Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter two hundred and ninety seventh dance partner

"Potter! Weasley! Can you focus a little more?" Professor McGonagall roared loudly from the podium.

It was the end of the Transfiguration class on Thursday afternoon. Because the course content was over, Ryan was summarizing the knowledge points in the class, and was shocked by Professor McGonagall's roar.

After criticizing Harry and the others who were as skinny as Pippi shrimp, Professor McGonagall began to announce the business.

"The Christmas ball is coming up - a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and a great opportunity for us to socialize with foreign guests. Well, the ball is only open to 4th graders and up - but if you wish, Could invite an underclassman—"

The audience instantly became restless. After all, for the students who are in their adolescence, the dance party is definitely an exciting activity. Lane even heard a few girls laugh.

"Put on your gowns," said Professor McGonagall sternly. "The ball will be held in the Great Hall at eight o'clock on Christmas night, and it will end at twelve midnight."

Having said that, Professor McGonagall glanced solemnly at the excited students below. "Look - the Christmas ball definitely gives us the opportunity to - um - part our hair and relax. But that doesn't mean we're going to relax the behavioral requirements we have for Hogwarts students. If someone in Gryffindor I will be deeply saddened by a student who has disgraced the school in any way."

Sure enough, as the vice-principal who really manages at Hogwarts (Dumbledore manages a general direction at most, and the specific affairs are always handled by Professor McGonagall.) He will keep an eye on every student at any time.

After the get out of class, Professor McGonagall stopped Ryan and Harry and informed them that as warriors, they needed to dance, so be sure to find a good dance partner, and at the same time practice a little how to dance to avoid embarrassment.

The two agreed again and again, and finally got rid of Professor McGonagall's nagging.

Now it's not just the Gryffindor students who are usually outgoing, but the enthusiasm of the little wizards in the whole school has been mobilized, especially those girls.

The girls were giggling and whispering in the corridors, shrieking whenever a boy walked by, exchanging ideas, talking about what the saints were wearing on Christmas night...

"I think my yellow dress robe is pretty good, and it matches your dark blue dress better. But seriously, I still think wizards' dress robes are too antique, especially for witches. It's beautiful to wear an ordinary person's evening dress. It's just that as a warrior's dance partner, I can only dance in this one."

Ryan went to invite Hermione directly after leaving Professor McGonagall, and Hermione happily agreed. After that, in the common room, for the first time, she did not have anything related to study, but dragged Ryan to discuss something related to the dance.

"By the way, can you dance?" Ryan asked suddenly as if thinking of something. He did know some dancing, but it wasn't very suitable for dancing at a dance.

"I know a little ballroom dancing, but I don't know how the wizard's ball needs to be danced. It seems that I have to ask Ginny." At this point, Hermione just saw Ginny, who was blushing, climbed into the public hall from outside. lounge. After Hermione walked over and said a few words, she invited Ginny over.

"Prom dance steps? My mother taught me, it should be a waltz." Ginny glanced at Ryan and Hermione and asked, "You should know this, right?"

"This, it's really not that good." After entering the magical world, both of them ignored certain social skills, which led to the two people's level of ballroom dancing being limited to the basics they learned in elementary school. Of course, such a level is definitely not suitable for dancing at a Christmas ball.

"You two don't know how to dance?" Ginny said in surprise. After all, in her eyes, Ryan and Hermione were both very knowledgeable people. She really didn't expect that there would be simple things they couldn't do. "Well, Harry can't dance anyway. You can come and learn with him then,

I can teach you that this is not difficult at all. "

"Harry?" Ryan's eyes widened.

"Yeah, just now Harry came directly to me and invited me to be his dance partner." Ginny said happily.

No wonder Ginny was so excited when he came over just now. It turned out that Ginny's company finally made Harry's wood a little enlightened when Harry was in a low mood this year. When I learned that there was going to be a dance party, I invited Ginny as soon as possible.

For the next few days, Ryan and the others would learn to waltz with Ginny whenever they had time. Fortunately, Ryan and Hermione learned to dance much faster than Harry because they had practiced the fighting methods of assassins before and their bodies had been strengthened. It didn't take two or three days to learn how to dance the waltz.

And Ginny also showed the side of a good wife and mother at this time, even if Harry stepped on her feet many times, he didn't complain. Instead, he gently pointed out where Harry was jumping wrong.

At this time, people began to invite dance partners more frequently. For example, Fred invited his Quidditch teammate Angelina, while Neville summoned the courage to successfully invite Hannah Ai at the book club on Sunday. Bo as his dance partner.

Of course, as a warrior Ryan also received a lot of invitations, but he declined them all. And Hermione declined Krum's invitation to her in the library.

"There are a lot of girls lining up to dance with him, and I don't want to offend anyone because of this." After watching Krum leave, Hermione said to Ryan in a mischievous tone. "Besides, for me, a famous name is far less attractive than an interesting soul."

Hogwarts teachers and students continue to show a desire to impress Beauxbatons and Durmstrang's guests, who seem determined to bring out the best in the castle this Christmas. The school was decorated with colorful lights:

The handrails of the marble stairs were covered with icicles that never melted, and the twelve Christmas trees that were customary in the auditorium were decorated with knickknacks of all kinds, from glittering hollies to A live golden owl that stopped chirping.

The only thing that wasn't so harmonious was Peeves, who would burrow into those armors and fill in the second half of Christmas carols that the armors couldn't sing with very indecent content, and would even provoke students as they passed them.

"Okay, if you like it, just stay in here." At the end of the day, Peeves once again sang some of the lyrics to be blocked in a group of first and second graders. Ryan took out the prepared brush and magic ink from his schoolbag, and quickly drew a bunch of runes on the armor while Peeves was in the armor. Soon Peeves found him trapped inside the armor.

"Let me out." Peeves tapped the armor with some panic, but no matter how hard he tried, the armor still didn't move.

"Don't worry, these seals can only keep you inside for half a month. You can come out after Christmas." Ryan said calmly amid Peeves' loud yelling and scolding.

"Nice job, Ryan." Just at this moment, Professor Sprout passed by, followed by Hagrid, who was carrying a whole Christmas tree. "Professor Hagrid, please move this armor to the warehouse on the second floor. I think this Christmas will finally be quieter."

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