Mystery: Order and Disorder

Chapter 109: Interpretation of Dreams of Influenza, 3rd Stream and 1st Stream

On the other side, with a little doubt, Grelint fell asleep.

In a trance, he returned to his mansion in Backlund, and to the living room where he first saw Carroll. On the opposite side was the girl with the towering golden ponytail, with a pair of beautiful eyes staring straight at him. he.

The difference from that time is that the relationship between the two sides is very relaxed and friendly at the moment.

"Good evening, Grelint."

She greeted her with a relatively close, direct name.

Grelint didn't have the ability to stay awake in his sleep, and he didn't take any precautions in advance, so she was easily mixed into his dream!

At this time, Grelint was still very dazed and ignorant, and unabashedly asked his doubts:

"Good evening, Miss Carroll."

"What a coincidence, you also came to the Southern Continent!"

This is the real doubt in his heart, but if he is conscious, he will definitely not ask such a reckless and direct question.

Carol elegantly took a sip of the coffee in front of her, as if she was really tasting it.

She didn't explain the reason why she came to the Southern Continent, because anyway, after Grelint woke up, she could only vaguely remember dreaming about her and the things she specially emphasized, but couldn't remember the specific details.

"It's quite a coincidence."

"I have two news to tell you..."

"The first one, your captain Morgan is your father's enemy, his real name is Walter, and he is a powerhouse of the Sequence Five of the 'Fortuneteller' pathway."

"Second, the girl you met in the afternoon has a certain connection with me, but she may not be good for you... You can handle it yourself."

Grelint nodded in a trance:

"Thank you very much for your reminder, beautiful lady."

This is in a dream... Carol raised her eyebrows slightly, and accepted Grelint's praise in a good mood.

"Thank you for your coffee, goodbye, Your Excellency Viscount..."

With a slight smile, Carol gradually faded her off-white figure.

At this time, Grelint, who was generally inspired and did not wear a "different-faced pocket watch", fell back into a deep sleep, completely unaware of what had happened to him.


In the early morning, Grelint, who woke up, blinked his eyelids a few times and vaguely recalled a dream.

" could I dream of her?"

Since he has never experienced someone breaking into a dream, his first reaction was not to encounter extraordinary abilities in dreams, but to make some analysis based on experience:

"This is the memory of Backlund's meeting that I was suddenly recalled yesterday afternoon, so I was thinking about it every day and dreaming at night?"

"But what about those two extraordinarily clear messages?"

"Well, the first may be because I have made similar guesses before, and the second may be because I instinctively beware of the girl from yesterday."

"But how did these factors come together all of a sudden?"

Thinking about it, Grelint thought of the transcendent factor again...

"By the way, it may also be the influence of extraordinary abilities! Carol's handwriting? I remember that the Sequence Five of the 'Thief' pathway seems to be called 'Dream Stealer'? As the daughter of the 'Thief' pathway demigod, no matter what She is a serial number, and it seems normal to have such an ability."

"But, how did she know this information? What is the logic of her behavior?"


After thinking for a moment, Grelint had nothing to gain, and he was not even sure whether it was a natural dream or the result of Carroll's influence.

"Forget it, I'll find Mick to interpret a dream later..."

This is a serious "diver". If this is really a natural dream, he must be able to solve some doubts for himself.


In the morning, MI9 on Dammings Street.

"Your Excellency Grelint? Aren't you still on vacation?"

The person receiving today at the front desk is Anna.

Grelint nodded politely and explained:

"I have something to discuss with the captain."

"Is he here?"

Anna nodded her head, looked at him and said:

"He and Ms. Athena and Mick are behind."


Grelint responded, passing her to the studio at the back.


Almost all members are on paid leave these days, so apart from "Morgan" and "Athena" who stayed behind, only Mick, who could only take a day off, returned to work, and even Joan, who was supposed to return to work, applied today Shifted off this week's rotation.


Before he could ask, Morgan said to himself as if he had guessed his purpose:

"Are you here to ask Piero's invitation?"

"That's what I proposed to him."

"It's just that after our phased tasks are completed, let's prepare a relaxation and adjustment for you."

It turned out to be so!

What a good excuse...

Grelint pretended to be relieved and nodded, and said:

"I also said why he invited me all of a sudden. It turned out to be the welfare you prepared for everyone, captain."

"Well, I originally planned to send someone to tell you in the morning, but I didn't expect you to be in such a hurry, so I came over directly."

Looking at "Morgan"'s calm appearance, Grelint couldn't help but admire his acting skills!

However, it would be strange if I really believed you...

Instead of continuing to dwell on this topic, he continued:

"It's not just about being impatient, it's mainly because I had a very strange dream last night, so I thought about going to Mick to see if I could interpret the dream for me..."


In the chat room in the side room, Grelint and Mick sat opposite each other, and Morgan also seemed interested in watching them interpret their dreams.

Mick glanced at Morgan covertly, and said to Grelint:

"Tell me what kind of dream you had."

Grelint pondered slightly, organized the language, and described:

"I dreamed of a beautiful woman who I met several times a few months ago. She miraculously learned about my recent situation and said something to me."

"Well, yesterday afternoon I suddenly thought of her because of something."

"The strangest thing is that I can clearly remember what she said to me in the dream."

In order to ensure the accuracy of Mick's dream interpretation, Grelint described the dream last night as truthfully as possible, but did not reveal any specific information.


Mick thought for a while and tried his best to explain:

"Accidentally dreamed of someone from a long time ago. It is very likely that you have been in contact with related things recently, so your spirit has been touched."

"Well, some of the things you described yesterday afternoon should be such a trigger."

"As for you saying that she miraculously learned about your recent affairs, that's not really surprising."

"Because the dream is woven based on your own memory, it may be that your subconscious uses the dream to remind you of some important information. And what you said about 'clearly remembering her words' is a kind of evidence for this. ."


Grelint nodded thoughtfully... If this is indeed a natural dream, Mick's explanation seems to be quite convincing. Then, he saw Morgan next to him, and his heart moved... This seems to be an advanced dream interpretation expert? Would you like to hear what he has to say?

The enemy's wool can't be scooped up!

Even if he was planning some kind of, he probably wouldn't deliberately talk to himself about this trivial matter, at most he just pretended not to understand.

So, he smiled and looked at Morgan, who was thinking together, and said jokingly:

"Captain, do you understand this too? Would you like to help me analyze it too?"

Morgan was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said:

"I don't know how to interpret dreams."

"But I know that natural dreams are the communication between one's own spiritual body and the information of the spiritual world."

"From my point of view, either you have any thoughts about other girls, or the girl's thoughts are related to your subconscious through the spiritual world..." seems to make sense...what a ghost!

Is it so perfunctory?

Grelint politely thanked Mick for his friendship dream, and as Morgan had expected, he completely ignored his teasing.


On the way home, Grelint couldn't help but recall the analysis of Mick and "Morgan".

If it is a natural dream, what Mick said should be the real situation. As for Morgan's random nonsense, he certainly doesn't believe it at all.


However, what he didn't know was that after he left, Morgan explained to Mick in a good mood:

"The fact that a certain part of his dream is very clear is obviously the interference of extraordinary abilities."

"And 90% of this interference is based on the spiritual world..."

After Mick thought seriously for a moment, he joked again:

"It seems that this kid's identity and wealth are more sought after by women than I thought... Even some Beyonders are no exception."

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