My Super God QQ

Chapter 684: Master Li Xing teaches

Yuehua is like water, and the stars are brilliant. Li Qing and Li Xingzhu strolled above the clouds and saw the towering Qionglou Yuyu standing, looking extravagant and clever.

The ground is like a lake with a crooked moon, the lake is foggy, the waves are light, the trees on the shore are lush, and the flowers are fragrant.

This is the residence of Lord Li Xing in the **** tower, a small world developed by itself called "Yujie."

Why is it called Yujie, because Li Xingzhu's name is Li Haoyu.

"In the future, you will practice here!"

Lord Li Xing walked in front without looking back.


Li Qing nodded.

When he came to the highest building, he snapped his fingers, and his own bell rang from it, melodious for nine days.


Several broken voices sounded simultaneously.

Li Qing just turned around and saw several shadows on the side at the same time.

There are men and women, two men and one woman.

One of the male is thin and one is fat. Among them, the female looks ordinary, but her eyes are very big and she is very divine.

Why should I say that this woman looks ordinary?

Because Li Qing came to the cultivation realm and found out that the people here, as long as they are women, are mostly beautiful, they must have taken special elixir to change their appearance. Only the woman in front of me was ordinary with five facial features, and I had no special treatment.


They bowed and greeted in unison, it turned out that all three of them were apprentices of Master Li Xing.

"Well, this is a named disciple who was newly recruited for the teacher, called'Li Qing'. If you are not in the future as a teacher, if he has any questions about his cultivation here, you will solve the puzzle on behalf of the teacher." Li Xingzhu turned around and looked at him Sweep the audience seriously, and then ordered.


"Okay, you are free to practice, Li Qing, you come with me!"

After talking, he took Li Qing to get acquainted with it.

Ten minutes later, standing by the lake in the moon bend.

As soon as he came here, his eyebrows were deeply wrinkled, and Shen Sheng drank: "Like fat!"

Li Qing felt that Master Li Xing seemed a little angry, and then looking at the lake, there was a wolf, as if he had roasted something, and it was not packed.

There was no answer in the air.

"Like fat!"

He drank again. This time, it seemed that he had become the master of this world, and his voice was echoing throughout the world.

A chubby, fat man in a white robe fell directly from the sky, the fat man who had just seen it.

"Master, what's wrong? I was greedy for a while..." The fat man scratched his head embarrassedly and bowed his head to admit his mistake: "Dare not, never next time."

"Not next time, this is the first few times, not yet! You see what you ruined this lake, and this lake water, and there is actually greasy floating on it, it doesn't make sense!" Li Xingzhu is more The more angry you look.

"Master, no no no, I'll deal with it, and make sure it's done!"

The fat man shuddered and promised.

The next second, Li Qing was shocked, really shocked, as if there were thousands of thunders on his head-I saw this fat man actually squatting by the lake, then, opened his mouth, and his mouth rose when he saw the wind. It turned out to be as big as a car, so he sucked water into the lake into his mouth.

"My God~" Li Qing was dumbfounded.

Really amazing!

The fat man actually sucked and sucked all the water in the lake into his belly. Finally, the lake dried up, the fish and shrimp were bouncing, and even Li Qing saw a creature that resembled a snake and two claws, staring at the fat man in a daze.

The fat man stretched a little, holding the bulging belly, how could this belly hold so much water?

Li Qing didn't understand. Then, he saw that he took out a small bottle, and the water of the bottle tilted blue toward the lake.


It seemed as though the tsunami was surging, and within a few seconds, the lake was full of water.

From the beginning to the end, no more than a minute!

Lord Li Xing assumed his responsibility. Until later, he glanced at Li Qing, and he nodded with satisfaction when he saw his face, and waved his sleeves impatiently to let the fat man walk away.

"Master, let me go, let me go, little brother, let's talk~"

"Brother kindly~"

Li Qing nodded in return.

He was thinking, was it just that Li Xingzhu deliberately wanted this brother to perform in front of his own eyes?

