Myriad Worlds Inventory Box

Chapter 2700 Wait and see what happens

Remember\\[End-Ben-Shen-Station\\] input-address: w-w-w.w-a-n-b-e-n-t-x-t.c-o-m

Regarding the strength of Feng Jue Kingdom, the tenth prince and the fourth prince had the same idea. They were still immersed in the idea that their country was the most powerful country in the world. Therefore, even if they were defeated by Yuanfeng Kingdom before, , and now being besieged by the Yuanfeng Kingdom, they did not feel any danger. Their biggest thoughts and energy were still on the fight for the throne. As for the Yuanfeng Kingdom's army outside the city, they were not worried at all.

Of course, this is also the thought shared by many people in Feng Jue Country. Although they suffered a disastrous defeat before, they must realize that they are no longer as good as Yuanfeng Country and are no longer the most powerful country outside the Pass. It is not an easy task, nor can it be accomplished in a short time. After all, Feng Jueguo has been tyrannical for decades, and now they have only been defeated once. Many people think it is not a big deal.

Therefore, the tenth prince felt that once the fourth prince took control of the city gate and left the city, he would definitely be able to defeat the Yuanfeng Kingdom's army outside the city, and then the struggle for the throne would be basically gone. suspense.

However, the general surnamed Yan shook his head and said: "Your Highness, the Yuanfeng Kingdom is no longer what it used to be. After their new emperor ascended the throne, their strength has undergone earth-shaking changes. This is why we were defeated before. The reason given to them, although I did not participate in those battles, but through some descriptions, I can also know that Yuanfeng Kingdom is no longer the small country before, they have truly risen. "

"How long has their new emperor been on the throne? Even if there is a change in strength, the change will not be too big. As for the fact that we were defeated by them before, it was caused by many factors. Under the same conditions, we can still defeat them, right? ? "The tenth prince still didn't believe it, or he was unwilling to accept the fact that Yuanfeng Kingdom had risen.

"Then why do you think His Majesty gave up all the cities except the capital, and also strictly ordered the Fourth Prince not to allow him to take the initiative?" General Yan asked.

"This" the tenth prince pondered for a while, and then said with some uncertainty: "You mean that my father also thinks that Yuanfeng Kingdom has risen?"

The general named Yan nodded and said, "Otherwise, how could your Majesty ask me to guard the city gate and prevent the fourth prince from leaving the city?"

The tenth prince did not speak, but it was still difficult to accept such a change in his heart. He had always felt that his country was the strongest since he was a child, and Yuanfeng was the weakest country outside the customs. He wanted to make him accept such a change all at once. Change is a bit too difficult.

The general surnamed Yan also knew that it was not an easy task for many people, including the tenth prince, to face up to the changes in Yuanfeng Kingdom. He had no expectations that the tenth prince would accept it now, but said directly: "So , if His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince really leads the army out of the city, it will be a very dangerous thing. I am not saying that we have no hope of winning at all, but this hope is very slim. Although, I wish that the Fourth Prince would fight. It would be a good thing for you, Your Highness, to lose the battle and make a fool of yourself. However, if our people lose too much outside the city, it will become very difficult to defend the city. "

The tenth prince listened silently. Of course, he also wanted the fourth prince to defeat the battle. In that case, the old emperor might deprive him of the right to command the army. However, this failure must have a limit. If he is like this general named Yan, That being said, if their losses were too great, then their Feng Jue Country would be in danger.

Before today, the Tenth Prince would not have felt that it would be in danger for them to face the Yuanfeng Kingdom's army. However, after what the general surnamed Yan just said, he felt a little less sure.

"What are you going to do?" the tenth prince asked.

"Just wait and see what happens." The general surnamed Yan said: "Before the fourth prince takes action, we have no definite evidence to prove that he will do this. Therefore, I can only wait for him to take action first, and then seize the evidence and hand it over. Give it to Your Majesty, if that happens, Your Majesty will definitely be furious, and maybe he will remove his command, not necessarily."

"Is there any danger if I wait for the fourth child to take action first?" the tenth prince said worriedly.

Although the tenth prince very much hoped that the fourth prince's behavior would offend the old emperor, in that case, if he and several other princes spoke in front of the old emperor, they might be able to remove the fourth prince's command. After all, the fourth prince If you really do that, you will be disobeying the old emperor's order. At the same time, you will frame the generals sent by the old emperor and offend the old emperor. That is for sure.

However, after all, this general named Yan was the first general to surrender to him, and he was not weak at all. The tenth prince also hoped to rely on him to complete his counterattack and rise. Naturally, he did not want anything to happen to him, otherwise , even if the fourth prince fell, he would not be able to take advantage. On the contrary, he would take advantage of the other princes.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, although there are some risks, the risk is not very big. After all, I have known in advance that the fourth prince wants to take action. I will be careful and guard against it. There won't be any big problems." That Yan surnamed Yan The general said confidently.

In this regard, he was indeed somewhat confident. Since he knew the Fourth Prince's plan in advance, even though he did not know the specific time when he would take action, he could already prepare in advance. The Fourth Prince would not succeed easily.

"Okay, as long as you are confident." The tenth prince said, "As long as we can bring down the fourth child, we have a great chance."

Although the strength of the tenth prince is not outstanding among the many princes, the other princes have not recovered from their previous defeats. Once the fourth prince falls, those who have taken refuge in him will

For example, generals who will re-select their allies and fish in troubled waters on their own will indeed have a high chance of success.

What's more, he also has the general named Yan secretly helping him, so his hopes are indeed very high.

General Yan nodded. Since he had surrendered to the tenth prince, he naturally hoped that the tenth prince would have the last laugh. Therefore, he secretly decided that he must plan carefully this time and try to defeat the fourth prince at once. At that time, before the other princes could react, he helped the tenth prince to win over the generals in the army. By then, his status in front of the tenth prince would be unmatched by anyone.

When the tenth prince met General Yan, the fourth prince was also planning his own affairs. He didn't know it yet, but his plan had been exposed before it was implemented.

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