My Super Hero Development System

Chapter 28: , where is my girlfriend?

"You can play freely, I'll take a bath."

After bringing Yu Shuwen to the kitchen, Xiao Fan left immediately. After entering an important environment, he must take a shower first.

"Oh, then I'll make a late night snack for you."

Yu Shuwen nodded, and after watching Xiao Fan leave, she opened the refrigerator and started picking ingredients.

Just after she chose the ingredients, her phone suddenly rang. She picked it up and took a look, frowning immediately.

Looking at the caller ID, she hesitated for a few seconds, and finally got on the phone.

"What's the matter? Is there something wrong?"

"Xiaowen, I've already arrived at the dormitory, are you here?"

"I arrived a long time ago. I just went to take a shower. I forgot to send you a message."

"Oh, that's good, then I can rest assured."

"Well, hang up first, I'm going to put on the mask."

Hanging up the phone, she turned the phone on airplane mode, and then cleaned it with the dishes.

Although she was washing vegetables, she was absent-minded. As a girl, she knew exactly what Xiao Fan was thinking.

Most of the men are very lustful, they are so beautiful, the other party is obviously interested in her, if nothing else happens, something might happen tonight.

Speaking of which, she has only met Xiao Fan three times, and it is absolutely impossible for her to develop so fast. She only reluctantly agreed to her boyfriend after chasing her for two years, and she would not let him touch her.

If she can, she still wants to be ambiguous with the other party for a while, to grow her feelings first, and then it will be a matter of course, but the situation is very complicated now.

As a rich and handsome man, the other party is obviously not inferior to women. When she was up for sale last time, people ignored her. If it wasn't for this chance encounter, she would have missed this opportunity.

So, if she dares to refuse today, she might not have a chance in the future. She doesn't want to give up this opportunity, she wants to hug this thigh.

When she was changing shoes just now, she carefully observed that there were no women's shoes in the shoe cabinet, which meant that he did not have a girlfriend, so she had a great chance.

It is true that a direct relationship will be looked down upon, but she has the ability to explain, because she is a complete woman, so even if the speed of the relationship is too high, it will not be looked down upon.

Although this era is open, she is very clear that men are very concerned about the first time. She is very fortunate that she has retained the most precious thing, which is her biggest bargaining chip.

Thinking of Xiao Fan's financial situation, her eyes showed firmness. This man is very good. She decided to take a gamble. Even if she couldn't become her girlfriend in the end, the reward would definitely not be low.

After taking a shower, Xiao Fan put on loose pajamas and went straight to the kitchen. Looking at Yu Shuwen who was standing there chopping vegetables, he smiled and walked over quickly.

"Yu Shuwen, let me help you." Walking to her side, Xiao Fan said with a smile.

"You can call me Xiaowen, the full name sounds too unfamiliar." Yu Shuwen shook her head with a smile.

"Indeed, Xiaowen screams much better." Xiao Fan nodded, walked behind her, stretched out his hands, and hugged his slender waist gently.

With her waist held, Yu Shuwen's body froze instantly. After being sluggish for a few seconds, she struggled gently: "What are you doing, let go quickly."

Feeling how much she struggled, Xiao Fan knew that the other party was holding back, because he didn't use much effort at all.

As long as she really wants to struggle, she can break free very easily. It is very difficult to restrain a person without hurting her.

"Xiaowen, don't you feel it? From the first time I saw you, I fell in love with you. I really like you very much."

Xiao Fan lowered his head, bit her earlobe lightly, and whispered in her ear.

"But we've only known each other for a few days, isn't it too fast?"

Yu Shuwen's body trembled, her earlobe was bitten, and her originally stiff body instantly softened.

"Love at first sight doesn't take time. True love happens in a short period of time."

Xiao Fan really came when he opened up. Anyway, as long as the other party agreed, he could say anything.

"But,,," Yu Shuwen wanted to be more reserved.

However, Xiao Fan didn't have the patience, he picked her up, placed her on the kitchen counter, and kissed her on the lips.

At first, Shu Wen could only be kissed passively, but slowly they cooperated, and the two kissed very affectionately.

After a few minutes, the two separated, Yu Shuwen's eyes were full of admiration, she said, "Let's go to the room."

"It's not very good here." Xiao Fan pointed to the marble countertop with a smile on his face.

Yu Shuwen's face turned even redder, but she didn't refuse. Since she chose to agree, there was no need to be hypocritical.


Two hours later, Xiao Fan was lying in the bathtub in the bathroom, taking a bath, squinting and remembering what happened just now, he sighed helplessly.

Glancing at Yu Shuwen who was taking a bath next to him, he rubbed his brows. Didn't he say that there are no perfect women among college students now, how could he meet one so easily.

Originally, it was a whim today, but now it's not easy to handle. After all, she's a college student and not a female anchor, so she's likely to be cheated on by the other party.

