My Superhero Can’t Be This Jerk

Chapter 225 Invading Your Base Camp

"Hey, Baron, something is wrong with my mission. The Shadow Knight is hunting me down. I need your help."

Alone in a deserted alley, Black Alice calls for help from Baron Winters.

Just call his name and Baron Winters will hear her.

"You escaped from Wonder Woman?"

Baron Winters' voice came from above.

"Of course, it was just a small trick."

Black Alice glanced at the alley full of sundries, as if something was approaching her there.

"Hurry up, Baron, they are coming! I can already hear their footsteps, open your fireplace portal and let me get out of this ghost place!"

Her tone became more and more urgent, as if a monster was really chasing her.

"Although I am a little annoyed at your disobeying orders, but... I will not stand by and this is the biggest difference between us."

The baron cast a spell, and a swirling cloud formed by magic power appeared in mid-air not far from Black Alice.

Through the magic passage, you can enter Baron Winters' cabin and go back to the 21st century.

Black Alice didn't hesitate, and immediately ran towards the portal.


The flame in the fireplace burned more vigorously, and Black Alice jumped out of the flame.

Not only her, but three figures appeared one after another from the flames of the fireplace.

Eric, Diana and Raven!

The three of them appeared calmly from the flames, surprising Baron Winters and the boys and girls in the room.

be cheated!

These three words instantly popped into the baron's mind.

The other party has already controlled Black Alice, let her pretend to escape from Wonder Woman, was chased by the Shadow Knight, and asked herself for help.

And because of the urgency of the situation, I will ignore the irrationality of the whole thing, and open the portal for Black Alice.

Completely fell into the opponent's trick!


The baron was dumbfounded, he hadn't expected this development at all.

The expression on his face was no longer as calm as before.

"Lord Winters?"

Eric had a bat helmet on his head, covering his face.

He has been longing for this DC world and Constantine's magic stick for a long time, and this decision must have left an unforgettable impression on him.

"Who... who are you?"

The baron showed a puzzled expression, as if seeing Eric for the first time.

As a treacherous and cunning old master, Baron Winters knows how to pretend to be stupid.

If you don't know him well, it's easy to be deceived by his gentle and sincere demeanor.

Unfortunately, Eric is not the kind of person who is easily deceived.

"Batman, that's my name. Baron, you don't have to play dumb, a member of your Legion of Shadows, this Lady Black Alice has already told you everything you have done."

Eric pointed his finger at Black Alice to the side.

"Sorry, being controlled by Wonder Woman's lasso of mantra, even if I want to resist, it won't help."

Black Alice gave the Baron an "I'm sorry" look.


On the other side, "Merlin" by the fireplace bared his teeth, and made an unfriendly sound to the clenched raven.

Of course Raven would not have any good impressions of the baron and his pets, after all, no matter who they were, they would not have a good impression of someone who wanted to harm him.

She stretched out her right hand and pointed to "Merlin", "That's it, go to sleep!"

Raven's mental control is very powerful, and he can change the emotional state of ordinary people at will, and implant his own thoughts deeply in the opponent's mind.

It's just that tampering with other people's memories and emotions at will is an immoral thing in Raven's view, so she rarely uses this ability.

Controlled by the raven's spiritual magic, "Merlin" closed his eyes, his mouth blew out, and his body wobbled and fell to the ground.

Then there was a loud snoring.

Seeing that the opponent had already made a move, Baron Winters immediately shouted to the surrounding team members: "Tracy, Ryan, Skye, stop them!"

While shouting, he ran towards the door.

Adhering to the idea that a dead teammate never dies a poor man, the Baron once again sold out his teammate in a critical moment.

Only a few people were left looking at each other.

"I'm going to chase him!"

Raven put on his hood and chased the baron in the direction from which he was fleeing.

She can sense human emotions and track them. In a certain sense, the most suitable job for her should be the police, and she can catch every criminal accurately.

After Raven and the Baron left, only Trish and Eric and Wonder Woman were left in the room.


The well-behaved Skye, the air elementalist, swallowed, raised his hand, and said weakly: "Wonder Woman, I am your loyal fan, and Batman, I like you too! I don't want to fight with you guys." .”

Skye was the first to surrender.

She had been bewitched by the baron's rhetoric, so she wasn't too keen on things like fighting.

As for Trish and Clarion, when they saw Diana appearing, they immediately stopped their resistance.

That's Wonder Woman! The Big Three of the Justice League!

Even though she was a freshly debuted Wonder Woman who traveled back in 1906, it was not comparable to a group of rookies like myself.

The three reached a tacit agreement almost at the same time.

"Why do they call me Wonder Woman?"

Diana wore a black trench coat and a crown of stars on her head. The familiar sexy uniform has not yet been designed.

She wondered why these people called themselves Wonder Woman.

"Maybe it's an exclusive title that everyone likes you and gave you."


Diana nodded, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, "Not bad title, I like it very much!"

Can you not like it? This is originally your nickname... But, if you know that I gave Leslie the title of Wonder Woman, will you go berserk immediately?

The corner of Eric's mouth trembled, thinking of a terrible thing.

On the other side, the raven chased the baron down the corridor after leaving the room.

"Just run, you can't get away from me! I can feel your emotions...and track them!"

Raven whispered to himself.

Her tight black cape with sharp edges flapped in the wind as she ran.

With a light step of both feet, they move forward like a gust of wind.

thump thump!

Her footsteps resounded clearly in the hallway.

The halls are endless, with so many corners and corridors that the passages become endless.

Raven soon realized something was wrong!

She's been going around in circles, stepping into the same place countless times.

Although the body does not feel tired, it feels like the time has been stretched infinitely, as if I have been running for countless hours.

"Is it the power of magic?"

Raven stopped in her tracks. She already understood that the corridor of the room was enchanted by the baron. If the influence of the magic barrier could not be eliminated, she would keep circling in circles.

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