My Super God QQ

Chapter 690: Great chance, 6th floor of Jindan period!

"Reluctantly, it seems that the old abilities are not enough to take you one more journey, life is destined, and it is fixed ~"

It didn't take long for an elder to withdraw his hand, and Ren Liqing was still there like a lamp, flashing with light.

"Thank you the elder for such a shot for the apprentice, grateful!"

Lord Li Xing came out and bowed his fists.

"Mo Yao wants to say this. The road above the green clouds may require this little friend to help~" The elder smiled softly, very peaceful. Immediately, he remembered something, and took out three things: "It is the so-called not to bring life, not to die, these three life-saving things, you give it to me on his behalf!"

Three things, one symbol, one armor, one track.

The rune paper exudes dazzling golden light. At first glance, it is the kind of top equipment that is full of energy in the extreme.

A is also a good thing. It is not simple to look at the system alone, simple and heavy.

The shoe is white, with auspicious clouds and blue wind outlined on it.

Looking at these three things, the old man in black eyes were red, his breath was slightly short, and an inexplicable look emerged from it.


An elder immediately slapped on the head of the old man in black: "I am a kid, is it still awake? If this is the case, there will be no time for you and me to learn!"

On the first sight?

He is about to soar, of course, if he wants to meet, it is of course in the upper bound.

Hearing this, the old man in black closed his eyes and excited his body, and when he opened it again, it was all clear.

"Master is a lesson!"

He bowed in admiration.

"Okay, everything is gone! My stay is not long, let me play a little more heat now!"

After he finished speaking, he disappeared without a trace, as if evaporating directly on earth.


Ten minutes later, Li Qing woke up and opened his eyes to the joyful smile of Li Xingzhu.

"Uh, Master, what happened?"

Li Qing was a little embarrassed.

"You check your own real power?" He smiled.

Li Qing's eyes closed cross-legged. At this point of view, his whole body was also trembling with excitement and ecstasy.

Wasn't it my heartbeat? He Ran has been promoted from that level to the sixth floor of the Jindan period.

what happened?

He recalled that he just remembered that the old man seemed to put his hand on his head, he lost consciousness, and then went to sleep, he dreamed a lot...

"Did you dream of so many things?"

Master Li Xing laughed, the light in his eyes was the way to look at his nephew.

"Yeah, what's going on?"

When Li Xingzhu slowly said, Li Qing knew that he had hit a big chance.

If someone else has practiced for decades, he has saved the past. This kind of opportunity is too powerful, and it is worse than the QQ system he obtained. It is so good for Li Qing’s second luck.

"Well, cultivation is true. Although cultivation is true, luck is also very important. I have seen for a long time that your qualifications are good, but I didn't expect you to be so great."

Li Qing nodded, and was also beautiful.

"In truth, the first is qualification, the second is luck, and the third is hard work, I think, as long as you work hard, you will definitely be able to reach the summit one day."

"Thank you for your praise~"

"It's you..." Master Li Xing looked at Li Qing's tent: "It's too casual, people here are places of hard work, you actually still,, okay, forget it, just elders warned us, set Don’t cling to the truth, you still have to go your own way!"

"Master I..."

Li Qing scratched his head, and he could not reveal his secret.

"No need to explain, I understand..." Just when the words came, he suddenly picked up the transfer note, and after reading his face changed greatly, he became very surprised, and finally looked up and laughed, his expression very happy.


Li Qing is puzzled.

"An elder shot, he just went to the monster orc, and opened the killing ring. Eight top monsters died in his hand. At this time, we humans can have a rest period of at least five years."

"Eight heads? Shot?"

"Yes, every time our Star Alliance has the power to fly, we will shoot, because it is about to fly, even if it is dangerous, letting go of our souls will be immediately led to the upper realm, so this is the best time. It is also the safest time to shoot."

"It's like this? The eight heads, wouldn't it be the top monster on the side of the monster beast family, only eight heads?"

"No, no! Some monsters are more prone to avoid evil than humans, and some monsters are extremely powerful in their ability to escape. In my opinion, these eight monsters must be unlucky before they are hit. Go... Unfortunately, the little girl wasn’t killed after all, which is a bit regretful."

"What kind of monster is Eight Heads?"

"Blood turtles, that level, as for the monster that speaks human language and turns into human form, is the most powerful in the realm. She is still in the infancy of human form. If it is mature, , I am afraid it is the enemy of our Star Alliance."


Li Qing never thought that there was such a battle between the monster beasts and the human races. Then he thought of something, and he was shocked: "If the monster beasts can fly, can they? Will they?"

"Yes, but we are not vegetarians. We have **** towers and they don't dare to come in the Star Nest. It's a bit dangerous in other cities. Once a decade ago, there was a monster that destroyed the spark. The fortress was finally rebuilt. Now I am worried that if the monster beasts come back again, they may stare at you, so you’d better not go out of Star Nest City. But also, now you It’s all targeted, it’s best not to leave."


Li Qing thought of the endless stream of assassinations, but also a headache.

"Continue to practice here!"

"it is good!"

Li Qing just sat down and tried hard to feel the strength of today.

Now, there are three Golden Pills in his abdomen, and every time he thinks about it, there will be a surge of true energy.

In addition, the body's arrogance is more than three times stronger.

Not to mention the facial features!

Today, Li Qing is only naked, and even a little bit of dust in the air can be soul is three times more powerful.

It's a pity that he is still in the "staggering color hole" and can't experiment more.

"Stay out and try again!"

"Right, you give me that poem, I think that poem is really good, you read it once, you make one person, and you read it twice, you make two people. You contribute him, and I will change it for you Benefits, and also, these three things are left to you by an elder, and I hope you will protect yourself for the future of Star Alliance!"

Lord Li Xing handed all three magic weapons to Li Qing.

"Well, I will not disappoint the elder's great grace!" Li Qing said genuinely.

Can you not be moved?

He just read a poem, so he treated others with such solemn treatment, I am afraid that this is not true for his apprentice!

What else can he say, he gave the poem to Lord Li Xing.

But I do not know that this poem has finally become a holy place in the Star Alliance, let countless people come to see this poem enlightenment, so that if there are people coming from the earth, it will be a bit ignorant to see this poem.

Three magic weapons!

That rune, Li Qing looked at it and called it "Nine Heavens Purple Sky God Thunder". As the name implies, it can summon a **** thunder. The power of this **** thunder is very huge. There are also layers. Nine is the top level. Lord Li Xing said that even if he takes a hard blow, he must be seriously injured.

"It must be a boxing treasure left by an elder." Lord Li Xing exclaimed.

The second magic weapon, Li Xingzhu said "Yue Zhongcheng Shadow Armor"!

Yue Zhong means that only a mountain of materials can be refined into this armor.

The meaning of Chengying is that when this armor is used on the master, it is very light and does not affect the speed of the master at all.

The third magic weapon is "stepping on the cloud", which is very simple, that is, after being used, it can be subjected to the speed of multiplication and is a good baby to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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