He regretted that he didn't ask this question at the time. Of course, after asking it, maybe he was even more excited. It would be very difficult for a man to reject a perfect woman.

Just when he was thinking about this question, Yu Shuwen turned off the shower after taking a shower, came to the bathtub, raised her head and stepped into the bathtub. Fortunately, the size of the bathtub was large enough for two people.

"Fan, you are really amazing, I feel so tired." Yu Shuwen hugged Xiao Fan's neck and looked at him with bright eyes.

Xiao Fan subconsciously wrapped his arms around her slender waist, lightly brushed his fingers on her fair skin, and said at the same time, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to be the first time."

"It's okay, I'm not angry." Yu Shuwen said very gently: "My mother told me that the first time a woman wants to give to the man she loves, I haven't met it for years until you appeared."

Xiao Fan is not afraid of women's material things. He is afraid of this kind of woman who plays emotional cards and doesn't want money. She wants more and material things are easy to satisfy, but her spirit is priceless. This woman really has a lot of plans.

Faced with this situation, Xiao Fan decided to use the material Dafa, so he said, "I think the cosmetics and bags you use are very cheap. I'll take you to buy them tomorrow."

"Thank you, but I don't need those, Fan, I'm not a material woman, please don't objectify me." Yu Shuwen pleaded pitifully.

"That's definitely not the case." Xiao Fan quickly shook his head and said, "In that case, I'll transfer you some living expenses, how about 200,000 yuan, and I'll transfer it to you later."

200,000 is not a small amount of money. To be honest, Shu Wen was a little moved, but when she thought of Xiao Fan's conditions, she immediately pressed her inner thoughts and said in a low voice:

"Fan, I don't need that much money. I can't use much money in school at all, so you don't need to transfer money to me."

"But I think you have a better life. It's convenient to do anything with money." No matter what, Xiao Fan wanted her to take the money, because in this way, he could feel at ease.

"If you want me to have a better life, then I don't need money." Yu Shuwen raised her head and shook it, then she stepped back.

This behavior made Xiao Fan stunned for a moment, and then his whole body froze.


Just when the two got to know each other deeply, in Shuwen's university dormitory.

"Why didn't Xiaowen come back? It's already so late."

Bai Yingying looked at the time and said very puzzled.

"It is estimated that she went to open a room with her boyfriend. It is normal for couples to go out and not come back at night."

Shi Yanjing said indifferently.

"Impossible, Xiaowen wouldn't give her body to that kind of man at all. It's probably an accident."

Guan Minjuan shook her head and said.

"Xiaojuan is right, Xiaowen is just playing with that man, how could she possibly do that kind of thing with him."

Bai Yingying nodded and said.

"Then call and ask."

Shi Yanjing took out her mobile phone and made a call, but the call didn't get through, and there were only system prompts.

The call you made is not on the server.

This prompt made the three people in the dormitory sit up. Xiaowen was their sister, so they were still very worried.

"Call the man who took it and ask him what's going on."

Bai Yingying frowned. She and Xiaowen have a good relationship and are very worried about each other's situation.

"Yeah." Shi Yanjing nodded and immediately called Shan Xiaoyun.

This time, the phone got through quickly.

"Hey, who is calling me in the middle of the night."

Shan Xiaoyun's voice came from the phone.

"Where are you now, have you returned to the dormitory?"

Shi Yanjing asked hurriedly.

"I've returned to the dormitory, who are you?"

Shan Xiaoyun was very angry, he was woken up just after falling asleep.

"I'm Xiaowen's roommate. Why didn't Xiaowen come back? Do you know where she went?"

Shi Yanjing asked loudly.

"Xiaowen, she told me that she had already gone back. She went back in his cousin's car."

Shan Xiaoyun's drowsiness was immediately reported.

"Her cousin? Xiaowen doesn't have a cousin at all. Are you kidding me?"

Shi Yanjing's face was very serious, she felt that the other party was lying to her.

"How is it possible, her cousin's name is Xiao Fan, a young man."

Shan Xiaoyun's face was not good-looking, and he also felt that something was wrong.

"Oh, it turned out to be him, then I know, let's hang up first."

Shi Yanjing was stunned when she heard the name, and then hung up the phone quickly.

"What's the situation?" Bai Yingying and Guan Minjuan came over immediately.

"I went with Xiao Fan. I guess I went there. I'm lucky to be able to report to a second generation."

Shi Yanjing sighed, her tone full of envy.

"No wonder she can't get through on the phone, it seems that she is afraid that we will disturb her beauty."

Bai Yingying breathed a sigh of relief, and then said sourly.

Originally, she wanted that second-generation chat method, but unfortunately Xiaowen didn't give it, which made her very helpless.

"Okay, go to sleep." Guan Minjuan sighed.

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