My Super Hero Development System

Chapter 80: , real girlfriends, fake sisters

Seeing her good girlfriend with tears streaming down her face, Mu Qianqian was silent for a long time, and then said:

"But even so, you should know that a person like him cannot have only one woman. Just because he has other women, you are going to fall out with him, isn't that too much?"

"Am I going to fall out with him? Since I didn't give him a satisfactory answer to the last question, he hasn't taken the initiative to send me a jump message. He ignored me, not me. ."

Lu Yixuan became more and more excited as she talked, and finally yelled and kicked.

"Why are you talking so loudly?" Mu Qianqian glared at her and continued: "He ignores you, can't you take the initiative to send him a message? Maybe if you take the initiative, he will reply."

"You think I haven't sent it. I sent several messages, but he didn't reply. What does that mean? I don't want me anymore. Am I still sending him a message?"

Lu Yixuan said angrily.

"Uh uh, you can actually take the initiative, such as making a phone call or something, put down your face, your face is not worth much, there is no need to be so serious."

Mu Qianqian shook her head, if it was her, she would definitely not do such a silly thing, and she just didn't reply.

Maybe the eldest brother was very busy and didn't have time to reply to the message, and then he forgot about it. There's no need to worry too much about it.

In the final analysis, Lu Yixuan was too young to be beaten by the society, and she didn't know how difficult it was to make money, which gave her the courage to do this.

"Why, I want to have a face, even if I knelt in front of him, but that time is different, I don't want to have no face at all, I, Lu Yixuan, don't want no one, and I don't know how many people pursue me. ."

Lu Yixuan clenched her fists and said:

"A lot of people ask me to go out every day. There are so many men who pursue me. Why should I be humble and pray to him? Even if he is high, he should give me a message instead of asking me to take the initiative to send messages all the time."

"But, there is really no shortage of women. When you went there last time, didn't you meet them? If you were like this, they would really forget you after a while."

Mu Qianqian shook her head and said:

"At that time, even if you go back on your words, do people have time for you? People's energy and time are limited. If you quit that position, you will soon be occupied by other women."

"So what? Without him, it's not that I can't make money. I can support myself well and let me bow my head again and again. That's impossible."

Lu Yixuan wiped away her tears, very stubborn.

"Hey, you are really willful. Don't you know the situation in your own live broadcast room? It was hard to get better, but now the popularity has begun to decline."

Mu Qianqian said bitterly:

"Do you know how many graduates this year, how many girls are among them, and how many of these girls are going to be anchors? Besides them, many people now come to live broadcasts instead of going to factories.

The entire platform has a limited number of eldest brothers, and beautiful anchors keep pouring in. If you miss him, you may never meet your eldest brother again. Even if you do, there will be Xiao Fan coming? "

"The big deal is that I will find an honest man to marry. Based on my appearance, I can still find a man with a good income. Unless he takes the initiative to send me a message, otherwise I will never take the initiative."

Lu Yixuan actually understands this truth, but what if she understands, girls are not men, and their sensibility is far greater than rationality. Even if they know that sensibility is wrong, they will choose.

"Okay, you mean that you won't be with him in the future, are you sure you won't go back on it?" Quan also persuaded her, and Mu Qianqian's eyes began to flicker.

"Unless he admits that he likes me, I will definitely not reconcile with him." Lu Yixuan gritted her teeth, what she needed was a verbal promise, even if it was a lie.

"Talking about money with the poor and love with the rich, you are really enough, don't be too greedy, how could people like you." Mu Qian smiled, this best friend is really too naive.

"The feelings of the poor are cheap, and money is precious to them, while the money of the rich is cheap, and feelings are precious, and of course they need precious things."

Lu Yixuan said with reason.

"Haha, in reality, the poor are only willing to talk about love, and the rich are only willing to talk about money. Talking about money is already very good. If I were you, I would definitely not be so greedy."

Mu Qianqian strongly disagrees with Lu Yixuan's words.

"You will only be toyed with like that, treated as a toy, without independent personal dignity." Lu Yixuan said fiercely.

"It makes you different before. Many people are not qualified to want this."

Mu Qianqian said quietly:

"The ancients said a long time ago that if you want to gain something, you must be prepared to lose something."

"I don't care so much." Lu Yixuan said.

"Well, give me his WeChat." Mu Qianqian reached for Lu Yixuan's mobile phone.

Lu Yixuan responded quickly, and immediately protected her mobile and said with a look of vigilance:

"Why do you want his WeChat? You don't know him. Even if he has his WeChat, he won't add you."

"I'll scold him for you and let him dare to bully my sister."

Mu Qian smiled, and said righteously and sternly.

"Forget it, he's not bad."

Lu Yixuan's face changed, and then she quickly refused.

What a joke, send WeChat, she has no problem with her mind.

"No, he bullied my best friend, I will definitely scold him, just give me WeChat."

Mu Qianqian stretched out her hand to get her mobile phone. She wanted to add this WeChat for a long time.

She used to be on good terms with Lu Yixuan, so she couldn't think too much, but now it's different, people fall out, so there's no scruples.

"Why do you want his WeChat?"

Lu Yixuan looked vigilant, she felt that her best friend's purpose was not pure.

"Of course I'm condemning him for wanting. What do you think I want?"

Mu Qianqian looked innocent.

"Forget it, I have deleted his WeChat."

Lu Yixuan hesitated for a while, but still refused. Although she has a falling out with her brother now, what if they make up.

If she really became a wife and gave WeChat to her best friend, wouldn't she have an additional enemy.

"Then show me your phone." Mu Qianqian was unwilling. She really didn't want to miss such a good big brother.

"My phone is out of power. I'll go back to my room to charge it first." Lu Yixuan got up quickly and hurriedly returned to the room.

Looking at the back of her leaving, Mu Qianqian sighed, her best friend was really greedy, and she clearly said that she ignored others.

But I still can't bear to send her WeChat, such a good big brother.

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