Mysterious Recovery

Chapter 708: Unexplainable person

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Before and after, Yang Jian took Jiang Yan to stay in his hometown for seven or eight days. Because of the spiritual events, the village was not lively, it seemed very depressed and deserted. After all, some people in the village died in nightmares, some people Taken away, the remaining part will have to go to funeral.

Although some young people who had gone out came back midway, they were all smashed out by Yang Jian's five million.

In order to avoid some trouble and entanglement, he and Jiang Yan drove away in the morning of eight days.

However, his mother Zhang Fen didn’t want to leave his hometown so early and wanted to live for a while. Yang Jian didn’t force it, because now the village is okay, and it’s okay to stay a few more days. If there is a situation, it’s 30 miles from the city. He can also rush back immediately within a distance.

As for the cousin Madoka.

She seemed to be missing these days, she didn't show up, as if she was hiding. Yang Jian asked about the situation midway, but she didn't see her.

But at night, I heard her parents say that she came back to sleep again.

Yang Jian didn't know what weird things Madoka was doing, but she always felt that she was deliberately avoiding her. As for the reason, she couldn't analyze it. After all, Madoka still had some secrets.

But knowing that his cousin Madoka is all right, Yang Jian is relieved.

The coffin that I bought a few days ago.

Yang Jian also checked a few times in the middle, and the decay was still continuing, but the rate of decay had slowed down. I don't know what happened, but the overall situation is good, it just takes a little time to wait.

After all, the corpse of the ghost is now more than half decomposed.

According to what that person said, you don't need to worry about the rest.

Just wait for one day to see the results.

"Yang Jian, I have sent the coffin home first. There should be nothing in the way. If there is something, Zhang Han should be able to help deal with it." Jiang Yan put down the phone and asked just now. Something happened.

Standing at the entrance of the village, Yang Jian looked back, as if he was looking for something, and he seemed to be waiting for something.

"What are you looking at?" Jiang Yan asked.

"Nothing, go back, go back to Dachang City, today you drive." Yang Jian threw the car key to her, and then sat in the co-pilot.

Jiang Yan chuckled and said, "Okay, but don't blame me if you catch up on the road."

Although her driving skills are terrible, she likes to drive very much.

"It's okay." Yang Jian didn't care. He leaned on the co-pilot and looked out the window, looking at the inconspicuous woods in the distance.

"Then, let's go." Jiang Yan glanced at Yang Jian secretly, feeling very happy.

Because during this period of time in his hometown, he seems to have become accustomed to his own existence, and his aunt is also very friendly to him, feeling that the distance between himself and Yang is getting closer and closer, as if he has returned to the time when he was dependent on each other. .

However, she felt that Yang Jian didn't like him because he really didn't like him, but because he was affected by the ghost, he was very good to himself, and his attitude towards others was even worse.

Driving in a happy mood, Jiang Yan even secretly played a piece of music she loves in the car.

The vehicle gradually left the village, but the road it took was not the road when it came, but the opposite road.

It seems that the road with fewer cars and closer to Dachang City is a good choice for novices like Jiang Yan.

With the departure of the vehicle.

The distance between the woods in the distance is getting closer and closer, even though he knows that there is nothing weird in the woods, but Yang Jian still holds his head and looks over there.

The collapsed wooden house is still there.

There are still traces.

It's just that the previous person is dead. Thinking back to the scene in the nightmare, he has a feeling of meeting his father again.

It was a terrible and somewhat fond memory.


As the vehicle progressed, Yang Jianhu's eyes moved slightly, and he seemed to see a person near the woods.

Is it an illusion?

But soon, Yang Jian felt that it was not an illusion.

He saw Madoka standing at the entrance of the forest, still wearing a raincoat, like a scarecrow, motionless, but at this moment, I don’t know if the sound of cars attracted Madoka, she turned around. He came and looked here.

Madoka was waving, with a smile on her face.

He seemed to be calling himself, but there was no sound.

"She disappeared in the past few days, so she went to play in the woods?" Yang Jian was startled.

However, when he looked over again, Madoka was gone again.

It seemed that she had disappeared in the woods, and it was as if she had only had an illusion before. She had never appeared before, but she had misunderstood it.

"She is an existence that even I can't explain." Yang Jian gradually retracted his gaze, and he began to ponder.

There was something weird about Madoka, he knew it.

As for what kind of weirdness, what kind of specific identity, he didn't know.

I only know that there was a man named Yang Yuanyuan who drowned and died a few decades ago, just like his cousin.

The inconspicuous woods in the distance faded away.

Yang Jian no longer thinks about this matter. He has experienced too many weird and bizarre things. Some things have answers, and some things have no answers. If you are too concerned and persistent, you will only make yourself risky.

The distance between my hometown and Dachang City is not far.

After twenty minutes of driving, the vehicle drove into the urban area of ​​Dachang City.

"Yang Jian, shall we go home first or go to the company first?" Jiang Yan asked at this time.

Yang Jian replied: "Go back to the company first. These days have passed. What I asked Zhang Hua to do should have a result."

When he left, Zhang Hua asked Zhang Hua to investigate the coordinates.

