Mysterious Heavenly Dao Exposure: My Dual Pupils Can't Be Hidden

Chapter 244 In the end of the law era, the world's peak powerhouse!

"That is, there is nothing to talk about, but you still have to fall." Xiancheng said coldly.

In an instant, the auras of the four immortal emperors erupted, swept together, and centered on this place, setting off a violent energy storm.

A pale green energy film enveloped the mountain range, but then three arrogant forces rushed in and destroyed it in an instant.

The 100,000 mountains collapsed inch by inch, and the ancestral land of the elves was not spared. It was destroyed by the power of the Immortal Emperor, and the creatures in the mountains fled in a hurry.

In the center of the energy storm, the elf queen fell to the disadvantage in an instant, but she has reached the level of an immortal emperor.

The queen of the elf race relies on the 100,000 mountains to have a steady stream of forest power, and she struggles to support her with all her means.

at the same time.

In the depths of the universe, Jiang Chen opens the fourth reincarnation!

In the age of the end of the law, the Immortal King is the peak powerhouse in the world. As for the higher-level Taoist ancestors, it has been a legend tens of thousands of years ago.

On Qingcheng Mountain, a young Taoist priest dressed in a simple Taoist robe carries an ancient sword, staring devoutly and raising himself.

The mountain gate of more than 20 years has knocked three times heavily.

The young Taoist priest, called Lu Chen, went out today to seek the legendary avenue, purify all living beings, and fulfill the long-cherished wish of the ancestors of Mount Qingcheng!

Before leaving!

The old master once gave Lu Chen a rough picture of the world under the mountain. There are powerful creatures that can raise their hands to overturn mountains and rivers, there is a magical inheritance ancestral land that hides the most powerful inheritance of Taoism in the world, and there is a treasured place for cultivation that is full of spiritual energy. With precious heaven and earth treasures.

These are secondary, the most important thing is to complete the ancestral training, Purdue all sentient beings!

The old Taoist priest took Lu Chen's hand and said solemnly: "If you have not acquired the true meaning of the Dao in the future, you will fall into delusion and cannot break free, then go to the lotus pond in the small courtyard to find an ancient sword."

With longing for the new world, Lu Shen went down the mountain and wandered around as a Taoist priest.

At the beginning, relying on the subtle method, Lu Chen barely survived in this world of the weak and the strong, and he has seen many powerful things and bizarre scenes.

Lu Chen's talent is extremely high, and he has become the most powerful existence in the world in just ten thousand years - the immortal king giant

There are few rivals in the world, but he still has no clue about the Daozhili.

When Lu Chen returned to Qingcheng Mountain again, Qingcheng Mountain had long since ceased to exist and had become Qingcheng Temple, and this small place where he had lived for twenty years became Ruoyun Country.

Ruoyun Country is Lu Chen's last stop. It is a small mortal country. In this land, there are very few monks who can use immortal arts and Taoism. Those who know a little about fur are called immortals by everyone!

Who would have thought that the fairy king giant was hiding in it!

Lu Chenjing sat in the small courtyard, next to a small lotus leaf pond. Although the name was changed, the small courtyard and the lotus pond did not change.

Now that Lu Chen's realm is at its peak, but he can't find the Dao, so he came back and came back to find the ancient sword.

Lu Chen leaned over and stretched out his hand!

While groping in the water, the ancient sword was still there and was lifted by Lu Chen.

The surface of the ancient sword was actually rusted and rusted, and Lu Chen was shocked. This is a treasure handed down from the ancestors, how could it not be able to withstand the erosion of water?

In a hurry!

Lu Chen grabbed the corner of his clothes and wiped it hard, but nothing changed.

Lu Chen was a little anxious, and lightly pressed the sword body to separate from the scabbard.

At this moment, Lu Chen was stunned.

The sword body is also mottled with rust, but the rust is interspersed, like countless faces, Lu Chen sees countless himself!

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