Myriad Worlds Inventory Box

Chapter 2727: Dispatch more people

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And the reason why these princes decided to come here in person was to compete for the credit. Moreover, this time they were fighting against the Fourth Prince, who was now the most powerful prince in the country. Most people did not have the courage to be hostile to him. These princes were also afraid that the soldiers under their command would surrender to the Fourth Prince under pressure. In that case, they would be finished. .

So, at this critical moment, they had to come here in person to support the scene.

And when these princes arrived here with their teams, they did see the Fourth Prince's people fighting with the Eighth Prince and the Tenth Prince's people, which made them believe the content of the note even more. In this way, they did not hesitate at all and immediately joined the battle with their people.

Because other princes led the team to join, the Fourth Prince's team instantly fell into a disadvantage, and the news was soon known to the Fourth Prince in the palace.

At this time, the fight between the guards around the Fourth Prince and the guards around the Tenth Prince had entered a white-hot stage. Many people were lying on the ground, and the wailing had filled the entire hall.

Originally, the Fourth Prince was still thinking that the people outside could defeat the coalition forces of the Eighth Prince and the Tenth Prince and come to support him, but he did not expect that at this time, other princes would join in. .

"Assholes! These damned assholes! You all deserve to die!" The Fourth Prince cursed loudly. The object of his curse was naturally the other princes. He naturally knew that those princes had ideas about the throne. He also thought that he would first kill the Eighth Prince and the Tenth Prince, and then deal with the other princes. However, he did not expect that those princes would actually take action first, bring all the people who surrendered to them, and surround this place.

The fourth prince did send someone back to get reinforcements, but he did not call everyone. After all, there were many people who surrendered to him, but now most of them were guarding against the Yuanfeng army outside the city and could not leave their posts. The old emperor had just died, and there was no guarantee that the Yuanfeng army outside the city would not have the idea of ​​attacking the city, so he must keep the army to guard against them.

Therefore, the fourth prince had no way to mobilize all the troops, but only mobilized a part of them. However, he thought that such a part of the people was enough to deal with the armies of the fourth prince and the eighth prince, and he could win.

In fact, it was almost the same. The army he mobilized did suppress the armies of the eighth prince and the tenth prince outside the city, but he did not expect that the other princes would come, and they came so quickly. .

"Quick, call more people, this time, I want to catch those bastards in one fell swoop!" The fourth prince said viciously to his guards.

Obviously, he was planning to send more people here while many princes were here, so as to take advantage of this opportunity to catch all the princes in one fell swoop.

Of course, he actually understood that in this situation, if he did not send more people here, his own life would be in danger. He knew that those princes would not let him go, just like he would not let those princes go. Therefore, once those people attacked in, he would be dead.

Although the army of Yuanfeng outside the city was dangerous, the fourth prince was obviously more concerned about his own safety. At this time, he could not care so much. He had to save his life first. This was the most important thing for the fourth prince.

"Your Highness, we can't mobilize more troops. We must keep enough troops to defend against the army of Yuanfeng outside the city." The fourth prince's staff said.

After the death of the staff who was trusted by the fourth prince, the other staff naturally showed their enthusiasm and wanted to gain the trust of the fourth prince. They naturally competed with each other. After all, everyone wanted to be valued by the fourth prince.

"The troops of Yuanfeng Kingdom outside the city dare not attack the city at this time. If they dare to attack the city, they would have done it long ago and would not have waited until now. If the troops of other princes outside the palace break in, we will all be in danger. It's nothing if we die, but the Fourth Prince cannot take risks, so more troops must be mobilized." Another staff member retorted.

This kind of mutual rebuttal has never been cut off around the Fourth Prince, but it was when the previous staff member was still alive, or now, as long as a staff member puts forward a suggestion, it will definitely be refuted by other staff members.

The Fourth Prince is not only not disgusted by this, but also thinks that this is his own skill in controlling his subordinates, allowing these staff members to fully express their opinions so that they will not unite to deceive him. Therefore, the Fourth Prince has always been indifferent to this situation, and even indulged in it. He believes that he can judge what is right and what he wants from these opinions.

However, the Fourth Prince obviously overestimated his own abilities, and at the same time, he also overestimated the integrity of those aides around him. After those aides knew that the Fourth Prince liked to see them refutate each other, they often refuted just for the sake of refuting each other, regardless of whether other aides were right or wrong. As long as someone made a suggestion, there would definitely be someone who refuted it.

The Fourth Prince's ability also determined that he had no ability to know which of these words was appropriate. He often made judgments based on his own ideas and didn't know whether it was right or wrong.

Now, the Fourth Prince obviously agreed with the words of the staff member who spoke later. He also felt that the Yuanfeng army outside the city did not dare to attack the city, otherwise they would not have been watching. Moreover, even if they found the abnormality here and wanted to mobilize the army and prepare for the siege, it would take a lot of time, and this time was enough for him to destroy the joint army of other princes in the city.

Therefore, the words of the staff member did not make the Fourth Prince give up the idea of ​​mobilizing the army. Instead, he felt that more troops should be mobilized. Only in this way could the armies of other princes be defeated in a short time and before the Yuanfeng army outside the city could react, he could finish this task. However, he could let his army return to the previous position and not give the army outside the city a chance to attack.

"Okay, you guys stop by and do what I did before. Go and gather the troops. Gather more troops." The fourth prince made a decision.

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