The coordinates originated on an old wooden board, which was left from the knocker, suspected to be a clue related to the Republic of China period. He ran to the island country to deal with the knocker for this clue, and even lost one. Dead head, it can be said that a very high price has been paid.

Yang Jian hopes that the coordinates will not let himself down, and can reveal some inner doubts and unearth some secrets.

The city’s roads are still slightly deserted. I don’t know if it’s because of the New Year’s Day or because of the impact of the last starving ghost incident. There is still no way to restore the city’s popularity.

"It's almost time. The supernatural event is out of control. It will be a month or two for a complete riot. Then they will know how important it is for a city to have a captain-level ghost wielder. There is no need for publicity. Many people Will flood into this city."

Yang Jian secretly said in his heart.

After traveling around the city for a while, the car stopped downstairs in Shangtong Building.

Parking is not allowed in front of the building, but Yang Jian’s car is obviously special, no one will stop it, because he is the owner here, and the security will not stop it.

"Here, I'm exhausted from driving, I'm going to the office to take a shower, Yang Jian, together?" Jiang Yan stretched her waist, then looked at Yang Jian with a smile, not shy away.

Yang Jian said, "No, I'll go to the company and take a seat at Zhang Hua's."

"Don't be shy, I don't care, what do you care about." Jiang Yan took Yang Jian's arm coquettishly.

Yang Jian looked at her expressionlessly, with no intention at all, as cold as a stone, as if this woman was not attractive to him at all.

"Forget it then."

Jiang Yan said angrily: "Then I will find you at night. Don't close the door. I don't have the key to your room."

"You are really long-winded."

Yang Jian got out of the car and was forbidden to go to the building.

"Hehe." Jiang Yan smiled, she was not angry at all.

After all, as someone who understands Yang Jian's temper, she knows when Yang Jian is really angry and when it is fake.

"Mr. Yang."

"Good Mr. Yang."

As soon as he entered the lobby, many people who did not know greeted him, some were security guards, some were employees, but he rarely showed up and did not participate in company affairs, so many people knew him, but he did not know others.

Rotating around in the company is mainly to show up.

The purpose of showing up is not to show off, nor to pretend.

It was shocking and stabilizing people’s hearts. He didn’t believe that the company was so big that no other people would come in. At least some people from the Chu Ling Society of the island country must have entered the company, and there were also people in the headquarters. As for the supernatural forum, and some foreigners He wasn't sure if these forces got in.

Yang Jian only needs to let those people know that he is still alive and has not died after disappearing these days, so nothing will happen.

After a round, he decided to return to his own company to take a rest, by the way, record what happened in the past few days, and then go to Zhang Hua to sit down.

However, when he passed by an office building, he heard a meeting in that office building.

"Last year’s performance was so terrible. I hired you for such a high salary. Did you give me a job like this? I just tied a dog to my desk and did more things than you do. I knew how to play all day long. Playing games, don’t ask for improvement, how can you be successful like this? Are you going to inherit my dad’s tens of billions of property like me?"

A slightly thin young man in a suit, pulling on his tie, said loudly.

Obviously, there is only one person in the company who dared to speak so arrogantly.

That is Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei was wearing a suit and a mature haircut, as if he had changed, but his expression had obviously not changed.

"Boss, didn't you allow us to play games during work?" an employee retorted.

Zhang Wei froze for a moment, and immediately his old face blushed, and his voice suddenly became much calmer: "If you want to speak, raise your hand and speak."

The employee raised his hand and said, "We spend a lot of working hours playing games with you, so how can we have time to work."

"He was fired on the grounds that he raised his hand to speak, but he raised his right hand." Zhang Wei pointed to the employee.


The employee was stunned, and then jumped up: "Damn, are you so arrogant?"

Zhang Wei said: "I'm so arrogant, you have the ability to fire me, damn, I allow you to go to work and play games, but I didn't allow you to play games all day long. Do I let you play games with me every day? Be nice to you I don’t know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. If you don’t do anything every day, what do you want to do? Get out of here right away."

"Damn, I want to beat you up like this."

The employee was also a young man. He couldn't stand Zhang Wei's arrogant attitude. He was immediately angry and angry, and couldn't help but rushed to beat him.

However, Zhang Wei seemed to be prepared, and a bodyguard on his side immediately stopped him.

"Go away."

The young employee hit the bodyguard in a circle: "I have practiced taekwondo for three you stop this punch?"

The bodyguard did not react and was immediately knocked to the ground.

"Can you do it, I paid a big price to invite you, and I was beaten with a punch. I was embarrassed." Zhang Wei said.

"court death."

The bodyguard was also angry, and counterattacked with the same punch. The employee slapped directly, fell to the ground and passed out; "I punched, and ten years in prison, can you stop it?"

"Pretty, cow breaking."

Zhang Wei applauded and laughed: "This punch is beautiful. When I look back, I will ask the best lawyer to help you fight the lawsuit."

"..." Yang Jian, who was standing not far away watching this scene, was speechless.

But after thinking about it, I think there is nothing wrong with it.

But why is it reasonable to always feel that Zhang Wei's arrogant attitude was beaten up?

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