The inspector saw this, and finally said:

"Don't worry, everyone. The destroyers in front are not controlled by real people. They are all controlled by puppets. The hundreds of destroyers are all controlled in this way. As the first line of defense, soldiers will not be placed, just to avoid the enemy's attack. Saturation blow."

Everyone was relieved when they heard this, and some young ladies who were wiping their tears even broke into laughter.

"I see."

"It seems that we still know too little about modern military affairs. It's not enough to always work behind closed doors. We still have to go out and get along."

"Yeah, in modern warfare, the first round of strikes is too fierce, and the active forces must be placed later."

Wang Binyuan said triumphantly: "This is the benefit of mysterious power. Although drones are popular now, they still can't take on great responsibilities and can only be used under absolute advantage; while our mysterious puppet technique can easily control warships and fighters, allowing the They serve as decoys, while the vital forces are kept on the rear line."

No one argued with him, everyone was very sighed at this time, and even felt relieved.

Combining mysterious power with modern weapons a little bit, the power exerted is the effect that 1+1 equals 11, not equal to 3.

"In this way, the opponent blew himself up in vain, and the result of the battle is only some unmanned weapons of ours?" someone asked.

"It can't be said that it was self-destruction for nothing. At least it made us realize that its absolute power is really strong, at least equivalent to the sum of hundreds of destroyers. In this world, there are only two countries that can quell natural disasters of this level. And We are the only ones who are willing to spend such a huge price to put down natural disasters at sea of ​​this level." Wang Binyuan explained.

Wen Rensheng completely understood that Wang Binyuan belonged to the category of die-hard fans.

"It seems that this matter is going to end like this." Some people still wanted to say.

"Yeah, it's finally coming to an end. With this self-destruction, most of Haiyan's power must be exhausted, and the rest of the blockade and suppression process will be much simpler."

While everyone was talking, there was a new array of destroyers again, stepped forward to replace them, and laid a huge net.

No wonder thousands of ships have to be dispatched at a time. A small dispatch is really not enough to consume. It is impossible to pull the boat from the rear port after the mesh is halfway covered. In that case, everything will have to start again.

At this time, another expert sighed: "No wonder this sea eye has erupted many times in history, and tsunamis occur every year, but there is still no suppression. There is no way. The cost of a suppression is too high."

"Yes, modern technology is advanced, productivity is strong, and it can afford consumption. A hundred years ago, where could it resist such profligacy? Hundreds of destroyers were damaged at one time, as well as the missiles fired before, and The mysterious power supplied for more than ten days. It is really unaffordable to change it to before. There are not so many resources to produce, and this is not a question of money."

"So it is still beneficial to vigorously develop technology. When it can be manufactured, it can be manufactured vigorously without worrying about bankruptcy."

"It seems that my boy has to force him to read two more doctorates for me. Do you want to study abroad? America's engineering is still very good."

"They have now tightened the quota for studying abroad. The engineering schools there are rarely open to our Asian alien students."

"This is a shame. There are good things that are not filial to Shenzhou's father, and dare to hide them. It's really unfilial. If we hadn't helped them several times in history, they would have been wiped out by mysterious natural disasters. How can they be where they are today?" Someone said indignantly.

"No way, there are only eternal interests, no eternal friends, white-eyed wolves will only be late, and will never be absent. Who would have thought that they could come from behind, surpass their European ancestors, and succeed in the second and third industrial revolutions first, then Even we have to use the big prophecy to get back those high-tech materials, and then carry out research and development."

"The ancestors are still conservative. They always feel that it is good to keep the family business, and they did not take North and South America into their pockets."

"I must have thought about it, but mysterious natural disasters broke out frequently, and the cost of transcontinental rule was too high. At that time, there was no major explosion in technology, and the gain outweighed the loss. This has gathered all the nearby land that can be harvested, leaving only some barriers and buffers."

All the experts discussed and entered the melon-eating mode again.

After a while, someone suddenly exclaimed again: "Hey, why did the ranking of the list change again?"

"Scared me, I thought there was something new, finishing the sprint? Of course the ranking will change."

Everyone looked up and saw that Wen Rensheng quietly climbed to the first place on the two lists, the real-time merit growth rate list.

On the list of achievements, the opponent's ranking is also steadily rising.

Someone said disdainfully: "In such an exciting battle, does anyone still have the intention to steal the list?"

"Don't say it so harshly, she was low-key before and didn't want to fight. Just now, when she saw the danger of the situation, she took out the means of suppressing the bottom of the box." A beauty expert said.

"Damn, do you think that kid is handsome, so you speak for him?"

After more than ten days, there were more than 400 people, and they naturally knew each other.

"It's more pleasing to the eye than you, and you know how to eat vinegar every day."

The two male and female experts who spoke obviously had some unusual personal relationship and accused each other.

Only then did Wu Liansong realize that Wen Rensheng was still hiding his hole cards, so what else can he say?

It can only be said that he never saw it.

That being the case, the only way is to close your eyes so as not to be upset.

Wen Rensheng doesn't care about what other people say, he walks his own way, makes others have nowhere to go, and feels the fear of being crushed.

His mysterious power filtering efficiency has more than doubled at this moment, which means that he can quickly catch up with the opponent in total.

As for the duration of the boost effect, because the power of the alien species is only used to maintain the communication channel, the consumption is very small. In theory, he can last for a few weeks.

Another two days passed, and after Haiyan's final struggle, the giant net was finally closed.

Then the destroyer dropped a large number of sea buoys, propped up the giant net one by one, pulled out the Great Wall of the Sea on all sides, and then a new net covered the sea.

In this way, from top to bottom, a huge inverted bowl is formed, completely surrounding the remaining sea eyes.

Finally, Wen Rensheng finally saw with his own eyes what the sea eye was through the detection of the deep-sea submersible.

It turned out to be a broken ancient shipwreck!

The bow, mast, ship building, and cabins are all scattered on the deep sandy seabed.

Through mystical evocation of the wreck fragments, it was finally discovered that the large ship had encountered a storm during its lifetime.

After the storm, the water leaked and could not be repaired. In order to compete for the escape quota on the boat, a bloody game took place.

The crew members who had no chance to escape were full of resentment.

When the ship sank, a maelstrom formed and then engulfed the crew who were forced to jump into the sea. These unwilling undead wandered under the sea for many years, and finally condensed into the embryonic form of the mysterious natural disaster.

This can explain why it always has trouble with the crew, and is always playing various game theories that reflect human nature and selfishness.

The current situation of the sunken ship in dilapidated condition was obviously caused by the previous self-explosion.

After the investigation was clear, the fleet joined forces, cleaned up the residue, and dealt with the first and last.

In the end, the large fleet slowly withdrew, leaving the patrol fleet to take turns to station and monitor for a long time. Those are conventional methods of suppression.

Waiting for time to wash away all the resentment, let those resentments be buried by time, no matter how strong the power is, as long as it is not replenished, it will fade away.

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