Myriad Worlds Inventory Box

Chapter 2760 Can’t Stop


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The soldiers of the Dalu Dynasty who besieged Huang Feng and Princess Qi quickly rushed to Huang Feng's side. They also realized the danger of Huang Feng. If they wanted to kill Princess Qi, they had to get rid of Huang Feng first. Although they also saw that Huang Feng was very powerful, they felt that no matter how powerful Huang Feng was, he could not withstand the siege of so many people. If they went together, there would be no problem in killing Huang Feng.

However, the idea was good, but when they rushed to Huang Feng's side, they found that they suddenly couldn't get close. Everyone was surprised and didn't know what was going on.

At the same time, the archers and crossbowmen had also begun to attack. The arrows and crossbows in their hands were not only aimed at Huang Feng, but attacked indiscriminately. Obviously, they also wanted to shoot Princess Qi and Xiaohuan to death.

However, they were surprised to find that when the arrows and crossbows flew in front of Huang Feng and Princess Qi, they seemed to encounter some resistance and fell directly from the air.

Such a scene made the soldiers of the Dalu Dynasty stunned. What was going on? They had never seen such a strange thing before. The arrows and crossbows stopped like this?

However, Huang Feng ignored their shock and surprise. He shook his body, and there seemed to be a shock wave around him. The soldiers of the Dalu Dynasty who were surrounding him were all shaken away. Some of them vomited blood in the air, and some wailed after landing. The whole scene was miserable and messy.

Then, Huang Feng's body also left the carriage and appeared among the soldiers. Those soldiers could only see a figure constantly shuttling between them at a very fast speed. Moreover, every person next to him must be beaten away. Even those who had prepared in advance could not withstand Huang Feng's attack.

The soldiers of the Dalu Dynasty felt incredible and scared at this time. Although they had thought that Huang Feng was better than them and might be very powerful, they did not expect that he would be so powerful. Is he still a human being?

If the soldiers outside the pass saw this scene, they would definitely hold the hands of the soldiers of the Dalu Dynasty with tears in their eyes and say loudly: We are all wanderers in the world.

Huang Feng was very fast, and none of the soldiers of the Dalu Dynasty could stop him. Therefore, although there were thousands of soldiers of the Dalu Dynasty, they were quickly knocked to the ground by Huang Feng, either dead or injured, and none of them still had fighting power.

If someone told these soldiers of the Dalu Dynasty before today that one person could defeat a thousand of them, they would never believe it. Not to mention that they were all elite soldiers of the army, even a thousand ordinary people could not be defeated casually. Even if a thousand pigs stood there for him to kill, he would be exhausted to death.

However, they experienced this kind of thing in person today. Even though they were still in shock and unwilling to believe it, they had to accept it. In the thick bloody atmosphere, they watched Huang Feng drive the carriage and take Princess Qi and Xiao Huan away.

As for the soldiers of the Dalu Dynasty, no one dared to stand up and say a harsh word. Perhaps they stopped Huang Feng and his men. Not to mention that they couldn't even stand up now, even if they could stand up, they had lost the courage to face Huang Feng.

That man is too powerful!

However, Huang Feng's heart seemed very calm at this time. For ordinary people, those soldiers could be said to be elite, but for him, they were not enough. He had fought with so many people who were stronger than those soldiers and could defeat them, not to mention those who were only stronger than ordinary people. Even if he stood there, those people couldn't hurt him.

If it weren't for Princess Qi and Xiao Huan in the carriage, Huang Feng could have dealt with those people more easily and brutally.

However, Princess Qi and Xiao Huan were still in shock. Although they had not seen Huang Feng's true strength, the part they had just seen was enough to shock them.

Before, they had also seen some of Huang Feng's moves, but at that time, Huang Feng mostly chose to hold back, and there was a lot of room for holding back, and he did not use his moves much, just taking them away from the chaotic army.

Huang Feng's real move was when he was fighting with the armies of other countries, but at that time, Huang Feng took their safety into consideration and did not keep them by his side, so they did not see Huang Feng's move.

Therefore, although they knew that Huang Feng was very powerful before, they did not know how powerful Huang Feng was until today.

However, if the two knew that what they had just seen was just the tip of Huang Feng's iceberg, I don't know what they would think, I'm afraid they would be even more crazy and shocked.

"Princess, are all the things that just happened true?" Xiao Huan looked at Princess Qi with a shocked look on her face and said.

"It should be true." Princess Qi said with some uncertainty.

Although the scene just happened right in front of their eyes, and they could clearly see what was happening outside through the window on the carriage, it was all so incredible that even if they had seen it with their own eyes , both of them still couldn't believe it.

"Huang Feng is really that powerful? This is too powerful

Already? "Xiaohuan said.

"Yes." Princess Qi said: "However, he can lead the weak Yuanfeng Kingdom to unify the entire outside the pass. He must be capable. I just didn't expect that his personal skills are so powerful."

There was some emotion in Princess Qi's words. Whether she was in Yuanfeng Kingdom or on the way to Fengjue Kingdom's imperial capital, she had listened to the descriptions of Huang Feng's various things and abilities by the soldiers around her. At that time, I knew that Huang Feng was very powerful, and I felt proud of him.

Originally, Princess Qi only thought that Huang Feng had some skills. However, with his clever mind, he was able to help Yuanfeng Kingdom unify the entire Guanwai. Now it seems that although she had always thought Huang Feng was very powerful before, But he still underestimated his skill and underestimated him.

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