My Super God QQ

Chapter 660: Qingdimen's first show

Day after day, year after year...

The disciples of Qingdimen were a little anxious at first, not calm, because this kind of life is really boring, can't you see it every day?

However, with the constant encouragement and encouragement of Zhang Sangou, they still endured and continued to practice.

Zhang Sangou said well, according to what he said at the time: "Opportunity is very rare. If you seize the opportunity, it will become a dragon. If you don't want to seize the opportunity, then, sorry, you will also It will be an ordinary person, who can be slaughtered like a worm. Everyone can have their dreams of salted fish. Carp want to jump the dragon gate and turn the dragon into a dragon. It is impossible. You can’t even compare carp and salted fish?"

"Also, think about how you got this opportunity in the first place. We came in a helicopter. It was almost nine deaths and only came in exchange. Will you give up now?"

"You want to live the life of the upper class of society? Think about it, why are those rich second generations, high-ranking children playing such beautiful girls, but you can only stare, if you want to soak others, you still have to suffer from the girl's white eyes. , Don’t you suffocate, don’t you get angry?"

"Yes! You lost on the starting line, because people were born with golden keys, but now that you have an opportunity to surpass them, don't you want to surpass them?"

Zhang Sangou's culture is not high, which means graduating from elementary school!

These words were usually read by him in TV books, and they were extracted and spliced ​​together. This was a test for him, and it was quite difficult. But there is no way, who made him the first loyal dog under Li Qing seat, then, he had to show his ability to be a loyal dog.

Otherwise, there are so many people who want to be Li Qing’s loyal dogs. Why can he do it himself? If Li Qing shouted out, he had to collect a dog, fearing that they would scramble to grab the first, and they would be in a mess.

Finally, I have to say that self-disciplined Zhang Sangou really shows his value and role.

Under his continuous encouragement and painting, the disciples of Qingdimen displayed a spirit of perseverance.

After getting through the initial discomfort and trying to practice comfortably, they gradually fell in love with cultivation.


That's right!

Don't think that cultivation is boring and boring, in fact, cultivation is a very comfortable thing. It can make the body constantly change by absorbing the true qi. The most basic change is that the cells are more active. The feeling seems to be like soaking in the hot spring, which makes people groan comfortably.

The second change is brain cells.

After the brain cells are cleansed, it can make people feel addicted.

Yes, so like drugs, they became addicted to cultivation.

That is the addiction, they spent a year and a year inside, until Li Qing came in, they still had the illusion that they were still yesterday.

In order to wake them up, Li Qing put his palms on their minds one by one.

You can’t call it directly with your voice. In that case, they might be frightened and cause them to get into trouble, and in this case, Li Qing can enter their bodies through real energy and make them feel the change. If someone finds them, they will stop automatically. Under cultivation, safely exit this state.

Until they stopped one by one, Li Qing asked them to line up, sit on the ground, and listen to him.

"Now, report your respective strengths!"

Most of them are six layers, seven layers and eight layers in the gas refining period. Only Zhang Sangou is in the gas refining period.

Li Qing looked at Zhang Sangou with surprise. With such a look, Zhang Sangou was extremely excited and happy.

Is he trying so hard to make Li Qing look at each other? Undoubtedly, he did a great job, not only let Li Qing look at each other, but also helped to manage the Qing Emperor Gate well, so that they survived the boring of the initial cultivation.

"Okay, they all performed well. Do you have any questions now?"

Li Qing glanced around and nodded in satisfaction.

In the past, these guys were a little nervous and excited when they saw him, but now they are okay, and all of them are calmer, with some calm and calm temperament.

"Yes, the doorkeeper, there is a problem with the small one!"

A teenager raised his hand.


"Master, don't you say that our qualifications are the same? But the small dull, I just don't know, why the dog can be a complete gas refining, I am still on the seventh floor!"

"Perception is important!"

Li Qing thought for a while and said.


Say it's savvy, in fact, it's also different from people's cleverness.

Some people are smart, and their comprehension ability is naturally strong, and they can comprehend more things. By analogy, nature is beneficial to practice.

Some people are stupid, so even the best qualifications are useless.

Listening to Li Qing's explanation, they nodded in congratulation.

Zhang Sangou is much smarter than them, especially after going through a lot of life and lagging behind. The growth of this wisdom is also terrible, not to mention his heart to work hard to change.

Emperor Tian does not live up to those who care!

He finally got what he deserved.

When Li Qing said that he was in the gas refining period and was the best performer, he almost wanted to cry, crying excitedly.

In the end, he believed that this time, this occasion was not the time, to endure bluntly, but the loyalty to Li Qing in his heart had exceeded 100%.

After answering a few questions about cultivation, Li Qing talked about what he came in.

"This time, I want you to go out and experience it, that is, kill monsters, do you have any confidence?"

Hearing what Li Qing said, many people shouted that there was morale.

But after Li Qing said that they were not allowed to use hot weapons, they were all stunned. Only Zhang Sangou shouted "yes".

"After all, it is still the thinking of modern people... think that hot weapons are the most powerful!" Li Qing said with emotion in his heart.

"What's wrong with cold weapons? Do you think cold weapons are worse than hot weapons? Just wait out and look at the sad faces on those soldiers' faces. Now, I'll give you a weapon that can't be shot by those guns. The monster you are wearing can be pierced with the weapon I gave you!"

Are you a weapon?

Almost everyone is nervous.

In their eyes, Li Qingfa must be a magic weapon!

So, how can they be upset and not nervous.

"Well, the weapons I sent to you are all magic weapons, there are swords, guns and axes, almost all types, you can take it as you like!" Then, Li Qing put his QQ hard disk, so All the weapons they possessed were selected by them.

Watching them swarming up and fighting for you, Li Qing couldn't help but feel young and nice.

"Uh, no, I'm young too, how can I express this emotion, it seems that the pressure is too much recently~" Li Qing shook his Li Shao, are we going to get a Qing Emperor's Gate Disciple dress? "

Zhang Sangou approached.

Li Qing thinks about it, and it makes sense: "Okay, I will let someone do it!"

After so much trouble, Li Qing came up with the Meng Gongshui symbol, which is a magic weapon that can eliminate people's memory.

In order to prevent them from going out and telling people the QQ Bookstore, Li Qing erased all their memories, which brought them to the real world.

"Where is this?"

They just appeared, maybe because they had used Meng Gong Water Rune, they were a little ignorant.

"You don't need to know where, you just need to know that you are in front of you!" Li Qing smiled and led them out of this big house.

Walking across the street, walking to the defense line, watching Li Qing suddenly appear with a group of people, all the officers were a little ignorant, I don't know where he brought these people from, and what to do with them.

"Uh, do these people look a bit confused?"

An officer frowned.

"He's not going to let these **** kill monsters, carrying swords and axes one by one, this..."

"Uh, these fools, hey, forget it, we shouldn't see it. Don't forget the instructions from the above, and listen to him on the front line of the battlefield."

"That wouldn't make him so lifeless?"

"Fuck, you die, if you die, are there fewer people now? Forget it, we still have to ask this Li Qing Guozhu, let's not bother about it!"

Zhang Sangou and his group of people, in addition to Zhang Sangou's casual suits and sturdy clothes, indeed other young people wear pretty bells and whistles, not to mention that they stayed in QQ Book City for a few years. The faces were screaming with excitement, and they were really a bit confusing.

As a result, Li Qing was misunderstood as soon as they took them out.

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