Myriad Worlds Inventory Box

Chapter 2880 It’s too late

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Al is indeed in Tianwei City now. He knows that he will not be able to hide the fact that he killed the pursuer of Yanfeng Kingdom for a long time. The enemy will definitely catch up soon. At this time, if he steals the car and leaves If it were, it would be easy for the other party to find his traces. Even if he didn't steal the car, with the other party's tracking ability, Al estimated that he wouldn't be able to hide it for long.

Therefore, Al simply stopped leaving and found a place to settle down temporarily in Tianwei City. He planned to use Tianwei City as his battlefield and compete with the pursuers here!

Either he would die here, or he would completely eliminate them, and then join the rest of the team without any scruples.

Naturally, Al will not fight an uncertain battle. Before those people catch up, Al is also making preparations. He must try his best to ensure his own safety and ensure that he can survive.

After all, no one in this world wants to die.

The tracking ability of Gale and others was indeed not weak. It took them less than a day to basically lock Al's location.

"Captain, let's do it!" One of the team members said to Gale.

"Captain, we want to avenge Sost!" Gilman also said.

Several other team members also had expressions of indignation. They were members of the Blood Drinking Force, the most powerful special force of the Yanfeng Kingdom. They were all elites selected from each army, and now they were actually recruited from the Wind Machine Kingdom. How could they, who had always been very proud of themselves, accept the fact that they killed one of the big soldiers?

"I can understand your feelings. I also want to cut him to pieces right now, but we can't kill him!" Gale said, "At least we can't kill him!"

Gale was also very angry about Al killing his team members. He was even more angry than the other team members because he was the captain of this team, and now there were actually team members who died because of a simple task. How could he accept this when he fell into the hands of a little-known soldier from the Wind Machine Kingdom?

However, precisely because he has the status of captain, he has to take the overall situation into consideration and always remember his mission. Their target is all the people from the Wind Turbine Country, not just one.

Therefore, they cannot kill the soldier from the Wind Machine Kingdom who killed Sost, at least not now. They need to get information about other people from the Wind Machine Kingdom from his mouth.

After hearing what Gale said, the team members all understood, but even though they understood, they still felt very unhappy.

"Hmph, then let him live for two more days!" Gilman snorted and said, "When we get the information we want, I will make his life worse than death!"

Several other team members had similar ideas. They had even thought about how to torture Al during the interrogation process. In their opinion, since Al's location had been determined, it would be easy to capture Al. It won't be too difficult. As for the previous miss, it was Sost's carelessness. Perhaps, the player from the Wind Turbine Country also used some despicable means.

But this time, they really paid attention. There was no possibility for the soldiers from the Wind Machine Country to escape.

He is dead!

Gale and others were about to go to Al's hiding place, but before they arrived at Al's hiding place, they saw him in the convenience store outside.

"How dare this kid come out to buy things so blatantly? He really doesn't take us seriously!" Gilman said angrily.

When they thought about it, Al killed their team members and knew that his whereabouts were exposed. At this time, they should be very scared. They should find a place to hide honestly. They should be in panic all day long. Why are they still so cool now? Yes, going out shopping in a big way?

Did he think he was here for vacation?

After Gale and others saw Al's behavior, they were immediately furious.

"Captain, shall we go up and take action?" a team member asked.

At this time, Al had already walked out of the convenience store with a pile of food and drink in his arms, eating and walking in a very casual manner, as if he didn't even realize that he was in danger.

"He is alone. You two go over and restrain him!" Gale pointed at the two team members and said.

Because Al is in public at this time, and he is unprepared, there is no need to use too many people to arrest him. If too many people go by, it will arouse Al's vigilance, and will also Cause unnecessary trouble.

The two team members named by Gale nodded and headed towards Al.

In fact, in their opinion, it is enough for one person to go there and capture an ordinary big-headed soldier from the Wind Machine Kingdom. There is no need for two of them to go together. However, since the captain has arranged it this way, they naturally will not refute.

Al was still walking slowly, still holding a piece of bread in his hand and chewing on it. In that way, he was no different from an ordinary person.

"Hey, friend, come with us for a walk." The two members of the blood-drinking army came over and surrounded Aldao on the left and right.

"Who are you? I don't know you, and I don't want to go with you." Al said with a look of fear.

"I'm afraid it's not up to you!" one of the team members said.

Then, the two men wanted to hold Al up and take him away from here by force.

Chai knew that at this time, Al's face showed a smile, that

The smiles looked so weird to the two team members.

Then, they saw that Al's hand was actually hiding a small pistol in the bread. This pistol was not big, maybe not as big as a palm. It was obviously specially made. However, looking at the cold light on the surface of the pistol, the two of them Everyone knows that this pistol is not a toy, but a real gun!

not good!

The expressions of the two members of the blood-drinking troop suddenly changed. One of them wanted to grab Al's pistol, while the other wanted to take out his own pistol from his body.

"It's too late!" Al said lightly, and then, within a second, he opened his bow from left to right and fired two shots, knocking down the two people in an instant.

The two people had a look of reluctance on their faces. They never thought that they thought they were very careful, but they still fell into the other party's trick. The other party was obviously deliberately tempting them here, and they were still stupid. He was fooled, which makes him easy to bully.

Wanjie storage box

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