This afternoon, the potions class ended half an hour earlier. Ignoring Snape's ugly face, everyone hurriedly returned to the dormitory to put down their schoolbags and textbooks, put on their cloaks, and quickly rushed down the stairs to the foyer to line up under the command of the dean of the academy.

What is the Triwizard Tournament? It's a friendly competition. It presupposes friendship and takes competition as the stage. Demonstrate the beauty of the competency wizard's ability, will, skill and wisdom. In this competition, every participant is a champion. Have the courage to challenge your own limits, surpass yourself, and realize your own value. At the same time, it also allows all wizards to provide a platform for communication, and strive to achieve peace and prosperity in the wizarding world.

All of the above are official articles of the Daily Prophet. The real purpose of the competition is only one, that is, the contestants must defeat other opponents and win honors for their schools. In short, victory is the first, as for friendship - huh. At least Ryan thinks cheating has become a traditional game friendship at best incidental.

After counting the number of people and asking the students to sort out their instruments, Professor McGonagall asked everyone to line up to the open space in front of the castle. At the end of October, the Scottish Highlands were already quite cool, but fortunately, the curiosity of the guests made everyone temporarily ignore the slightly cold climate.

When it got dark, Dumbledore, standing in the back row, shouted - "Ah! If I'm not mistaken, the representative of Beauxbatons has arrived!"

Lane soon saw a behemoth flying towards the castle from above the Forbidden Forest, as Mr Weasley said in the camp before the Quidditch World Cup final: "It's always been like this - whenever we get together, we endure it. I can't stop showing off..."

Not only the wizards are like this personally, but also the magic school. Just like ordinary people who haven't seen each other for a long time will compare how the two sides get along, so the wizarding school is not exempt. Different from the implicitness of the Eastern way, each participating school in the Triwizard Tournament directly took out everything that could be shown off, in order to show off its own school heritage to other schools. For example, those alchemy banners that Ryan saw in the hall were part of it.

Naturally Beauxbatons are not exempt, because Beauxbatons in the sky have already put on their pomp: an absolutely luxurious carriage.

This huge, gigantic powder-blue carriage was the size of a house, and it was soared into the air by twelve winged horses, all silver-maned horses, each about the size of an elephant.

From the point of view of alchemist Ryan, the carriage carriage is actually a whole alchemy product, with its own flying and space compression functions. When he switched his vision to the vision of the magic version of Hawkeye, he could see a lot of magical aura shining on the carriage. This shows that this carriage is likely to have powerful magical attack and defense capabilities in places that cannot be seen. On top of that, the magical aura on the side of the carriage forms a letter N.F, which is Nicole May's initials.

But think about it too, there is a close relationship between Beauxbatons and the great alchemist Nicole May. Then it is normal for this alchemist to make a carriage for the school.

However, compared with the carriage, what really reflects the heritage of Beauxbatons is the horse that pulls the carriage. Not to mention how Beauxbatons managed to find a dozen of these extremely rare silver-maned horses, just think about the size of an elephant and drink only single malt whisky to see how expensive it is to keep these guys. And unlike the one-time investment in the carriage, these horses have to burn money all the time.

Ryan looked at these things and felt as if he had eaten a lemon. After all, even if he had already opened the way to several worlds, the resources on hand could not allocate this set of things.

Of course, Ryan also knows that this is a school with hundreds of years of heritage, which is completely different from a nouveau riche like him——

The carriage flew lower and lower, and finally the horse's hoof with the size of the dish was pressed firmly to the ground with a loud noise, causing a commotion - at this time, a small boy nimbly jumped off the carriage. , pressed his finger on the bottom of the carriage, and as a golden ladder was transformed, the little guy jumped backwards, and then saluted respectfully.

As the door opened, a huge woman stepped out of the carriage, and Ryan immediately recalled that this was the half-giant Madame Maxime, although she absolutely denied it.

Of course Ryan can understand. After all, even in a place like France, which is more tolerant of wizards with mixed blood from other creatures, it is still unacceptable for the public to have the blood of an evil and stupid giant.

After a few chats, Madame Maxime and her students were invited into the school's auditorium to warm up, leaving only a group of landowners at Hogwarts who continued to wait for Demus with the cold night wind blowing. The arrival of the Trump delegation.

Fortunately, the waiting time was not long, and the sound of the water tank when the toilet was flushed was uploaded. A magnificent ship resembling the legendary ghost ship floated up from the bottom of the water and sailed to the shore.

This ship is an ordinary magical ship, and the magical aura on it can't compare with Beauxbatons' carriage carriage. But think that there is only one carriage like Beauxbatons, and there is a mountain lake behind Durmstrang School, with many dark, ghostly ships docked. This comparison shows that everyone is similar.

Soon Durmstrang's sailboat docked, and the silhouette brought by the light of the porthole began to move, and with the soft sound of the creaking plank, a group of wizards lined up from the boat in an orderly line-now It was late October, and despite the cold weather, Durmstrang's fur coat seemed too thick. But these furs also make the wearer look tall and burly.

Watching the former Death Eater Karkaroff greet Headmaster Dumbledore with an exaggerated enthusiasm, Ryan felt a little uncomfortable. I really don't know what Voldemort saw in him back then and made him his subordinate.

Fortunately, Headmaster Dumbledore is a centenarian. He has been used to this all his life. He shook hands with the silver-haired man and responded, "Excellent, thank you, Professor Karkaroff."

Karkaroff shook hands and looked at Hogwarts: "Hogwarts, dear old man," he said with a smile, looking up at the castle, "It's nice to be here, it's nice to be here - Wick Dole, come over and warm up! You don't mind, Dumbledore? It's so cold—"

Although this sentence sounds very warm, there is no smile in his eyes, and he is still cold and sharp. This sense of dislocation makes everyone who sees this scene feel uncomfortable.

However, with Krum's appearance, the Hogwarts students were excited. Even on the way to the auditorium with Durmstrang's students, many students wanted Krum to sign their autographs, especially when Lane heard a girl want Krum to sign her hat with lipstick.

Ryan could only shake his head at these fanatical groupies, which Hermione also thought was absurd.

Finally, Ryan sat safely at the long table in Gryffindor, and he was ready to have a good meal. After all, after being blown by the cold night wind for more than an hour, he felt cold and hungry, and urgently needed additional calories.

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