My Superhero Can’t Be This Jerk

Chapter 105: Maeve whose eyes were hurt

Perhaps because he found someone to confide in, Shen Hai said everything he wanted to say in his heart.

"While it hurts when you say that, it's true. I was hired to ensure diversity on the team, I mean, I'm a joke, I can talk to fish, what else is there ?”

"You really think that?"


Shen Hai made a helpless gesture, "Obviously, I'm not the only one who thinks so. On the day of the Super Bowl, Locomotive put a dolphin balloon on my bed, a dolphin balloon with lipstick stuck in the fumarole. Aha, what a creative idea." asshole."

Maeve was a little surprised, "Did that hurt you? It was just a joke, at least we all thought it was a joke."

Shen Hai's mood became even more depressed, "That's exactly the problem. You didn't realize the harm it might cause me, which means you don't value me at all. You just treat me as a joke."

Maeve felt that what this guy said had some truth.

But of course she wouldn't show it, instead she showed a guilty look, "Sorry, the deep sea..."

", I don't mean to blame you, I just want to express. You know, it's like going to a psychiatrist. A right environment will put Check out what you want to say."

The deep sea looks very generous.

Therefore, through a heart-to-heart and cordial conversation, the two members of the seven-member group settled their suspicions.

No wonder!

Maeve still thinks that the deep sea is a sand sculpture.

Shen Hai still wanted to press Maeve's head into the toilet seat.


The atmosphere in the air was a little awkward.

Maeve coughed and switched to other topics, "Where's your fish school partner?"

As soon as Maeve finished speaking, there was a "chirp" sound in the sea.

A streak of water appeared in the sea bathed in moonlight, extending towards the two of them.

Under the water pattern, a porpoise got out.

"Hey, Angie!"

Say hello to the cute porpoise from the deep sea.

"This is your reliable partner?"

Maeve stared at the dolphin suspiciously, "If you say you want to rely on this thing to help us sneak into Governor's Island, it will make me seriously suspicious."

"Don't doubt the smart brain of dolphins!"

Shen Hai has an expression of complete control.

He went into the water and approached the porpoise with its dorsal fin exposed, stroked its head with his hand, and lowered its body, as if listening to what it had to say.


The porpoise makes clear noises.

Shen Hai pretended to be listening and nodded repeatedly.

"What's the matter? What did your good friend say?"

After Maeve finished communicating with the dolphins in the deep sea, she asked him in a playful tone.

"Actually, there is indeed a new discovery."

Deep Sea patted the dolphin's nose approvingly, and said: "Governor's Island was used as a military base from 1783 to 1966. From 1996 to 1999, it was the station of the Coast Guard. Under its coastal waters, There is a waterway that has been abandoned."

"This waterway was built in the 18th century. It was dredged once in 1988 for the safety of the US-Soviet Disarmament Summit. Although it has been abandoned for many years, after Anji's investigation, it was confirmed that it can still be used. Through this waterway, you can Straight to the center of the island. By the way, how are you diving?"

"Well enough."

Queen Maeve said with a relaxed expression, "It's about the same as your porpoise."

"Then I don't have to worry about it."

The sea surface under the moonlight reveals jagged waves.

The two dived into the water and followed the porpoise to swim to Governor's Island.

The sea water is turbid and unbearable. If ordinary people dived into such sea water, they might not be able to last for a minute. But because both of them are superhumans different from ordinary people, they quickly adapted to the underwater environment.

boom! boom!

The artillery bombarded above the two of them. This is the mercenaries on the island who are engaged in air combat with the US military.

Missiles reversed upwards like meteors, drawing a trail of white smoke.

The large-caliber anti-aircraft machine gun bullets that stabbed and made strange noises formed a powerful barrage and hit the sky.

For a moment, the entire sky was illuminated as bright as day.


Right above the heads of the two diving, a helicopter was suddenly shot and turned into a fireball.

The iron frame and the debris of the helicopter immediately scattered in all directions.

Mars hit the sea with a huge fireball, making a loud "bang".

The scorching breath steamed the surface of the sea.

Shen Hai and Maeve continued to dive deep underwater.

The porpoise led the way, and the two followed quietly.

The deep, silent, and turbid underwater is like a world isolated from everything.

Suddenly, the porpoise leading the way stopped suddenly.

The porpoise named Angie turned around, swam to the side of the deep sea, and turned around him.


Under the seabed, Maeve couldn't speak and made a question mark expression.

The porpoise's lower abdomen was light red, and it was leaning against the body of the deep sea, rubbing against his ankles and ankles constantly.

Deep Sea seemed a little annoyed and pushed the dolphin away.

But it got entangled again and kept rubbing around the deep sea.

That look reminded Maeve of a word.

Obscene, yes, obscene. Although it is a bit strange to use this word to describe an animal, Maeve unexpectedly felt that this word is very suitable for the current dolphin.

Shen Hai made a helpless expression, opened his mouth, and seemed to be talking to the dolphins.

The two had a conversation in the water.

Are you discussing possible dive routes?

Maeve thought to himself.

The communication between the deep sea and the dolphins soon ended.

Then, Shen Hai made a movement that made her dumbfounded.

He reached under the dolphin's tail, the long organ where the tail fin was attached.

Then he played in an extremely wretched way.

Along with the movements in the deep sea, the dolphins made clearer movements, and the light red color of the abdomen became more and more obvious.

Walter Fuck? ?

Although it was at the bottom of the sea, Queen Maeve couldn't help but utter a national curse.

What the fuck is this doing?

What do my eyes see?

Maeve instantly felt that she was being rolled by thunder!

This pervert in the deep sea is doing manual work for dolphins!

Anger rose from the bottom of Maeve's heart in an instant. Facing these two perverted bastards who were blatantly making indecent actions in front of her, she kicked her feet hard and rushed to Shen Hai with a whoosh.

Immediately afterwards, he punched the dolphin and at the same time stretched out his foot and kicked Shen Hai in the face.

Although there is resistance from sea water, the power of this punch is still not small.


The dolphin screamed and was sent flying.

Deep Sea was solving the physical needs of his little dolphin brother, when his face was suddenly attacked, he uttered a scream of "uh ah", and fell to the bottom of the sea.

What a pervert!

Maeve listened to Shen Hai's words before, and had a slight change in him. Unexpectedly, this guy will not change, and he is still the bastard in his impression!


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