I seem to guess Li Qing’s thoughts. Master Li Xing smiled, seemingly explaining, and said lightly: "Your brother, I have been brought back by me since I was a child, and I grew up by the lake. I like this most, and your teachers and mothers were always here before. Make something for him to eat, he would like to be here, sometimes grilled with fireworks."

"What about the maid?"

Regarding Li Xing's collection of himself as a registered disciple, Li Qing didn't resist at all. Because of the naming, the rules here, as long as it is with whom to practice, can be called a naming. If it weren’t for Li Qing and the master of the fairy, maybe he could officially put him under the door.

"She has lost her life under the claws of those beasts..." His face was plain, but in the angle that Li Qing could not see, he passed away a sorrow and nostalgia.

"Sorry, I……"

"It's okay! Come on, you show me your exercises..."


Li Qing was cross-legged on the ground, running the "Kirin to Ren Qingyun tactic".

Putting his hand on Li Qing's back, he seemed to be feeling the speed of Li Qing's absorption of aura. For a while, his face was full of shock and whispered.

"It really deserves to be taught to you by the immortals, but this hegemony is not extreme, and it is called a wonderful skill. Since you already have such a powerful cultivation method, then, is there any attacking method?"

Li Qing showed the "Nine Nine Nine Nine Swords".

Needless to say, after Li Qing showed this swordsmanship, it made Master Li Xing stun again.

"Not bad! What about body style?"

Li Qing was stunned, only to remember that he had not learned the body method.

"Also, is there a forging body? It seems to me?"

Li Qing thought of Xuanwu Mantra, but this Xuanwu Mantra, but Master Li Xing shook his head, did not feel good.

"Okay, then, let me teach you body and forging body? Originally, in this body forging body, I would generally persuade you not to practice, because greedy and chewing are not bad. However, since you have such a magical cultivation method, Naturally, I have free time to practice this forge."


"Alright, just take the opportunity to watch their progress... The three of you will come out to me!"

Lord Li Xing shouted.

Seen just a moment ago, his apprentice stood side by side with Li Qing again.

"Start with the little bell, come!"

That girl was originally called a small bell! Li Qing thought to himself.

The little bell stood up and began to show her body, only to see a purple haze beneath her feet, and the figure fluttered into countless afterimages, or jumped, or turned, and sometimes even rushed up. The sky, staying for a long time, coupled with the pink clothes she wore, seemed to dance with a flower and butterfly.

Faster and faster, in the end, her body is all her figure.

"How is it?" Master Li Xing asked Li This sister, it's amazing! "

Li Qing is sincere.

"No, no matter how fast her figure is, she can't get a sword. Just like your ninety-nine-nine-nine-nine-sword, when the sword can transcend thousands of ways, her figure is so useful." After he finished, he turned around again. Said to the two male disciples: "Adai, you go!"

"Yes, Master!"

Immediately, the thin man threw a sword!

He stepped on the sword, and immediately, the whole person turned into a sword light, constantly flashing and changing, and the whole sky was filled with this sword light.

"Jian Dunshu~" Lord Li Xing nodded in satisfaction, turned his head and asked Li Qing: "How about, do you like this?"


Li Qing felt really powerful and cool.

"Okay! A cut, you can show him again!"

That young man fell in front of Li Qing, and then asked Li Xingzhu: "Master, I'm afraid it will not happen again? Listen to you, his name is Li Qing, it should be the one from the earth? I want to come from the small world, At least one hundred demonstrations are needed before he can remember..."

The obvious disdain and contempt in this discourse!

Li Qing felt angry, took a deep breath, and said, "Just remember it once, and I will remember it once!"

"Really? To know this sword escape technique, don't look at the surface, just gently move the sword on the flying sword and hide all kinds of skills, thousands of changes..." Li Xingzhu smiled and looked at Li Qingdao.

"Disciples always talk about doing it!"

"Okay, the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, so, just give it a try?" Li Xingzhu naturally didn't believe that Li Qing could do it all at once, and wanted to grind his proud temperament by chance.

The other three disciples who belonged to him did not believe it either.

But I do not know that Li Qing has quietly opened his QQ system.

Seeking recommendation tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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