Myriad Worlds Inventory Box

Chapter 2768 Are you surprised to see me?

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"Wu Yan, Wu Shangshu, give up the struggle, your guards outside have been dealt with." At this time, Xiaohuan had already lit the lights in the room, and Princess Qi walked over slowly.

Wu Yan stopped shouting, although he still didn't want to believe that so many guards outside his house were actually dealt with quietly, but the fact made him have to believe it, because he shouted For a long time, no one came in, and there was no movement. Obviously, the guards outside were indeed taken care of, although this sounded a bit incredible.

After accepting the fact, Wu Yan realized that the voice that just spoke sounded familiar. Using the light in the room, he finally saw clearly the appearance of the person who just spoke.

"Princess Qi?! Why is it you? How did you come in? When did you enter the city?" Wu Yan looked at Princess Qi in shock and said in disbelief. At this time, he didn't have any of his usual composure. ?

No wonder Wu Yanhui was shocked. He thought that a dragnet had been set up at every gate of the capital. It would be better if Princess Qi and others did not show up. If they did, they would definitely be caught.

During the day, no unusual news came from the city gates. Wu Yan believed that Princess Qi and others must have realized the danger and were still outside the city, trying to find a way to enter the city. However, they wanted to get in under such strict conditions. It is definitely not an easy task to sneak into the city under the defense. Wu Yan is confident that he has done a good job and will not let Princess Qi and others sneak in.

In addition to the layout at the city gate, Wu Yan also did not slack off in the layout of his residence. A large number of patrols were arranged in the outer courtyard to ensure that not even a mosquito could enter quietly.

In addition, Wu Yan also deployed a large number of men and secret sentries outside his residence, that is, in the courtyard. Some of these people were elites in the army, and some were dead soldiers who had been trained by him for many years. Each of them is very strong and cannot be handled by ordinary people.

With so many arrangements, Wu Yan believes that he is absolutely safe. It is not easy for Princess Qi and others to sneak into the city, not to mention getting close to him. It is precisely because of this that Wu Yan Yan was so shocked when he saw Princess Qi suddenly appearing in his bedroom and in front of him.

"Are you surprised to see me?" Princess Qi looked at Wu Yan and said, "I'm here to thank you for welcoming me along the way. Wu Shangshu is really warm to me."

Wu Yan was very panicked. He understood very well that Princess Qi was talking about someone he arranged to assassinate her. However, Wu Yan would not admit it easily. He pretended to be confused. He said: "Princess Qi, I don't know what you are talking about. I didn't even know that I had returned to the DPRK before. Shouldn't you be in Feng Jue Country? Why did you suddenly return to the DPRK?"

"Does Lord Shangshu really not know?" Princess Qi obviously would not believe Wu Yan's words so easily: "The people I met along the way all said that Lord Shangshu sent them to welcome me. Could it be that they were sent by Lord Shangshu to welcome me? no?"

"No! Definitely not!" Wu Yan said categorically: "I didn't even know that Your Highness, Princess, was back. Of course, if I had known, I would have greeted you at the city gate."

"Didn't you also deploy a large number of manpower at the city gate?" Princess Qi said disdainfully: "Wu Shangshu, at this time, do you still want to make excuses? Let me ask you, how did my imperial brother die?! "

Regarding the cause of death of her imperial brother, Princess Qi has never believed the announced reason. The biggest reason why she returned to the imperial capital this time is to find out the real cause of death of her imperial brother, and the Wu Yan in front of her has a big influence. suspicion.

"Your Highness Princess, you misunderstood. I did arrange a lot of soldiers at the city gate, but this is all to prevent those rebels from entering the city. You are not in our Dalu Dynasty during this period. You may not know that those rebels are getting more and more. They are coming more and more, getting stronger and more arrogant, and have captured many cities. As the Minister of War of our Dalu Dynasty, I must do something to ensure the safety of the imperial capital, so, I will arrange so many soldiers at several city gates for the sake of the safety of the imperial capital," Wu Yan explained.

"As for the cause of the late emperor's death, I had not returned to the imperial capital at that time, so I was not very clear. However, the imperial doctors all said that the late emperor died of illness. Since the imperial doctors said so, it should not be wrong. I know that Your Highness Princess, you have a deep relationship with the late Emperor, and you cannot accept the death of the late Emperor for a while. I am also deeply saddened by the death of the late Emperor. "

Wu Yan said with a sad expression on his face.

At this time, Wu Yan had slowly calmed down. Before, he was a little panicked because he suddenly saw Princess Qi and was unprepared. However, now, after the initial panic, he has recovered. Losing his previous calmness, he figured out that he had been in the officialdom for many years, and Princess Qi was just a little girl who grew up in a deep palace compound. How could he not be able to defeat her?

As for the two people around Princess Qi, one is obviously a maid, and the other is most likely the general who is deeply trusted by the Emperor of Yuanfeng. Neither of them is a smart person. Maybe the general has some skills, but he is a general after all, and his mind is simple. How can he not deal with such a combination of three people? After thinking about this, Wu Yan calmed down. He found that things were not as bad as he thought. Although Princess Qi might have doubted him in her heart, there should be no evidence. As for those who were sent to assassinate her, he could deny it and say that others framed him and he was innocent. Princess Qi had no evidence, and those assassins were dead, so there was no need to worry. Thinking of this, Wu Yan felt much more relaxed, and naturally he was not panicked, and he spoke more fluently. However, just when he was confident that he could deal with Princess Qi and the other two, his face snapped, and then he felt that the left half of his cheek was hot and painful, and then a feeling of humiliation rose from his heart. He was slapped!

After realizing this, Wu Yan was naturally very angry. He was old and had never encountered such a thing. Usually, everyone who saw him was rude. Even when the previous emperor was alive, he was very polite to him. But he didn't expect that he would be slapped today.

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