Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 499 Strike at halfway

Wen Rensheng continued to observe Lu Damu through the inspection department's network.

He has submitted the report on the Curse of White Hair to the Inspectorate, in which he detailed his findings and his conjectures.

And what happened during this period has largely verified his speculation.

There is no more death after dyeing white hair.

Obviously, the man behind the scenes had found the best experimenter, and temporarily gave up his useless work on ordinary people.

Moreover, the Inspection Department also issued a notice to officially name the mysterious disasters in the new era, those disasters involving the power of rules, as "disasters and strange" events.

A combination of mysterious disaster and alien.

At the same time, they established a new department, the Disaster Management Bureau, to deal with disaster-related incidents.

This new department has a lot of power, and has one of the most special powers, which is the ability to recruit any aliens in the territory when necessary.

Not to refuse.

But in order not to cause large-scale exile, there is a rotation system. After completing a task, you can choose to rest for a period of time, or refuse another task.

Again, the ability of aliens to escape is very strong.

It is difficult for ordinary people to survive in the wild, but aliens are an exception. Some people can retreat in a cave in the wild for decades.

In this case, it cannot be too strict.

The report submitted by Wen Rensheng was transferred to the Disaster Management Bureau.

Their office is located in Zhongjiang City. This place is not a bustling city. The only advantage is that it is located in the center of the huge territory of Dongzhou.

It is really in the middle, but this deliberately designed location is obviously not conducive to economic development, so it has always been the size of a fifth-tier city.

The population is only 200,000.

But this is in line with their requirements, low-key.

In a courtyard in the suburbs, there are rows of newly built bungalows.

In one of the bungalows, the newly appointed Director of the Disaster Management Bureau—Director An, who should be called Director An now, is having a meeting.

"The white-haired catastrophe incident, we already have an idea, and I believe it will be finally resolved in another month." Director An said.

Opposite him, there are three alien masters, and another alien master participates through a video conference.

Experts are not eligible to attend such meetings.

"Mr. Wenren has done a good job. His ability is what we need urgently. We need to include him in the management team." A master said.

"His alien species doesn't like too much restraint." Director An shook his head and rejected the other party's suggestion.

"Okay. Then the other party has another proposal, advocating an upright lifestyle. Do we need to push it?" The master continued to ask.

"The Inspectorate is already working on that matter. This is a long-term job. After all, people's hearts are unpredictable, and too strict management will also lead to negative reactions." Director An shook his head.

Another master said: "Now there is a shortage of manpower. In the foreseeable future, disasters will happen more and more frequently, and experts of different species are no longer enough to take responsibility. We need more masters to curb this situation. "

Director An nodded: "Well, we are selecting reliable people for training as a reserve force."

"By the way, I heard that Master Wen is looking for an existence named Taoist Yantian?" the first master asked.

"Yes, he used our channel to find the other party before, and asked about his purpose at that time. It is said that he can buy us more time, about ten years." Director An said.

"The situation is so dangerous now. Since we can have a buffer of ten years, we should give priority to finding Taoist Yantian."

"Yes, I agree. The characteristic of the mysterious world is that a strong person at the top is far better than the combined efforts of countless mediocre people."

Director An pondered for a moment, and then said: "Okay, I will put this matter in the first place and mobilize the most forces to search for traces of the other party."


Another week, Wen Rensheng finally caught the tail of the man behind the scenes after observing that Lu Damu for a whole month.

Lu Damu finally showed abnormal behavior.

He looked again at the picture that the relative had seen before, and it took a day to see it.

During this week, his newly married wife who weighed 200 pounds, treated him even harder.

In the beginning, he was probably still afraid of the halo of aliens, just talking about it.

Later, it seemed that the other party seemed to be an honest person, and he started to punch him.

Sometimes when Lu Damu was looking at the photos, his wife slapped his photos and tore them up.

Sometimes it was kicking him off the sofa...

Wen Rensheng admired the other party very much, and he was able to hold back.

Do aliens have such grievances?


Is the other party really short of that one billion property?

Even if you can't become a heterogeneous expert, there is no need to be angry.

But Lu Damu just kept silent, resigned.

On the contrary, the billionaire father-in-law often persuades his daughter not to be so fierce to her husband.

As a result, his wife even beat his father-in-law.

What happened to the billionaire?

Just hit when you need to.

His father-in-law, because he lost face, never came to the door again.

Wen Rensheng did know the reason why this father-in-law was so cowardly. This billionaire started from his wife's natal family, and there was a xenogeneic expert in his wife's natal family...

This is also the root cause of the other party's desire to have his daughter marry a heterogeneous person. He hopes that he can have a higher status to fight against his wife.

He didn't expect Lu Damu to advance to become a heterogeneous expert, and heterogeneous experts were never short of money, let alone women.

What he values ​​is the next generation, his grandson.

So he had to give in to his pungent daughter.

One night, Lu Damu began to arrange the ceremony in his study.

Compared with those ordinary people, as a senior alien, he knows more and arranges more perfectly.

Wen Rensheng watched the other party in action through the surveillance.

He was a little strange, the other party was not a stupid person, why did he arrange the ceremony in such an unsecret place as the study?

The ceremony was a hexagon, and on each side, he placed a roll of the best silk, a rationed product from the Jiangnan Weaving Company.

Wen Rensheng has been watching.

The other party arranged for a whole night, and it ended at midnight.

But at this time, he didn't know that outside the study and in the courtyard of the villa, there were already many people watching his every move.

Wen Rensheng did not act rashly.

He had already communicated with the Inspectorate, and he wanted to wait until the black hand was about to pass through the passage, and give the other party a ruthless blow.

The so-called half-strike.

The opponent who is landing is the most vulnerable. It is difficult for people in the water to fight back, so they can only be beaten passively.

This technique can also be used on stowaways from the mysterious world...

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