Myriad Worlds Inventory Box

Chapter 2862 Got the car

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Al and others were right. Before they arrived at Yanfeng Kingdom, Yanfeng Kingdom had already received the news in advance, and then they set up an ambush in advance at the port where they were going to land, waiting for Al and others to fall into the trap. .

However, those people from the Yanfeng Kingdom obviously underestimated the strength of Al and others and regarded them as ordinary soldiers from the Wind Machinery Kingdom. Therefore, they were not fully prepared for the ambush. Except for one person who was killed on the spot, everyone else broke out. He rushed out and disappeared without a trace.

The reason why Angus is angry is that this information was obtained by another general. However, because it involves the "space-time key", and Angus is in charge of the "space-time key", so the last one The encirclement and suppression mission fell on Angus.

Angus also attaches great importance to this. After all, he has always been responsible for the "Space-Time Key" task. During this period, people above him have been urging him to quickly find the "Space-Time Key". He was finally able to hold him back. Now, there are people from the Wind Machine Country who want to inquire about the "space-time key". Angus naturally cannot let those people succeed.

Moreover, Angus also knew that the people who came this time were all sent from the camp they had sneaked into before. It was obvious that the other party wanted to retaliate for their previous actions and retaliate in kind. In this case, Angus Gus couldn't let them succeed even more.

When the task was originally assigned, Angus also repeatedly told the people below to pay attention to it. They must annihilate everyone in the future, leaving no one alive, and not letting any of them escape.

The person responsible for this matter also assured him that there would never be any accidents. However, what now?

Those people still escaped, and most of them escaped. How could Angus not be angry in this situation?

Originally, the people above were already very dissatisfied with Angus because he had been unable to retrieve the "space-time key". Now, this matter has been messed up again. It is conceivable that the people above know about it. What will be your attitude toward him after that?

Thinking about it, those people must have doubted his ability to do things. Those who have been coveting his position before must be ready to take action. He, who is already under great pressure, may have to face even greater pressure.

Angus's assistant also knew about this situation, so he was not surprised at all by Angus's rage.

"Do you know where they escaped to?" Angus calmed himself down. What happened has happened, and no matter how angry he was, it would not help. At this time, the only thing he could do was to find those people as soon as possible. However, Kill them all. Only in this way can the people above have no chance to attack themselves.

Therefore, they must move quickly to find those people and kill them before the people above them react.

"I know their general direction, but their specific location is not yet certain," the assistant said.

"Immediately send more manpower to search all the suspicious places for me. Even if I have to dig three feet into the ground, I have to find them!" Angus said.

"Yes, General!"

Afterwards, more soldiers chased in the direction of Al and the others, and a large net enveloped them.

Although they didn't know Angus's order, Al, Arich and others naturally knew that it was definitely very dangerous to stay in one place all the time, especially when that place was not too far away from where they fought before. It is indeed easy to search.

Therefore, now they must leave there as soon as possible, and if they want to leave there and join their comrades who escaped before, a car is indispensable.

Al was actually not unfamiliar with this kind of thing. As someone who had been working in the port all year round, he still had some "traditional skills". He stared at a car that had just been parked. After the owner of the car got out of the car, Al sorted himself out a little. He adjusted his clothes, made his hair messy, lowered his head slightly, and then bumped into the opponent.

"Ouch! Where are you going? You don't have eyes." The man was hit in the face by Al, and he was furious. Especially when he saw that Al was wearing simple clothes and messy hair, and he looked like an ordinary civilian, he became even more angry. , and even took a few steps back in the first place.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Al apologized quickly, but he never raised his head, so the man didn't see Al's appearance.

Of course, he was not interested in what Al looked like. In fact, he usually wouldn't even look at this kind of civilian. Today, he was bumped, which was really unlucky.

"Do you know what kind of clothes I have? It's stained. I can't even afford to sell it to you!" The man refused to let Al go. He pointed at Al's nose and cursed: "You blind inferior. He deserves to be a civilian for the rest of his life.”

However, at this time, Al had already lowered his head and ran away, not taking his words to heart. Al had heard all kinds of abuse since he was a child, so this kind of abuse could not arouse his anger.

When the man saw Al giving up and running away, he cursed a few words unhappily, then turned around and left, but he didn't realize that two things were missing from his pocket.

Al ran to a corner and stopped, looked at the car keys and wallet in his hand, and smiled smugly. Stealing the keys was his task, and as for the wallet, it was just a matter of convenience. Who made him dislike that man? Seeing that the man had gone far away, Al turned back and opened the other party's car with the key. Then, after a few fiddling, the car floated up. Al controlled the car and drove towards the place where Aliqi was hiding. Al, who could even drive a spaceship, naturally had no problem controlling a car. The car stopped steadily outside the place where Aliqi and his friends were hiding. "Captain, I'm back." Al jumped out of the car and shouted inside. After a while, Aliqi came out. Originally, seeing a floating car suddenly stop here, they all hid out of vigilance. Now they heard Al's voice and came out. "Your stuff is quite fast." Al and Robben said last time. "It's no big deal." Al was still driving, and the car took off steadily and flew away. "Captain, where are the others now?" Al asked. Since they had already rushed out, they must have joined up with the others. It would be dangerous if they were to separate.

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