My Super God QQ

Chapter 688: Recreate the top 1

After five days...

"I stole my life for half a day, feeling half Buddha and half fairy..."

After a good night's sleep in QQ Book City, Li Qing returned to the "Jingcai Caidong", felt the feeling in the tent, and suddenly chanted.

Try to keep your state of mind very stable and comfortable, and do not miss foreign objects. This is the most important thing before Li Qing. Because, in the emotional period, one's own mood is very important. If there is a trace of distractions, it is very likely to be affected by emotions and expand into a demon. After absorbing a large amount of aura, you will get rid of it and get rid of it, or it will be killed.

"This kid did a good sentence..."

Outside the tent, I don’t know who whispered so that Li Qing in the tent chuckled.


There are so many heroes on Earth, there are no good sentences, like this very colorful poem, it is a whole lot, and it can't be counted.

"Oh, what's the point of arrogantly admiring the crowd? What is the point of arrogance? The younger brother concentrates on refining those auras for his own use. It's a matter of course. Don't be distracted again!" The voice of a middle-aged man came.


In this way, the person who just praised Li Qing for saying a good sentence quieted down again.

Li Qing doesn't matter.

Now, he really emptied himself and made his mind look like when he was just studying, that is, worry-free, no worries, no worries!

"What should I do?"

Li Qing thought about it, and finally turned on the phone, and read some content about such verses.

Because he is also quite touched, as if looking at these poems, extracting the essence and absorbing the meaning, his mood will be very good.

At the moment, he found another poem to read.

"Bai Yujing in heaven, the five cities on the twelfth floor. The fairy touched me, and the hair became long-lived..." Li Qing thought slowly.

When he thought about knotting and receiving longevity, what he did not know was that many people outside were breathing tight.

Even the elder star staying at the entrance of the cave, breathing for a long time, immediately, the eyes that have been open for a century, squinted a gap, and the fine light skyrocketed.

Li Qing didn't care about foreign objects at all, and kept reading his favorite poems in his tent.

Of course, there is only one poem that he knows best that fits Li Qing's mood.

"Peach Blossom Temple in Taohuawu, Peach Blossom Immortals under Peach Blossom Temple."

"The peach blossom fairy planted peach trees and picked peach blossoms to sell wine."

"Wake up only sits in front of the flowers, drunk in exchange for flowers to sleep."

"Half awake, half drunk, day after day, day after day."


"Others laughed at me crazy, I laughed at others."

After finishing reading, Li Qing closed his eyes and savored the meaning in this verse. Suddenly, within five days, the spirit absorbed into the body was swallowed into his own body.

The body is also "bang" sound, from the third layer to the fourth layer of the cardiac phase.

Five days!

In just five days, he was promoted to the first level himself. Li Qing was very satisfied. He even wondered whether he would read the poem again every few days after he absorbed it.

After Li Qing thought about it, he didn't know what happened outside the tent.

"it is good!"

Someone suddenly shouted.

Then, almost everyone's eyes opened sharply, and the realm of the poem rose sharply to be inspired.

However, this is a trivial matter.

Just when someone was about to say something again, this man suddenly covered his mouth and looked at the hole in panic.

At the entrance of the cave, the elders who stayed here day after day, year after year, suddenly burst into a slight light.

It seems that the lamp is continuously inputting current, which is getting brighter and brighter. In the end, it emits magnificent light.

This luxury broke through the hole and rushed towards the sky...

Suddenly, in everyone's eyes, there was only light and no other.

It seems that there is a fairy sound falling in the sky, a hundred cranes are mingling, and all the goddesses are coming to greet them.

There are jade crystal ponds appearing in the void, and there are thousands of golden lights, as if the water is washing the world.

Afterwards, countless beautiful fairies in colorful feather coats were sprinkling flowers, seeming to transform the world into fragrance.

Hundreds of birds come together, it seems that Qiming is driving...

After another three seconds, the teleportation array in the secret realm kept lighting up, and all the high-level figures in the Star Alliance, including Master Li Xing, appeared here.

Led by the leader of the Star Alliance, they bowed together, as if waiting for him to admonish.

This scene made all the young people in the cave dumbfounded.

Looking at them seems to be a dream.

It took a minute or so for the vision to appear before the air returned to silence.

However, the elder star in the cave still has an afterglow on it, constantly flashing, exuding a divine meaning like a fairy Buddha.

Five minutes of silence...

The leader of Star Alliance still hasn't changed his movements, maintaining this humble and respectful attitude.

He is so, the others are naturally the same.

ten minutes later……

The old man finally opened his eyes. His eyes were blue, as if the sky was blue, and he could vaguely see the sunlight. If you carefully use other angles at this time, you can still see the sun...


As if his eyes were not mortal, but a monitor.

"All here~" Finally, he spoke leisurely.

"Yes, an elder!"


All the young people in the cave do not understand what this is called?

However, standing behind the leader of the Star Alliance, several people were shocked, their minds seemed to be thundering and thundering.

According to rumors in Xingmeng, under the repeated attacks of monsters and beasts, Xingmeng still has several ancient existences like Dinghaishenzhen, among which one elder is one of them.

The reason why it is called "one" is because he is the oldest existence in the Star Alliance today.

How long he exists, few people know, even some star owners do not know, because all potential forces in the Star Alliance, only the leader will pass from generation to generation knows.

Lord Li Xing is now more than 2,000 years old. He used to be the leader of the Star Alliance and naturally knew this ancient existence.

"At that time, the old man asked the old palace owner of the Mysterious Star Palace to put a hexagram on me. He said that my chance was here, and I have been staying here like an ancient rock since then. In the future, you will treat me like this." He is still authentic, his tone is very slow, and it is very difficult to speak like an old turtle. He said a word for two or three minutes.

In fact, what they don’t know is that the old man may have forgotten what to say, because the time is too long, and he hasn’t spoken for a long time.

"Master! It’s up to the disciples to pay it back~"

An old man in black stood up, and his deep wrinkles completely concealed his face. The white-haired whirling woman was in the twilight years. However, at this time, he was bursting into tears, crying like a child. .

An elder who was standing at the entrance of the cave seemed to habitually reach out his wrinkled old hand to touch his head, but he looked back at the tent and shrank back.

"Go help me call out the children in the tent~"


The old man in black was unsure.

"It was he who invited the fairy to caress me, so I had this chance. Now, it seems that his chance is for me, then, I will give it back to him now, to invite..." The old man smiled He said, looking at his smile, everyone's heart was very peaceful, but thinking that such an old man might be soaring, and the monster was forced so tightly, he couldn't help tragic heart.


A little bit of shit, Li Qing just read a few poems, and actually created a great strongman for Xingmeng, but this strongman is about to soar...

The last strong man was Old Kong.

Take a walk, the ticket will be more permanent...

(End of this chapter)

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