Myriad Worlds Inventory Box

Chapter 2691 No siege

Remember\\[End-Ben-Shen-Station\\] input-address: w-w-w.w-a-n-b-e-n-t-x-t.c-o-m

After getting the result he wanted from the tenth prince, the general named Yan returned to the camp at the city gate with satisfaction. From now on, he will always stay here and will not let the fourth prince's people get away from him. Taking control of the city gate from his hands.

After a noisy night, in the morning of the next day, when everyone in Feng Jue Kingdom thought that the army of Yuanfeng Kingdom would launch an attack on their city, they found that the camp opposite Yuanfeng Kingdom was quiet, and there were no soldiers at all. The horses are gathering.

Could it be that Yuanfeng's army didn't plan to attack the city?

After a night of repairs, they should have recovered their strength. Shouldn't they attack the city immediately? Why is there no movement at all?

The four princes, the old emperor and others in the city were full of doubts. They didn't know what the chief general of the Yuanfeng Kingdom was up to.

In fact, not to mention that everyone in Feng Jue Kingdom didn't know what Huang Feng was thinking, even the generals in Yuanfeng Kingdom also didn't know what Huang Feng was thinking.

Early this morning, the generals of Yuanfeng Kingdom got up and prepared to assemble their troops and prepare to attack the city. The night attack of Feng Jue Kingdom last night did not cause any trouble to them, because Huang Feng had already Prepare. Therefore, the soldiers of Yuanfeng Kingdom had a good rest last night. When they got up this morning, they were in high spirits. In addition, their siege equipment was also pulled over all the way. All the siege equipment The conditions are all met, and we will definitely attack the city today.

However, before these generals could assemble their troops, they received an order from Huang Feng: the troops did not need to assemble, they rested where they were, and they did not attack the city today.

Not attacking the city?

Many generals of the Yuanfeng Kingdom were confused. They didn't know what Huang Feng was thinking. The officers and soldiers in the army all thought that they would attack the city today, and they were all ready. Why didn't they suddenly stop attacking the city? Siege the city, so what are they doing here? travel?

However, Huang Feng only issued an order not to attack the city and did not explain to everyone why he did not attack the city. Therefore, the soldiers of Yuanfeng Kingdom did not know what Huang Feng's plan was.

Thinking back to last night, they had completed the siege of Feng Jueguo's night attack army, but Huang Feng ordered an opening to be opened and let them go. When they chased them to the city wall, there was a chance to kill them all. After killing him, Huang Feng gave the order to retreat immediately.

This series of orders really confused the generals of Yuanfeng Kingdom. However, Huang Feng already had great prestige in their minds at this time. Therefore, although they had some doubts in their hearts, they also He didn't ask Huang Feng.

However, on the third day, Huang Feng still ordered that there was no need to attack the city and that everyone should rest. At this time, some generals could not bear it any longer. After they met, they hesitated for a moment and then went to see Huang Feng together. However, they It's not that they object to Huang Feng's opinion, but they just want to know what Huang Feng thinks. In that case, they can explain to the soldiers below why they haven't attacked the city.

"Sir, there are several generals outside who are asking to see you." In Huang Feng's general's tent, when his guards came in to report, Huang Feng was roasting a whole sheep. The surface of the sheep had been roasted golden, exuding bursts of fragrance. The aroma is tantalizing.

"Let them come in." Huang Feng said without raising his head.

Although the economic conditions of the countries outside the Pass are not as good as those of the Lu Dynasty within the Pass, the meat from the cattle and sheep is extremely plump. After Huang Feng had a barbecue once, he fell in love with the beef and mutton here. He liked to grill some when he had nothing to do. Eat, eat, and his cooking skills are not comparable to ordinary people, so even Princess Qi, the kind of princess who grew up in the palace compound, was full of praise after eating the food he made.

Soon, several generals walked in under the leadership of the guard. As soon as they entered, they smelled the refreshing fragrance.

"You guys have really good noses. I just finished baking here and you all came over. Come on, sit down and have a taste together." Huang Feng greeted several people.

"Sir," although the generals were also attracted by the food in Huang Feng's hand, they did not forget that they came here not to get some food, but to have business.

"What's the matter? Let's talk while eating." Huang Feng interrupted.

Since Huang Feng had already said this, it was natural for everyone to object. It just so happened that they were all hungry. After smelling the smell of roasted whole lamb, their index fingers were already moving.

Soon, the whole sheep was divided into several portions, and each general had one. Although they did have business in mind, these generals couldn't help but their eyes widened after taking a bite of the roasted whole sheep.

"Sir, your cooking skills are really great. I have eaten so many roasted whole lambs, but I have never tasted such delicious ones." A general couldn't help but admire.

Other generals also agreed. As generals of Yuanfeng Kingdom, although Yuanfeng Kingdom itself is relatively weak, their status is not low, and the food they eat is naturally not bad. Then, the delicious food they usually eat is as good as Compared to the roasted whole lamb in front of me, it was nothing.

Huang Feng smiled, but he was not modest at all. It was a joke. He was equipped with fairy books. Can the things he made be comparable to others? Today is a good time for these people. Otherwise, they would never be able to eat such delicious food in their lives.

Of course, although the roasted whole lamb is delicious, everyone has not forgotten why they came here.

One of the generals stood up under the look of other generals.

He came and raised his hands to Huang Feng and said, "Sir, the soldiers are already ready. Why have you been waiting so long to attack the city?"

Huang Feng already knew the purpose of their coming here, so after hearing his words, there was no expression of surprise on his face. While eating, he looked at the others and asked, "You all want to know too?"

Everyone nodded, this is the purpose of their coming here, not to mess around and eat.

Of course, this roasted whole lamb is indeed very delicious.

"How confident do you think we can be if we attack the city now?" Huang Feng asked.

Everyone looked at each other, and the general who spoke before said, "With the elite troops in your hands, we will definitely be able to capture the city ahead."

Regarding the elite troops in Huang Feng's hands, these generals have seen their combat effectiveness with their own eyes. It is precisely because of this that they are so confident in defeating Feng Jueguo. If they only rely on the troops in their hands , it is impossible to defeat Feng Jueguo.

Wanjie storage box

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