of him.

But just as the dragon ant was going to enter the gap through the edge, that is, the edge of the monster that was constantly rushing out, suddenly, a hand was stretched out from the giant door.

Li Qing thought at first that the hand was a man's hand, and later found that it was covered with green hair, like a zombie's hand, photographed on the dragon ant.

The dragon ant burst again.

Recommend the ticket to walk around, all gold, silver and diamonds are available!

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