My Super Hero Development System

Chapter 84: , the confrontation between women.

Mu Qianqian walked out of the bathroom and was about to walk towards the parking lot, when her sharp eyes saw Lu Yixuan first.

This made her complexion change, and some guesses appeared in her heart. Could it be that her good best friend found something?

As soon as this thought came to her, she immediately shook her head, probably not yet, or her best friend would have called her long ago.

Thinking of this, she quickly took out her phone and sent a message to Xiao Fan:

"Brother Dun, I'm going to wait for you outside. You drive out first, and let Yixuan find out that it's not good. After all, she and I are best friends."

You mustn't let your girlfriend know about this kind of thing, or else you will definitely have a conflict with her.

Although she is greedy for money, she is also very fond of her best friend.

Xiao Fan was playing with his mobile phone, and after seeing the news from Mu Qianqian, he got into the car directly.

Fastening his seat belt, he kicked the accelerator and went straight out, completely ignoring Lu Yixuan who was beside him.

Lu Yixuan's face changed greatly. She stood here and didn't leave. She was very clear about what she meant. She only needed the other person to speak, and she would be soft.

But this man actually left without paying any attention to her intentions. Does he look down on her too much?

"Men are really big pig hooves. Pulling 8 is ruthless. I'm mad at me."

Looking at the passing car, Lu Yixuan stomped her feet, tears flowing uncontrollably.

From childhood to adulthood, she has been a star holding the moon, but this man didn't take her seriously at all, and made her kneel and crawl.

But even if he was so obedient, he didn't have the slightest temptation, which made her very sad.

Just now, he had obviously been subdued, but this man was so heartless.

"Miss, hello, are you alright?"

Just as she was crying, a man came over with a questioning look on his face.

"I'm fine, thank you."

Lu Yixuan glanced at the man, then turned around and left quickly. She wondered what the man was thinking.

But how could she possibly see such an ordinary man.

"It's so beautiful, but it's a pity that it's cheaper for the rich."

The man looked helpless. He just watched it for a while, and understood something.

Such a beautiful woman was ruthlessly abandoned, which made him very sigh.

On the other side, Xiao Fan drove outside, picked up Mu Qianqian and went to a place where he could learn more.

The two talked about the origin of life in the living room, learned about the mysteries of the universe in the kitchen, and talked about life ideals in the bathroom.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Mu Qianqian limped out of the high-end community.

Standing at the gate of the community, she looked inside the community and recalled Xiao Fan's big house. She really seemed to own such a big house.

Unfortunately, it wasn't her house. With a sigh, she thought of Xiao Fan's body, which made her face red.

"It's really not human, how can a man's body be so strong?" Mu Qianqian whispered while rubbing her belly.

Soon, the car came. She took one last look at the community, and then quickly got in the car. It was late, she wanted to go back early.

An hour later, she finally got home. When she opened the door, she found Lu Yixuan sitting in the living room.

"Why didn't you live stream today?" She was a little embarrassed, so Mu Qianqian asked with a forced smile.

"I'm not in the mood." Lu Yixuan replied, then looked at Mu Qianqian, when she saw that Mu Qianqian's lips were a little swollen, she was puzzled.

"Why are your lips swollen?"

"Oh, don't talk about it. I accidentally fell while shopping and my lips fell. It hurts me to death."

Mu Qianqian limped to the sofa and sat down, complaining in her mouth.

"You were really careless." Lu Yixuan shook her head, then looked at the bag that Mu Qianqian put on the coffee table.

"Aren't you ready to live? Buy such expensive things?"

Lu Yixuan was very surprised. None of these bags were small brands, they were all big brands.

"Making money is for consumption, so why bother." Mu Qianqian casually found an excuse to perfunctory.

"You are so handsome." Lu Yixuan shook her head, and then said in a low voice, "I went out and met him today."

"Ah? What did you say?" Mu Qianqian was actually very suspicious of why her best friend went back to that mall, but without evidence she could only play stupid.

"I said, I met that stinky man today." Lu Yixuan repeated weakly.

"Where did you meet him?" Mu Qianqian was curious, her acting skills reached the peak.

Lu Yixuan did not speak, but her best friend who carefully observed the evidence, after confirming that there was nothing wrong, said:

"In a shopping mall, I originally wanted to relax, but I didn't expect to meet him."

"Then have you communicated or something?" Mu Qianqian felt her heart beating a little faster.

"No, he ignored me at all. I had already walked up to him."

Lu Yixuan burst into tears as she spoke, with a heartbroken look on her face.

"Uh uh, a man wants to save face, maybe he's also angry, maybe you're taking the initiative,"

Mu Qianqian pursed her lips, looking at the appearance of her best friend, she felt a little embarrassed.

"I've already taken the initiative. He only needs to touch me or say a But he didn't, he was indifferent."

The more Lu Yixuan talked, the more saddened she became, especially when she thought of some bad guesses.

"It's really a stinky man. He has no feelings at all. I strongly condemn him."

Mu Qianqian immediately scolded her for help. She knew very well that Lu Yixuan was venting her emotions, rather than needing her to solve the problem.

It is very true that when a woman complains to other people, most of the time it is to vent her emotions, asking you to resonate with her and fight together.

Instead of solving problems, they don't need to solve problems, they just need to vent their emotions, which is emotional thinking.

"Qianqian, do you think I'm really wrong? I just need a little pity from him, but he just doesn't want to give it."

Lu Yixuan leaned against Mu Qianqian, stretched out her hand, and buried her head in Mu Qianqian's chest.

"Uh uh, it's definitely not your fault. Girls always think too much. It's his problem. It's too ruthless."

When Mu Qianqian spoke, her heart was extremely empty. After all, she had just gotten to know the man deeply.

"Really, you wouldn't lie to me to comfort me, would you?"

Lu Yixuan stared at the hickey under Mu Qianqian's collar for a while, feeling very uncomfortable. She was a little naive, but she was not stupid.

"Of course not, we are best friends, and the people you hate, I must also hate them very much."

Mu Qianqian said righteously and sternly.

"That's good, then you and I scold that stinky man."

Lu Yixuan retracted her gaze and said with a forced smile.

"No problem, what do you want me to scold for?"

"A man is a big badass, a big pig's hoof, a bastard, yes,,,"

"Okay, a man is a big badass, a big pig's hoof, a bastard, yes,,,"

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