My Weird Life

Chapter 11: Weird in the work group

  Chapter 11 The weirdness in the work group

  Su Wu sat down against the wall and rested for a while.

  He had been constantly surging with heavy fatigue, and even though the fire in the temple was shining, it was only slightly relieved.

   And the underside of the flank where he was connected to the ghost hand seemed to be wrinkled.

   Frowning, Su Wu struggled to open the zipper, and saw that under the right armpit, the piece of skin connected to the ghost hand was loose and sagging, like the skin of an old man.

   There are even abnormal dark spots emerging from the skin.

What's going on here?

  —Will the ghost hand reduce my body function and lose my vitality? !

  Su Wu instantly thought of a possibility. He looked at the quiet and dark arm, and only felt that every part of this arm was full of evil - using a gang hole would cause such serious consequences!

  You must not rashly use Gangdong in reality!

   Next time you simulate, you must try to use only the imperial bell to escape!

   Time passed slowly, and the crimson light outside the temple turned on and off, and went out and turned on again and again.

   The shortest time is only a few breaths, and the longest time is nearly ten minutes.

   Taking advantage of this time, Su Wu propped up his body and first read the contents of the notepad.

  ‘April 10.

  I had a hunch that something bad might happen, so I left the company and used this time to prepare. ’

  ‘April 11.

   I slept late today and slept until 2pm.

   The preparations can’t be rushed, let’s talk about it tomorrow. ’

  ‘April 12.

   Fishing all night and sleeping during the day. ’

  ‘April 13.

   I slept late until noon, and after eating, I bought a map of Mingzhou City and a map of Huayang County.

  The landlord quarreled with the couple upstairs, saying that other people didn’t know what to do in the house, which caused mildew on the walls. Is this the problem of his house?

  I see mold growing in my house too. ’


  Su Wu closed the notepad.

   Even if he already owns an emulator, his future self never mentions this in his notes.

  The simulator is the variable of the present, the future is the result of the present.

  The result can reflect the role of variables to a certain extent, such as the future self starting to consciously buy maps, noticing changes in the room in advance, and preparing for a bad premonition.

   But the result is fixed and variables can no longer be used.

   In addition to sleeping in, there is still a lot of useful information on the notepad.

  The first is that mildew has grown upstairs on No. 13. The landlord has quarreled with the couple upstairs because of this. It can be seen that the area of ​​mildew upstairs must be very large.

   followed on the 14th, and there were three homicides nearby.

  The future self specially inquired about the crime scene. Although the news was blocked in order to avoid the panic of the people, he still got clues-several murders happened in Unit 3.

  The tenants of Unit 3 have since moved.

   On the 15th, the couple upstairs died mysteriously in a tragic state.

   At this time, the future self also got a message from the tenant group, so he started to close the windows and cut off any light sources.

   Putting the notebook back in his pocket, Su Wu recalled in his mind the contents of the notepad he saw when he first entered the simulation game.

   When entering the game for the first time, the recorded murder happened on the 16th, and the young couple upstairs died suddenly and tragically on the 18th.

   It can be seen that the shadow trick appeared earlier this time.

   Maybe because his 'butterfly' flapped its wings, which led to its early appearance.

   Or the appearance of the shadowy ghost itself does not have a fixed time, and it may appear at any time within a certain period of time.

   In the subsequent simulation, you need to check the notepad in time to determine whether the time when the shadow ghost appears is not fixed, or is it because you did something that caused it to appear earlier?

  Su Wu kept this in mind, and then opened the social software on his mobile phone.

   First click into the tenant group and look for news.

  The current tenant group is silent, and no one is chatting inside.

He swiped his finger down, skipping a few lines of group reminders, and saw a message from a person with a dark head and a blank name in the group: "Note to residents of all units in Ping An Huayuan: Be sure to close them in the next few days. Doors and windows to block all light sources in the room.

  Hiding at home quietly, waiting for help, we are already in action.

   At present, an unknown substance transmitted by light has already permeated the Ping An Garden. If you open the window rashly to get light, and use various light sources, you must be directly killed by the unknown substance!

   Please be sure to cut off any light source, life is priceless! "

   This passage has been certified by social software, and it is highlighted with a blue frame, and a few mosaic photos of the corpse are directly attached below.

   Even if you have played the mosaic, you can see the tragic scene and the horror of the dead body.

   It is because of seeing this news in the group that in the future, I will seal the windows and shut down all kinds of equipment to prevent anything that produces light from being retained.

  Su Wu clicked on the personal page of the person with a dark profile picture.

   There is only a string of numbers '20280733' in the introduction.

   "Is this person a staff member of Mingzhou City's fight against strange forces?

  Shadow tricks kill people everywhere through shadows, but directly explaining to ordinary people that this is an 'unknown substance that spreads through light' can eliminate people's panic.

   At the same time, it is also possible to make people feel jealous of 'light' to the greatest extent. "

  Su Wu didn't get any clues from the staff member's profile, so he left the tenant group and found that there were still people chatting in several other groups.

   The most eye-catching is undoubtedly the work group of the former company.

   I left the work group directly, when did I join it again?

   Confused in his heart, he clicked into the work group.

   Immediately saw that the avatar was the former supervisor of Suit Elite, 'Huang Zhicheng', who kept sending messages in the group: "Is there anyone?"

   "All dead?"

   "Why didn't you come to work today?"

   "@王志友, why didn't you come to work?"

   "@小 Brainaxe, why didn't you come to work?"

   "@王志友, why didn't you come to work?"


  'Huang Zhicheng' has been a member of the Aite Group, and no one has come out to respond to him.

   This grandson doesn't know what the city is like now? The colleague whom he ate might have long since turned into a headless corpse.

   Looking at each group member of 'Huang Zhicheng' mechanically Aite, Su Wu frowned and was about to quit the group chat again when suddenly, the former supervisor Aite came to him: "@Young Master Eat Cake, why didn't you come to work?"

  ‘NMB, Sima Dongshi, is your brain sick? ’

  Su Wu played a set of quality three consecutive, hesitated for a while, and didn't send it.

   He suddenly felt that what happened in this work group was very strange.

   However, this time, 'Huang Zhicheng' seemed to be on the bar with Su Wu. Seeing that he didn't respond, he didn't skip directly like other group members, but continued to Aite Su Wu.

   "@Young Master Eat Cake, what about you?"

   "@Young Master Eat Cake, why don't you come to work?"

   "@Young Master Eat Cake, why don't you talk?"



   "You think I can't find you if you don't speak-"

The last paragraph of    turned into a red and distorted line of blood, which suddenly filled Su Wu's entire phone screen!

   (end of this chapter)

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