This summer has been extremely busy for Ryan. Since knowing that Peter escaped, Ryan knew that the war was approaching step by step. In this case, he spends all his spare time on improving his strength.

As we all know, the improvement of strength not only depends on cultivation, but also equipment in the extraordinary world is a part of strength. Although in this world it is difficult to obtain some powerful magic items by means of purchase. (There is really Ryan and no Galleon to buy it.). But as a person who has obtained the inheritance of a top alchemist, Ryan naturally chose to make some suitable magic props for himself.

Before making magic items, his first step was to analyze all his magic items. In the past few years of his wizarding career, he had obtained a lot of magic props, and Ryan hopes to find out the most suitable way to make magic props under the overall rules of this world by analyzing these props.

Because Mr. Luo Zhen, the alchemist who has touched the bottom rules of the world, specially warned him that there are different rules in different worlds, so no matter which world the props used must be close to the rules of this world, they will be able to exert their full effect. strength.

Unless the alchemist can really acquire the power beyond the world and integrate this power into the magic item, under this premise, the item can no longer be affected by the laws of the world, and can play the best effect in any situation. That's why Clinvet's teeth didn't have the same magical effect as the Radiant World in this world before, and they were still damaged during use. Because the laws that this weapon adapts to are not completely consistent with this world.

So during this time, Ryan spent a lot of time analyzing all the magic props he owned, such as Gryffindor's dagger, meteorite amulet and space bag, and naturally gained a lot from it.

The Gryffindor dagger is one of the most sophisticated casting skills among so many things. Ryan suspects that this thing was forged by the Goblin King together with the Gryffindor sword. From this dagger, Ryan obtained a way to change the physical properties of the metal, a way to strengthen the sword's armor-piercing ability and anti-corrosion effect, and even a way to absorb items to strengthen it. However, due to his limited ability, he cannot restore the almost permanent enchantment effect on the original dagger.

The Meteorite Iron Amulet that Hermione returned went to the other extreme, and it took Ryan a lot of time to figure out that its ability to resist an instant death attack did not come from a subtle production method at all. After research, he found that this item was extremely simple in terms of manufacturing technology, just drilled a hole in the meteorite so that the chain could be passed through so that people could hang it around the neck.

The magical effect that can be achieved now is purely based on the special properties of this meteorite iron, and it cannot be replicated without a second meteorite iron. Unless Ryan can be as powerful as Luo Zhen to touch the origin of the world, he will be able to understand the law of life contained in this meteorite and imitate it.

In the process of analyzing the items one by one, Ryan also tried to make a magic item, or to be more precise, upgrade a magic item. After analyzing several pieces of space equipment in his hand and figuring out the principle, he started to dismantle the special space bag he bought from the second-hand store in Diagon Alley. And use the above material to strengthen the best space bag of the basic material obtained from the pyramid.

The result of strengthening is satisfactory, the inner space of this space bag has become a huge space of 5m*5m*3m. While it's nowhere near as good as Newt Scamander's suitcase, Wonder Zoo, it's enough for Ryan right now, not to mention that he leaves room for further upgrades in the future for the next round.

After analyzing all the magic items, when Ryan was about to do a big job, he found that the biggest problem that bothered him now was the lack of raw materials. The raw materials in his hand are not complete, so that he needs to decompose some equipment to obtain raw materials, but the raw materials that can be obtained from this source are limited after all, in this case, Ryan can only find a way to find enough raw materials.

In the first step, he went to several worlds he had already mastered,

However, because most of the worlds are not worlds with very developed supernatural powers, the variety of raw materials that can be obtained is too simple, and it is basically impossible to collect all the raw materials needed.

So I only made a few gadgets with the materials at hand, and then said hello to my parents at breakfast one day and went to Diagon Alley to find what I needed.

When he arrived at Diagon Alley, he realized that Diagon Alley was as lively as usual when the school started. After all, the Quidditch World Cup is about to be held in the UK, and many foreign wizards are also taking this opportunity to travel to the UK.

After squeezing through a group of Russian-speaking aunts, Ryan finally came out of the dense crowd in Diagon Alley and came to his store. This was the first time he had been here since he obtained the store.

The shop looks a bit shabby. The wooden facade is decorated with a layer of mottled green paint. Through the lattice window, you can see that there are some boxes neatly placed inside. There is a plaque on the window, but the bronze letters on the plaque have almost fallen off, and it is impossible to tell what this store used to do.

Ryan leaned over and knocked on the door, and soon the door opened. A head with flaming red hair suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Fred, you startled me." Ryan said after taking a half step back, "I tried knocking on the door, but I didn't expect you guys to be there."

"Accurately, it's only me now." Fred made an exaggerated gesture of inviting in. "George went to the potions store to buy ingredients. Fortunately, our O.W.Ls test scores were acceptable this time, so my mother allowed us to come out for half a day to do our own things."

"Isn't it troublesome for you to run like this every day?" Ryan asked as he walked up the wooden stairs.

"It shouldn't be too much trouble, although I didn't dare to tell our mother about it, but Dad knows it. He helped us connect the fireplace of this store to the Floo network, so that we can come and go every day. already."

Speaking of which, Fred said a little embarrassedly: "Because now we have to test and produce, there is not enough space. We want to stop the warehouse rental business below, what do you think?"

"As long as you think it's appropriate, I've already said that both the house and the rent from the rental business are part of my investment. As long as you think it's better to stop the warehousing business, I have no opinion."

"Thank you then." Fred said here and pushed open a door on the second floor. Ryan found that it was filled with all kinds of old-looking experimental equipment, and there were several cardboard boxes next to it. It should be a semi-finished product of spit candy.

"The orders are really quite a lot, especially the wizards from abroad have been coming more recently. George and I are selling our joke products on the street. The sales are very good. So we now have enough funds to research new products."

After speaking, Fred pointed to the instruments on the table with some pride, "This is a set of equipment that we spent a lot of time putting together at the thrift store. But we haven't developed any new products yet."

"Speaking of new products, how about something like this?" Ryan said, and took out a rough bronze bracelet from his arms.

"This bracelet can bounce off all the magic spells attacking the wearer after it is activated. Of course, the magic spells here are at most some small curses. And the materials I use are very general, so the life of this bracelet is not long. Sure. If it's a formal offensive spell like the Stunning Curse, three will make this bracelet completely useless."

Fred took a look at the bracelet just now, and said in an excited tone, "You're actually an alchemist, how come I've never heard of you?"

"It's just by chance that I learned some alchemy. After all, I found that most of the daily necessities in the wizarding world have magical effects, so many wizards who thought they could alchemy didn't say anything." Ryan shrugged. Shoulder.

"In fact, most of those items are just products of magic spells or transfiguration, and there are very few people who really know alchemy even in the wizard's world." Fred raised his bracelet and said, "like you. Even if alchemy products can prevent a small curse due to the material factor, at least 30 to 40 Galleons are sold outside."

"It's so valuable?" Ryan asked in surprise.

"Of course, knowledge is power after all." Fred said, spreading his hands. "As far as I know, Hogwarts sometimes has alchemy classes in sixth and seventh grade, but they ask for transfiguration, potions, ancient The O.W.Ls test scores for runes and arithmetic and divination are all O candidates. Now you know why alchemy products are so expensive."

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