My Twenty-four Heavens

Chapter 142: What you said is true

See it all!

   Even if it is a little further away, the onlookers can understand it!

   The water dragon resurrected the ancient blood to bring disaster to the world. The Buddhist monk used his last consciousness to urge the relics, and finally suppressed the water dragon in the Qiantang River.

  This...the myth dared to write that way!

  The crisis brought by the dragon is lifted, and the banks of the Qiantang River are also completely boiling.

   Especially the people trapped on the Qiantang River Bridge, as well as the soldiers who came to support, they almost saw the process of suppressing the dragon at close range.

   Great light, great compassion and great anger!

   The powerful power of the eminent monk is definitely not fake, because the breath that makes ordinary people's souls tremble cannot be faked.

   There are also the flood dragons that can make waves, and they can also exude terrifying dragons.

   Everything is true!

   All three views collapsed at this moment!

   The news on the Internet that there was an Arhat in the Qiantang River surrendering to the dragon has spread completely, and even the state cannot stop it.

   After all, the kind of website that has been blocked by the country for so many years, you can actually see it easily if you want to see it.

   There is no use for eggs at all.

  Dragon Arhat reappears in the world!

  The birth of a dragon, the truth behind the world!

   Arhat descends the dragon, this scene turned out to be true!

  Various self-medias don’t care whether they are true or not. Anyway, the popularity has been ignited, and countless adverts appear on various platforms.

   At the same time, countless assailants at the scene also excitedly appeared on the Internet and said that a large number of videos and photos became real evidence.

   Zhang Tong, who was among the tourists, flipped through the software on his mobile phone, and showed a satisfied smile on his face:

   "The overall situation is set!"

   "Even if the country wants to stop it, the matter of Luo Han Jianglong can't stop it."

   "The only thing the country can do is probably to control public opinion in the Qiantang area and use celebrity topics to attract firepower."

   "But when it comes to transcendence, is it so easy to handle?"

   Zhang Tong glanced at the hot search list, and all the top ten have been occupied by Jiaolong and Luohan.

   Just when Zhang Tong looked satisfied, in the research institute responsible for the crossing plan, the high-level faces were pale.

   But soon the leader reacted. After his face changed drastically, the leader quickly issued an order:

   "Xiao Li, contact local officials and the army immediately, and be sure to protect the scene!"

   "People can evacuate as much as possible, and those who cannot be evacuated will also find a way to evacuate."

   "At the same time, relevant departments are dispatched to try to launch the water to find out the situation."

   "If Jiaolong is really suppressed, I need the local leadership team to do two things."

   "Try to understand the principle of the so-called suppression and find the relic."

   Although it was across the screen, the leader also saw Zhang Tong's powerful force.

   In a high position, he naturally knows what this power means.

   If this power can be controlled by the country, then the country can no longer be controlled by Citi.

   "Reiki recovery theory, I will focus on reporting."

   "The information level of Comrades Xie Qiang and Zhang Fangfang will be adjusted to the highest level for me immediately, and they must not be probed by foreign forces."

   The expression of the leader is very serious, and he knows what such a big public opinion means.

   This means that Toci will become the focus of the world.

   And those countries that have been ambitious are also destined to use all kinds of tricks to obtain intelligence.

   The things about the dragon and the relic must be hidden. What the country can do now is to protect the two traversers.

   recommended, really good, it is worth to install one, after all, there are many books, complete books, and fast update!

   Of course, after seeing the power of Buddhist monks, the leaders also realized the importance of religious texts.

   In short... Zhang Tong's sudden layout made the country such a behemoth a little bit turbulent.

   Qiantang River area, the scene has all started martial law.

   After several trials, the army finally sent a frogman to sneak into the depths of the Qiantang River. However, the picture obtained after the evidence has left all the leaders confused.

   "The dragon looks very free, and there is no such thing as the rumors of the dragon."

   "But the irritable Jiaolong seems to be unable to leave the waters with a radius of 500 meters at all."

   "It's as if there is some kind of force restraining it."

   "As for the relic left by the eminent monk, the search is too difficult."

   "But our military will find that relic at all costs!"

   Jiaolong was suppressed at the bottom of the Qiantang River, which of course is fake.

   The essence is that Zhang Tong used the creative authority to limit the range of black blood cells.

   "But even if it's fake, who of you can tell?"

   Zhang Tong, who has been forced to leave the scene, has an undisguised smile on his face.

   Jiaolong is restricted there by himself, which is definitely good for the country.

   The bird-like dragon in the cage is definitely the best research material.

   As for what can the country study?

   Zhang Tong didn't worry at all. The time scale is there, and the civilization of another world is destined to develop faster than the real world.


   glanced at the frenzied relics discussed on the Internet, and some even vowed to pass on the relics, and the smile on Zhang Tong's face became even stronger.

   Yes, yes, what you said is true.

   Although the relics won’t be inherited, they can be blessed with spiritual power and have the qualifications for cultivation.

   But are the relics so easy to get?

   The phone dropped into the river, it was a miracle that it could be fished out, not to mention egg-sized relics.

   "Next, we will look at the situation on the Internet."

   "If everything goes as smoothly as I expected, Infinite Evolution will soon be able to open the global closed beta."

   Zhang Tong’s eyes were full of Before Luohan descended the dragon, he had a corresponding plan.

  Since I want people in the real world to work for myself, I just want to play a little bigger.

   As long as they show enough temptation, anyone will follow their own rules.

   As long as anyone dares to test the Creator, a title from the Creator is enough to make many people honest.

   want to practice, right?

   Then you will come to the twenty-four heavens to work for nothing!

   It’s not your temperament to work for nothing, you have to follow my rules.

   Those who are disobedient, will be dealt with directly!

   What does the title mean, it means to cut off the road of cultivation!

   The high-level do not give up, right?

   I have sealed your 100,000 accounts, are you afraid?

   You can even kill a country directly!

   As the creator of the entire earth monopolizing the qualifications of cultivation, Zhang Tong felt that he could do whatever he wanted.

   "The only thing that needs to be noted is that even in the Primordial Realm, there can be no methods that can be practiced by humans."

   "It doesn't matter if you use some kind of gene, some kind of environment, or some kind of local specialties!"

   "In short... Ordinary humans can never practice."

   Zhang Tong is very clear about the importance of resource monopoly.

  The man who can't get it is the most deadly man.

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