My Unlimited Gaming System

Chapter 212: Master visit

When Lu Yuan originally decided to use biochemical clones to replace the senior members of the entire US government, Luo Kun was ready to go to war with the reclusive mages.

Yun Ke did not expect that the mages were more generous than he thought.

What matters to the current global hegemon, the life and death of the United States, is not even taken seriously by those mages.

Don't say that the mana is so powerful that Odin feels jealous, suppresses the dark dimension to dominate Domam, and secretly guards this supreme mage of the earth for hundreds of years, even her subordinates, Luo Kun, have not seen it.

At the same time that Luo Kun was relieved, he was also a bit disappointed. He also wanted to discuss magic with that Supreme Master.

After knowing the group of mages faintly, especially trying to find out the bottom line of the Supreme Mage, Luo Kun's behavior style has become increasingly domineering and even wantonly.

It is not only that he knows the bottom line of the Supreme Master, but also his increasingly powerful magic practice, plus the power he originally possessed. He feels that he has the strength to follow this Supreme Master. I rub my wrist.

Magic has a long history in the Western world, such as tarot, witchcraft, alchemy, stargazing, divination, and even secluded semiotics, herbalism, and psychicism, which can be classified into it, even in the flourishing civilization and science In this modern generation, many people still believe that the Gypsies can understand the past and the future, and that some magic scammers can recall the soul of the dead.

And according to the theories of those mysterious mages, there are countless dimensional spaces outside this world. The powerful creatures named [Angels] or [Devils] always want to break free from the gaps in time and space and come. In this material world, the weak will attempt to plunder the human soul as a delicious food, and the powerful being will want to engulf the world and drag this beautiful planet into darkness.

Because of this, the mysterious group that received the ancient revelation and inheritance formed a huge organization named [Mage], who professed to be the watchmen of the world and resisted the invaders with powerful magic.

Life like yourself from another world is, of course, a potential enemy in disguise that needs to be eliminated or controlled heresy.

He originally did not intend to do anything with Luo Kun. Although he did many things that evil people would do, he also made a certain contribution to world peace.

Previously, His Majesty's mechanical warriors and biochemical warriors were all over the world to capture mutants. Most of them were criminals with a lot of crimes. A few were children who were abandoned by the society and their families. He did not directly treat these. The mutants were sliced, but instead they were delicious and delicious, and they drank some blood every day, forcing them to develop their own abilities according to the experimental requirements and so on.

It ’s not that Luo Kun ’s love is overflowing, but Redes said that the body detection method of sliced ​​things is too backward. As long as he scans with the multi-functional super ability detector that he makes, all the body data and ability data will be all set. Need to slice.

He also knew that Luo Kun's biochemical clones had replaced most of the important technical personnel in the US government, and had completed absolute control of the entire US military system.

For example, the United States has nuclear weapon silos distributed around the world.

A mobile killer carrying dozens of tactical and strategic nuclear bombs, such as the US nuclear submarine, was directly taken over by Luo Kun's mechanical fighters, and was led by Reds, a large-scale intensive transformation operation, directly Thirteen nuclear submarines were transformed into more powerful maritime mobile fortresses. Using the dimension space technology, the internal space was expanded by hundreds of times, and more missiles and troops could be loaded.

During this time, Gu Yi, who has kept an eye on Luo Kun, knows a lot about his character.

In general, Luo Kun is a very easy-going person, but once you offend Luo Kun, you are ready for the coffin.

Generally speaking, Luo Kun will not take his heart seriously. What can provoke him must inevitably threaten his life. For the enemy who wants to kill himself, Luo Kun has only one attitude. .

Gu Yi knew that Luo Kun's strength was very strong, and the other party had not done anything harmful to the earth. She didn't want to provoke a stubborn report, she still had huge combat power in her hand, and she was in control of a nuclear arsenal that could destroy the earth hundreds of times. Strong.

However, let Luo Kun do nothing.

By any chance, that crazy man who was trying to destroy the world ran to provoke Luo Kun, which made Luo Kun level up the world.

In general, it is Luo Kun's strength and influence that makes Gu Yi be wary. His fists are hard enough and he naturally has the right to speak.

I say again, Luo Kun is not a non-human creature full of desire for destruction and conquest, and the ancient sense of him is not too bad.

After Luo Luokun enjoyed his dinner, he was thinking about how he should deal with the visiting mage, and the vague and strange spatial fluctuations that had appeared before appeared again.

Luo Luokun felt as if he had penetrated a layer of water curtain. The surrounding environment of UU reading remained unchanged. He was still in his hotel's highest-level imperial suite, as if nothing had changed.

Wrong, Xue Nai and Xue Daiyu's breath disappeared.

It looks like it is no different from the original suite. Everything is exactly the same, but the location has changed.

It turned out that it was drawing me into the sub-dimensional space of mirroring.

数 A few seconds after being pulled into the mirror space, Luo Kun knew who was behind the masterpiece.

As if feeling something, Luo Kun stood up and looked at the huge floor-to-ceiling window.

Looking at the surrounding objects like building blocks, with the arrival of a figure, upside down, staggered, and reorganized, the laws of physics seem to have failed.

The figure, wearing a large yellow monk robe, emerged from the void and slowly walked.

Layers of high-rise buildings are staggered up and down, the ground, vehicles, Daxia, etc. are cut under an invisible force, moving with the waving of the arm of the person, floating in the air, converging madly, forming a The road stretches towards itself, and the scene is extremely spectacular and shocking.

In Luo Kun's perception, he seems to see the energy from different dimensions of space being drawn by people, and surrounds the whole body. The body contains vast energy like the boundless sea, and its energy intensity is so great that he has seen so far. The strongest person ever.

"Finally here, Supreme Master."

Luo Luokun's mouth slightly tilted, walking towards people, his body passed through the floor window like a phantom, as if it did not exist in this dimension of space.

It was so simple and straightforward to come to your door. This was really unexpected by Luo Kun. Could it be that the most powerful existence of this mage is so confident that he has no ability to resist?

What gave you this courage?

眼 The Eye of Agomo?

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