My Superhero Can’t Be This Jerk

Chapter 109 First Battlefield Experience

Inside the Water Building, the natives of the motherland are staring at a photo in their hands.

It was a photo of him and Maeve.

The people of the motherland pinch their waists like a spring breeze.

Maeve leaned against him, showing a hearty smile.


A gust of wind blew by, and the locomotive suddenly appeared behind him.

"Any news about Maeve?"

There is no emotion in the tone of the motherlander.

But the locomotive could faintly feel the anger he secretly accumulated.

Swallowing, the locomotive said cautiously: "The crime analysis department detected that Maeve appeared near Orchard Reef."

"Orchard Reef?"

"A tidal flat, very close to Governor's Island. The signal tracking in the deep sea also disappeared there."

Hearing the words Governor's Island, the hands of the people from the motherland clenched into fists in an instant.

After dismissing the locomotive, he walked alone to a cargo corridor on the 89th floor.


Hit the wall with a punch, punching a fist-sized hole in the solid wall.

Supporting his body with his fists, he lowered his head, trying to suppress his bad emotions.

The right hand loosened meaninglessly, then clenched tightly.

Betrayal, lies, a series of words echoed in his mind.

For the indifferent and selfish people of the motherland, if there is someone who can make him feel a little warmth, it can only be Queen Maeve and Madeleine.

Queen Maeve's love, which belonged to him alone, was taken away by that bastard Batman!

He had never hated someone so much as now.

Something to do, something to do!

If he didn't do anything, he felt he might lose his mind.


On Governor's Island, the Marine Corps' landing attack is in full swing.

The hostage-taking by super-terrorists is the hottest topic at the moment, and the media will not let it go easily.

Robert Capa, special correspondent for the network.

Once in the Andalo Mountains of Spain, I conducted a one-month special training for field photography work.

The morning courses are battlefield knowledge, including frontline skills such as first aid in the field, weapon identification, dismantling of improvised explosive devices, etc.; the afternoon courses are photography-related courses, including equipment preparation, equipment protection, photography skills, frontline editing, application for funding and shooting, etc.

Although he has done a lot of training, this is the first time he has joined the battlefield at close range.

Holding the camera, sitting on the landing ship, his legs were shaking like chaff.

Although the military chief in charge of the operation insisted that he only needed to sit in the back, he strongly urged to go to the battlefield with the soldiers.

After all, if you want to be popular these days, you have to dare to do something crazy.

Looking at the serious faces of the soldiers around him, he couldn't help becoming nervous.

It's okay, it's okay, there won't be any surprises against a mob of terrorists.

He kept comforting himself in his heart.

At the same time, there was a little expectation in his heart: if the soldiers failed, would Batman appear?

It's been over a month since Batman disappeared, but his popularity is still unabated.

The public is extremely interested in this maverick superhero.

He doesn't show up as often as Walter's superheroes.

On the contrary, except for the Bansenhe battle, he basically never appeared in front of the media and the public.

There are only sporadic stories that appear in the legends in the streets and alleys.

This has led to people becoming more and more curious about him.

In this big event, the super terrorists directly controlled the entire island and the hostages, and launched a high-profile TV live broadcast to fight against Batman.

It not only detonated the excitement and curiosity of the people across the United States, but also inspired the G-spot of the media.

All the news focused on this small island.

Uninterrupted 24-hour news live broadcast, the media invited many guests to come on stage to analyze and speculate.

Who is the super-terrorist who calls himself the Arkham Knight? Will Batman appear on Governors Island? Can the army capture Governor's Island?

Or will it depend on superheroes to save the field in the end?

Why aren't the Super Seven on? Are the military and the government hiding something?

Around various issues, experts and professors had heated debates and quarrels.

It was against this background that Robert volunteered to go to the battlefield with the camera on his shoulders.

His purpose is to hope to photograph Batman.

It is a pity that the live broadcast cannot be performed, otherwise the popularity will definitely grab the headlines.

Just as Robert was thinking about it, amphibious landing ships drove to the shore.

The hatch opened, and American soldiers in camouflage uniforms got out of the landing cabin one by one.

"Start attacking!"

The commander gave the order to attack.

The soldiers rushed towards the island like a tide.

The terrain of Governor's Island is surrounded by land and high in the middle, which has brought great trouble to the landing of the US military.

"Well done! Mortars and machine gunners in place!"

As for the mercenaries, they are commanded by "Death Knell" Walter.

As he gave an order, the bullets slanted down the mountain as if they didn't want money.

Mortar shells also dragged their long tails and roared down from the mountain.

Dense bullets and artillery shells rushed towards the US military positions, forming a barrage of bullets like heavenly maidens scattered flowers.

Several amphibious landing tanks had just entered the battlefield, and before they had time to attack, they were overturned by mortar shells one by one.

Robert carried the camera and followed at the end. Before he could take two steps, he was pushed violently and fell to the ground.

A bullet grazed his body.

"Keep your eyes open!"

The soldier who saved his life gave him a hard look, "If you don't want to die, just stay behind."

The pale-faced Rob nodded with lingering fear.

It seems that no matter how much training is done, it can't compare to the real battlefield.

Robert decided to hide behind for his own life.

The Marines continued to push forward.

However, it was completely suppressed by the enemy's firepower.

"Report sir, the enemy's firepower is too strong, please support..."

A second lieutenant was lying in the bunker, lowered his body, and asked his superiors for help through the walkie-talkie.

Before he could finish speaking, he heard a loud bang from his side.

A wave of air rushed towards his face and instantly lifted him out.

There was only a rustling sound from the intercom, and the line was disconnected.

"No, the firepower is too strong. The amphibious tank alone is not enough. If we don't send heavy armor and fire support, there is no way to rush up!"

Inside the Pentagon, a lieutenant general watching the battlefield frowned and said.

"This is unrealistic. If other troops are being dispatched, there will be too little time."

An admiral objected.

While discussing, officials from the Intelligence Department came up to report that they had found Batman's traces in the Governor's Island.


The admiral exclaimed, "Our full-frequency radar is running all the time, and we can detect even a bird! It's impossible for him to get in without anyone noticing it!"

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