Mysterious Noble Beasts

Say a word and take a day off

I have been busy these days, mainly because I have made a relatively important decision and need to do a lot of things. For example, I have been running various files in the past two days, because I applied for dropping out.

Going to school affects coding too much. After thinking about it again and again, I decided to give up my studies, so that I can devote all my energy to coding, fitness, and recuperating my body.

You don't have to worry about me, I have discussed it with my family and teachers. Although my family wants me to be a doctor or a teacher... But I don't like it... This book has good grades, so I should choose to be a full-time writer in the future. If it doesn't go smoothly, let's talk about the future, at least not starve to death.

Open a single chapter to tell you that I will adjust the update time and so on recently when I get used to it. Of course, I do not recommend book friends with similar ideas to learn from me... My situation is special... medicine... and my studies are relatively poor. I haven't learned much about professional knowledge, so I don't want to be a doctor to harm people, which is also a good thing to some extent...

At the same time, my health is not very good, and I even dropped out of school because of surgery... So readers who see it, don't take me as an example! !

Education is important! Education is important! Education is important! Study hard, try to fall in love when you go to college, don't be like me, always live in the dormitory and play games, not only 0 socializing, even girls have never held hands...

Not to mention, I’m tired today, take a day off, and continue to run various insurances tomorrow morning. Are pension and unemployment insurance useful for full-time writers…

Probably resume the update tomorrow night, we will also be full-time in the future, and strive to have a fraction of the power of the eagle.

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