Myriad Worlds Inventory Box

Chapter 2721 Coming

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Huang Feng was not in a hurry to leave, naturally he wanted to see what would happen after he killed the old emperor of Feng Jue Kingdom. .

Some of what happened next were beyond Huang Feng's expectations, and some were within his expectations.

Huang Feng originally thought that after the old emperor was assassinated, Feng Jueguo would be boiling like a pot. They would seal the city gates and try their best to catch the murderer, who was him. After all, it was their emperor who died, so It is the face of a country. Now it has been assassinated. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if the murderer is not caught?

However, the fact is that Feng Jueguo did not choose to do this. Although they were indeed catching the murderer, the intensity of the search was very low, as if it was just a show. It felt like it was just a show. Just an insignificant person died.

Such a result was something Huang Feng didn't expect. Although they could not catch him even if they searched with all their strength, they didn't even do anything and were just pretending. This was really unexpected.

What Huang Feng expected was the reaction of the princes of Feng Jue Kingdom and the change in the relationship between them.

Huang Feng chose to kill the old emperor because he originally wanted to cause Feng Jueguo to cause chaos. In that case, it would be easier for them to break into the city, and the casualties would be reduced.

As for the princes, after learning that the old emperor had died, their conflicts indeed intensified, and they started arguing in the main hall. After that, they each had their own agendas and plans. Although the eighth prince and others had already discussed the matter, They tried their best to be careful, but Huang Feng, who had been following them, still heard them clearly. He even heard clearly the conversation between the eighth prince and the tenth prince. .

Therefore, Huang Feng also knew who the people he met by chance were and what their identities were, and he also knew the conspiracy between Feng Jueguo, the eighth prince and the tenth prince.

Now that he knew the plan between them, Huang Feng would naturally do something to arouse greater conflicts in Feng Jue Country.

At noon the next day, the fourth prince led people to the tenth prince's residence. Although he already had some trust in the tenth prince, this was a critical period after all, and the tenth prince had just joined him not long ago, so this Guards are still needed, especially since the old emperor had just been assassinated and died. Although the fourth prince did not let people go all out to catch the murderer, he was still afraid that the murderer would do something to him. Therefore, not only did he bring guards with him, but also the number of guards he brought with him Quite a few.

At this time, the tenth prince was in his residence, waiting nervously. Later, he would assassinate the fourth prince according to the method he had discussed with the eighth prince. If he succeeded, it would be okay to say that if he was If he finds out, his end will definitely be very miserable. .

"It won't be discovered. No one else knows about this except myself and Brother Eight. Lao Ba and Lao Si have been refusing to deal with it. It is impossible for him to betray himself on this matter." The tenth prince comforted himself in his heart. .

However, even though he thought so, the Tenth Prince was still very nervous, so much so that his face was a little pale and there were beads of sweat on his forehead. After all, this was a matter related to his own life, so it was impossible not to worry about it. .

Seeing the fourth prince's carriage arriving, the tenth prince rushed to greet it.

This was a sign of lowering his stance, and of course, it was also meant to further eliminate the fourth prince's suspicion of him and increase his trust.

"Thank you, fourth brother, for the honor." The tenth prince said, bending slightly.

"Yeah." What surprised and made the Tenth Prince even more nervous was that the Fourth Prince didn't seem too enthusiastic, at least compared to yesterday, far less so.

The fourth prince ignored the slightly astonished tenth prince and walked straight forward. After the tenth prince reacted, he immediately followed.

At this time, the fourth prince suddenly said to the tenth prince: "Tenth brother, are you hot?"

"Hot? I'm not hot?" the tenth prince said in astonishment.

"It's not hot, why is my forehead sweating?" the fourth prince said.

"Um." The tenth prince didn't expect that the fourth prince was observing so carefully. He paused and said, "I'm nervous. Fourth brother, you will soon be the emperor of our Feng Jue Kingdom. You will be able to dine with the future emperor. I am nervous. I’m also a little flattered.”

"Really?" The fourth prince said noncommittally, and then continued to walk inside.

The tenth prince looked at the back of the fourth prince and wondered in his mind what the fourth prince meant by what he just said. Why did he ask that? Did he discover something?

The tenth prince, who was already very nervous, felt even more nervous at this time. He kept thinking in his mind whether the fourth prince had discovered him and whether he should continue.

However, now that the fourth prince has walked in, he cannot stay here forever. He can only take a few steps quickly to catch up with the pace of the fourth prince. No matter what, since the fourth prince is already here, he must go. Hospitality.

After entering the hall, both the guests and the host were seated. Even in his own residence, the tenth prince did not dare to sit at the main seat. On the fourth prince's side, there were still many guards standing behind him. Obviously, even if he had to eat, he would not He will withdraw his own guards.

The tenth prince looked at the guards behind the fourth prince, and felt a little nervous. Fortunately, he was not planning to kill the tenth prince by force. In that case, he would have to bear the infamy. Even if the tenth prince died, he would not What a happy ending, the tenth prince is not stupid, the eighth prince and others will definitely abandon him when the time comes.

Therefore, the way he and the eighth prince discussed was to invite the fourth prince to come over for dinner, and then add medicine to the wine. Moreover, it was a chronic medicine that would not cause an attack on the spot, but would cause death after half a day. , no one will doubt him.

This was also a method acceptable to the Tenth Prince. Although he also wanted to kill the Fourth Prince, he did not want to involve himself in it.

At this time, a maid poured wine for the two of them. The tenth prince's eyes unconsciously looked at the wine glass in front of the fourth prince. There was no poison in the wine. He had ground the poison into powder in advance and stuck it inside the wine glass. Because the amount is small, it is not easy to detect at all. After pouring the wine, it will dissolve quickly, making it colorless and odorless.

The wine had been poured, and the tenth prince took the initiative to raise his glass and said to the fourth prince: "I would like to wish the fourth brother a smooth enthronement. I believe that under the leadership of the fourth brother, our Feng Jue Kingdom will be extremely glorious. Fourth Brother It will also accomplish great things!”

After saying that, the tenth prince drank the wine in the glass in one gulp to show respect!

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