Myriad Worlds Inventory Box

Chapter 2780 Have you found out?

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"Your Highness, what do you mean by that? Hasn't the death of the late emperor been verified by the imperial physician? What's so unclear about this?" A minister asked Princess Qi.

Previously, Wu Yan and Wu Guifei used the new emperor's hand to issue a decree not to allow Princess Qi to return to the Dalu Dynasty. At that time, many people agreed, although some were afraid of Wu Yan and Wu Guifei. However, some people also agreed from the bottom of their hearts. They felt that Wu Yan and Wu Guifei’s worries were reasonable. Although Princess Qi was the princess of their Dalu Dynasty, she was already married to Feng Feng. The prince of Jue Country is a member of Feng Jue Country. Who knows what thoughts she will have when she returns to Dalu Dynasty?

Therefore, these people, like Wu Yan and Concubine Wu, do not welcome Princess Qi to return to the court. Now that they see Princess Qi returning to the court one after another, and even going to the main hall of the previous court, these people are naturally even more worried. of dissatisfaction.

In addition, Princess Qi's words also made some people unhappy. She said that she wanted to find an explanation for the late emperor, that is, she suspected that they were disloyal. After all, they had all agreed with the imperial doctor before and believed that the late emperor died from death. Although some people suspected the cause of the late emperor's death, they did not dare to speak out because they were afraid of Wu Yan's power. When Princess Qi spoke out about it, they felt like they were being slapped in the face.

This also makes them feel unhappy.

"Although the imperial doctors in the palace are capable and capable, they are not able to investigate all the causes of death in the world and do not know the effects of all medicines. If you don't believe it, you can call the imperial doctors to come and ask." Princess Qi did not He said slowly.

Facing the chaotic battlefield, Princess Qi may feel scared. After all, she is an ordinary woman who has never been on the battlefield before. She will inevitably be afraid of encountering that kind of situation, because she knows that with only her own ability, , it is difficult to survive on the battlefield.

However, facing this kind of court battle, Princess Qi was not afraid. Even if she was besieged and questioned by these high-ranking ministers, she did not feel much panic. After all, she was the princess of the Great Lu Dynasty. However, having grown up in the palace, although she had not had much contact with these ministers before, there were also many battles in the harem. Therefore, facing such battles, Princess Qi did not panic at all and seemed to be at ease, even if Those ministers were very powerful, but she was not afraid at all.

The ministers under the main hall did not refute Princess Qi's words, because they knew that what Princess Qi said was reasonable. No matter how experienced and capable the doctor was, he would not dare to say that he could cure all diseases in the world. Knowing this With all the medicines in the world, there is naturally no way to determine all causes of death.

However, those ministers obviously would not give up like this, especially when they were asked by a woman and were left speechless, which made them feel unhappy.

"Since Her Royal Highness the Princess said she wanted to seek an explanation for the late emperor, I wonder if anything has been found out." someone asked.

Everyone knows that Princess Qi married to Feng Jue Country. Considering the relationship between Feng Jue Country and Dalu Dynasty, it is impossible for people from Feng Jue Country to send too many people to Princess Qi. What’s more, Feng Jue Country now The country was also destroyed.

Therefore, although Princess Qi is back now, she is alone. Even if she wants to investigate the cause of the late emperor's death, she is probably powerless.

"Of course!"

To everyone's surprise, Princess Qi would actually answer like this. How is this possible? Judging from the time, Princess Qi has just arrived in the imperial capital. Where does she have time to investigate? Could it be that she found out the cause of the late emperor's death as soon as she arrived in the imperial capital?

In that case, who are they? Princess Qi was able to find out the cause of the late emperor's death when she first arrived, but they didn't know anything. Doesn't this show their incompetence?

"Your Highness, this matter is of great importance. I hope you will not make random speculations, let alone false accusations. After all, it involves the late emperor." A minister said to Princess Qi.

Obviously, this Dalu Chao felt that the reason why Princess Qi got the answer so quickly was because the answer was her imagination and not the result of investigation at all. It is more likely that Princess Qi would take advantage of this opportunity. , to frame some hostile people.

"Of course I know that this matter is of great importance. If there is no definite evidence, I will not appear in front of you at all. After all, it is related to the real cause of death of my royal brother. I cannot be willing to watch the real murderer go free. Yes!" Princess Qi said.

Did she really investigate something?

Everyone had doubted the authenticity of Princess Qi's words before, but now they are not so sure because Princess Qi acted too calm and did not look like she was lying.

"Then, please tell Her Royal Highness the real cause of the late emperor's death, and let us people know how the late emperor passed away." Someone said.

At this time, everyone in the main hall looked at Princess Qi with different thoughts. Some of them really wanted to know the cause of the late emperor's death. After all, there were still many people who were very loyal to the late emperor. Naturally, they did not want to see the late emperor unknown. Death in vain.

Some people are very worried, fearing that this matter will be involved here. Originally, this matter has been settled, but the sudden appearance of Princess Qi has caused some surprises in this matter. They don't want to see it in front of them. There has been any change in the situation, especially for those who are closer to the Wu family.

Those who are qualified to go to court are naturally important ministers of the Great Lu Dynasty. It is impossible for them to reach this step and reach their current heights without some brains and abilities. They have been here since Wu Guifei did not appear.

When Wu Yan was suddenly kidnapped, I found a clue and had a feeling that something was wrong.

However, although they wanted to stop Princess Qi, they did not have the ability and qualifications. After all, Princess Qi was the princess of the Dalu Dynasty. Concubine Wu and the new emperor could refuse to let her return to the dynasty, but they, the ministers , but they can't, because after all, they are outsiders and servants of the royal family. How can they be qualified to drive away their master?

However, now that Concubine Wu is missing and the new emperor is a two-year-old child, there is naturally no way to stop Princess Qi. What's more, those ministers also know that not everyone in this hall is like them. , who were close to Wu Yan and hostile to Princess Qi, there were still many people who felt close to Princess Qi and were very curious about the cause of the late emperor's death.

Therefore, even if they stand up to stop it, it will not have any effect.

Wanjie storage box

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