My Superhero Can’t Be This Jerk

Chapter 261 Arkham Asylum


A furious storm descended in front of the Water Tower.

Her cloak was torn several times and was covered in mud.

With bruises and blood scabs on his face, he was especially embarrassed.

With everyone watching, she walked towards the elevator.

The destination is Vice President Madeleine's office.

In the office, Vice President Madeleine was frowning, checking a document.

Since the events of Governors Island, the company has lost many superheroes.

The people from the motherland are missing, the locomotive has a heart attack and is sent to the hospital, the shock wave is headshot, black is killed by the shadow queen (Water doesn't know that black is trekking in the Sahara desert), deep sea is about to be expelled from the Super League due to deep scandal Group of seven.

Calculated in this way, the company's top combat power has basically withered.

Although the public's calls for Compound No. 5 have become more intense, the stock price of Water Company has remained at a stable level.

However, superheroes, as the face of the company, will not show up for such a long time, which will cause more and more people to doubt the strength of the company.

Superheroes are not only a facade, but also a high-end product, especially the people from the motherland, which are of extremely high value to the company.

His disappearance caused the company to lose at least more than 40 billion yuan.

"Is Batman... against us all the time. Or is there someone behind the scenes running this?"

Rubbing her forehead gently, Madeleine thought carefully.

"The origin of everything seems to be related to the disappearance of the transparent man?"

Put a piece of paper on the table, and Madeleine write the name of the transparent person.

"According to the report of the people in the crime analysis class, two people entered the ward of the transparent person at that time - the motherlander and Maeve. No one knows what the exchange between the three people is, but...why the transparent person Has been coy about the identity of his attacker?"

President Madeleine has been puzzled.

"Perhaps, I missed some important clues."

She muttered as she opened an email from the Analysis Section.

The above text is about the investment of Chenxi Investment Company to build a new building called "Arkham Mental Hospital".

"Arkham Asylum?"

Madeleine chanted this word and continued to browse the information below.

Arkham Psychiatric Hospital is a treatment center established by Chenxi Investment Company located in the suburbs of New York City, which specializes in receiving serious criminal tendencies and recidivists with mental illness.

Chenxi Investment Company and the New York City Government have reached a cooperation agreement. The madhouse will receive serious criminals from the New York Central Prison and some suspects with superpowers. dedicated management.

Once the madhouse was launched, it aroused great curiosity among the public.

Information about the lunatic asylum was quickly picked up by the public.

The founder is Eric Xavier, the president of Chenxi Company. I heard that the first dean is a young man named Dick Grayson.

The lunatic asylum will start trial operation in two months. Since it was rebuilt and expanded on an abandoned general hospital, the construction speed is very fast.

Is it Eric?

Eric's confident face appeared in Madeleine's mind.

Her impression of Eric was that he was confident, talented, talented and possessed of all kinds of whimsical ideas, but she did not expect that there would be an intersection here.

Is there something unusual?

Curious, Madeleine continued to look down.

After a rigorous investigation by the Criminal Analysis Section and the Information Section, it was discovered that there were some tricks among the first batch of prisoners who were going to be sent to the lunatic asylum.

In addition to some criminal felons and superhuman felons, there is one unexpected person.

Walter Stiller!

The man who was affectionately called Death Knell by Eric and fell with one punch.

Walter once appeared as a member of the super-terrorists on Governor's Island, but during the reckoning, he disappeared as did August (the Scarecrow).

According to the investigation, he was probably captured and hidden by Batman along with August.

Now, I accidentally learned from the information leaked by the police that this guy is going to be sent to the Arkham Asylum by Dawn Company.

Wherever Dawn Corporation got Walter Stiller from, this proves one thing - Dawn Corporation seems to have a secret connection with Batman.

If there is a connection to Batman, then it proves that Scarecrow and the Homelander may also be imprisoned in Arkham Asylum.

Thinking of this, Madeleine's spirit shook.

She felt that she had immediately touched the truth of the fact.

"No, before there is no evidence, I must carefully verify...I need a team that can help me deal with all problems."

Madeleine started pacing in the office.


Her eyes lit up, "I have read a document in the New York City Police Department before, and they are detaining some superhuman terrorists..."

Madeleine hurried back to the president's chair, turned on the computer and found information about the suspects detained in the New York Police Department.

A dead shooter with strong shooting talent and fighting ability.

Boomerang captain, good at using two darts.

Frost Killer, a superhuman who creates ice and snow abilities.

As well as the black spider, the shooting and fighting abilities are amazing.

After reading the profiles of several people, she felt that this team was very suitable for helping her explore the lunatic asylum.

"It's just a few of them, it's called—"

She pondered for a while, "Just call the Suicide Squad!"

I stood up, thought for a while, and thought: This is a group of vicious terrorists, and I can't completely trust them, so there must be some countermeasures to prevent them from disobeying my orders.

Madeleine lowered her head, thinking about how to control these unknown super terrorists.

thump thump!

As he was thinking about something, he suddenly heard a rush of footsteps outside.


The door was pushed open with a jerk.

A raging storm came in from outside.

Her uniform was tattered, her face was bruised, and her hair was disheveled.

It looked like someone had beaten him up.

Seeing the miserable appearance of the storm, Madeleine suddenly wanted to laugh.

But in order to take care of the storm's emotions, she had no choice but to suppress the urge to laugh.

"What happened to you?"

Madeleine tried to look a little sad.

"Rebels! In the New York Metropolitan Stadium, those super terrorists have completely occupied there, I need more support!"

"What super terrorist?"

President Madeleine pretended not to understand.

"Don't lie to me! I know that you are trying to investigate the whereabouts of those women, and I know that you have been paying attention to these unknown forces that suddenly arrived!"

Storm almost roared the words.

"The hegemony of culture will turn the power of the entire world into a superhuman existence! This is our mission, and it is also Walter's mission! No one can stop us! Those superhuman terrorists will definitely have to be wiped out!"

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