Myriad Worlds Inventory Box

Chapter 2725 Whose reinforcements

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"Quickly, go back and ask for help. Let more people come here to support! Also, let the people outside block Lao Ba's people! We can't let them in!" The fourth prince said to the soldiers around him in a panic. .

At this time, he already regretted coming to the banquet in person. If he had known that there would be problems with the plan and put himself in danger, he would never have come. At that time, he thought that his plan was foolproof and wanted to see the old man with his own eyes. The scene where Shi and Lao Ba were killed, he came here in person, but he didn't expect that the plan had an accident. The eighth prince knew about his actions earlier than he expected, and arrived here faster.

The fourth prince knew that since the eighth prince had come, he could not bring too few people. Both sides now knew the other's thoughts, so they both wanted to do their best to destroy the other side. In this case, the eighth prince How could you keep it?

Therefore, the Eighth Prince could not be defeated by those outside alone. In this case, he could only ask for help from the outside world.

The soldiers of the fourth prince quickly led the troops away. Now the people of the eighth prince are still fighting with the fourth prince, and they are far from surrounding the place. Therefore, it is not too difficult to rush out and ask for help. things.

On the other side, the Tenth Prince, who was originally frightened, immediately became happy after knowing that the Eighth Prince had been brought here. .

Originally, he thought that the Eighth Prince would not know what was going on here so quickly, let alone bring people here so quickly. However, now the Eighth Prince has come, and he has brought many people with him. This is a big deal. It was beyond the expectations of the tenth prince, but it was enough to make the tenth prince happy.

"Great, Brother Bage is here, I'm saved!" Looking at the people still fighting in front of him, the tenth prince thought happily.

At this time, he no longer thought about fighting for the throne. He only thought that it would be good to escape safely. As long as he could survive, it was no longer that important whether he was the emperor or not.

The arrival of the eighth prince undoubtedly brought him great hope, and he finally saw hope of living.

The eighth prince outside the palace was also a little high-spirited at this time. He knew that the fourth prince was inside. As long as he was captured or killed, his status would be different in an instant, although this was different from the original plan. Similarly, he will definitely be criticized by the civil servants and generals afterwards, but now he can't control so much. If he doesn't kill the fourth prince, he will be the one who dies. At this time, there is no need to think so much.

Moreover, since ancient times, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. As long as you win in the end, you are the winner. Naturally, you have the final say on how the history books should be written. .

Of course, the premise of all this is to kill the fourth prince first and solve the biggest threat at present.

"Hurry, speed up the attack, don't let the fourth child escape!" the eighth prince ordered to the soldiers around him.

After all, this is the capital. Here, the fourth prince has the most power. Once the battle drags on, the fourth prince's people will definitely come to support him. Therefore, what the eighth prince can do is to fight quickly and defeat the fourth prince. He had to kill the Eighth Prince before anyone arrived. By then, even if the reinforcements arrived, he wouldn't have to worry anymore.

The attack on the Eighth Prince's side suddenly became more fierce, and the Fourth Prince's people immediately felt the tremendous pressure. However, their strength was not weak. In order to deal with the Eighth and Tenth Princes as soon as possible, the Fourth Prince arranged these to come. The people supporting them are all elite forces in the army, and their combat effectiveness is naturally not weak. Although overall they are inferior to the Eighth Prince's people, they can still resist for a period of time.

As long as they persist for a while, they believe that reinforcements will come to save them.

Sure enough, within about one stick of incense, there was a noise coming from a distance, and an army was coming!

Seeing the army coming, the faces of the Fourth Prince's subordinates suddenly showed joy. Most of the reinforcements arriving at this time were their reinforcements. After all, the Fourth Prince was the most powerful in this city.

The Eighth Prince and those under him looked very ugly at this time, because they also knew that the people coming were the reinforcements of those on the opposite side, not them, although during this period, the Eighth Prince had been there all the time. He urged his men to increase the intensity of the attack. However, the strength of the Fourth Prince's men was really not weak. Although the defense line seemed to collapse at any time, they were always able to hold on. In this way, although he was against the Fourth Prince's men, People, caused a lot of damage, but it was never able to change the situation of the entire battlefield.

At this moment, reinforcements from the fourth prince arrived, and you can imagine how the eighth prince felt at this time.

Looking at the densely packed troops getting closer and closer, the Eighth Prince's face was as black as coal. If he had caught or killed the Fourth Prince before these soldiers arrived, then, as a prince, he would still be able to suppress the enemy. Live these soldiers.

However, the current situation is that he has not been able to capture or kill the fourth prince. In this way, those who have taken refuge with the fourth prince will naturally not be intimidated by him.

What else to do?

escape? This is obviously impossible, because he sent people to besiege the fourth prince, and the two sides were completely at odds and broke the window paper. Even if he stopped now, the fourth prince would never let him go. .

Continue the attack?

It was also very difficult. There were people from the Fourth Prince blocking them in front of them, and there were reinforcements from the Fourth Prince behind them.

It felt like being surrounded at the back. In this case, it was still very difficult for them to break through the defense line in front of them. Although the people in front of them were few in number, they resisted very tenaciously. And now, they are again Seeing the arrival of reinforcements, morale naturally became stronger. It was definitely not easy to defeat them in a short time.

The eighth prince was immediately in a dilemma, not knowing what to choose.

However, at this time, the Fourth Prince's reinforcements were getting closer and closer. The vanguard troops had already entered the battle and were fighting with the Eighth Prince's people in an instant. This also showed that they were indeed the Fourth Prince's people.

The eighth prince felt a little desperate. He now had no chance of going in and catching the fourth prince. As time went by, he would be slowly surrounded until he was finally surrounded and killed.

At this time, another noise came from the other direction, and another group of troops came towards the place where everyone was fighting.

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