Sure enough, Albert looked like an angry bull.

"Even if you are Miss April's boyfriend, why would you teach me a lesson?"

"I didn't do anything to her! I just helped her clean the room."

He was still trying to restrain himself, and Grelint already felt that he was so wronged that he was about to cry. Perhaps in Feysac, similar pursuits are normal?

However, I'm just a robot that completes tasks with no emotion!

He was not interested in learning more, so he once again inspired his majesty and shouted even more sharply:

"Leave immediately, or let the police clean up everything."

Albert was quite angry, but also a little cowardly, and after all, he didn't dare to do it directly.

In Backlund, if he dared to use violence to treat a Loen gentleman, he would be the one who would suffer in the end.

Especially since Grelint looks quite worthy.

In the end, the conflict did not develop to the point of using force, and Albert chose to leave in a daze.

Considering that he couldn't beat Albert in the end, Grelint was quite regretful.

At the same time, he was a little worried that the other party would harass him in the future.

"Ms. April, just like this, it may not completely solve the problem."

"I know Sheriff Aivil in this area. If he comes again next time, you can directly call my name and let Sheriff Aivil really arrest him for a few days."

Then he laughed again:

"I heard that Feysac men would have a 'one-on-one duel' in order to compete for the girl they love."

"If he had just been brave enough, I might not have embarrassed him like this."

Because if Grelint defeated him head-on, he should also obey the rules, give up and stop harassing him.

This is actually the ideal result.

Seeing that the other party "persuaded" Albert to leave, and at the same time gave the name of Sheriff "Evel", April was finally relieved.

Although strictly speaking, the reason for this incident was actually her weak personality and the reason why she refused to be tough enough.

But this Albert was really annoying.

"Thank you for your help, Grelint."

"If you don't have any other arrangements, would you like to go in and have a rest?"

She counted the 20-pound note to Grelint on the spot, and Grelint had a certain degree of trust after knowing April's identity, and did not check the banknote in person.

"Okay, thank you for your kindness, ma'am."

I just said casually...

April was stunned for a while, but she quickly opened the door of the clinic.

In her opinion, similar nobles will definitely hold their own identity, politely refuse and leave.

"Please come in."

The clinic looks small from the outside, but the interior space is actually quite large, because the vertical dimension is relatively long.

Entering the clinic, Grelint quickly took off his coat and hung it on the hanger, and secretly put "Rage" into it.

He hadn't carried this dagger for a long time before, but he didn't expect its side effects to be so obvious!

He is so thirsty now that his throat is smoking!

But his reason told him that this kind of psychological thirst cannot be solved by drinking water.

The dagger must no longer be carried in the occult sense.

That's why he followed suit and agreed to April's invitation.

"Do you want coffee or black tea? Grelint."

Originally, April was more accustomed to the name "assassin", but after thinking about it, she still didn't call it that.

"You're welcome, Miss April."

"I just take a break and leave in a few minutes."

She suddenly understood, glanced at Grelint's coat hanging on the clothes rack, and asked tentatively:

"Is it the negative effects of magical items?"


Grelint didn't deny it, didn't explain it too much, and gave a brief affirmation.

After receiving confirmation, April said with confidence:

"It turned out to be so."

Otherwise, what do you think?

Are you afraid that the wolf will be driven away in front of you, and the tiger will be attracted?

Grelint didn't ask any questions, just chatted a few words with the other party.

After resting until his thirst disappeared, he politely bid farewell in a timely manner.


"This kind of psychological thirst is really troublesome!"

Returning to his villa, he placed the dagger in time.

Grelint, who had accidentally suffered a loss, frowned at this moment.

Although the thirst caused by "anger" subsided quickly.

But the feeling of extreme lack of water, like dying of thirst, is almost impossible to bear with the psychological quality of a normal person.

Similar, including "The Witch's Vanity Mirror" and "The Loremaster's Fever", once the negative effects are triggered. It should not be so simple, so easy to bear.

"I had no specific experience before, and the negative impact on magical items was greatly underestimated."

"It looks like you have to be more careful when you carry magical items in the future!"

"And this also reflects the preciousness of the 'Ring of Law'. If it is measured by price, it is probably no less than seven thousand pounds."

The normal price of Sequence Six magical items is four or five thousand pounds, and the price of Sequence Five magical items is about ten thousand pounds.

But the "Ring of Law" basically doesn't have any negative effects!

Moreover, it also comes with two active extraordinary abilities, and at the same time, it can improve fighting skills and increase its own majesty.

As for the "change" gold coin, it can only be said that after all, it is made by the Beyonder characteristics of Sequence Nine, and its positive and negative effects are relatively small.

At this time, Grelint was quite envious of Klein's "Origin Castle". He could carry any magical item any way he wanted. The best thing to do was to find a hidden place and adjust it before using it.

And the Extraordinary characteristics of the "Duke of Entropy" don't even involve authority such as seals...

However, Grelint believes that just the person of Sequence Two should be able to suppress some magical items and sealed items with the characteristics of "alive" After basically reaching the upper limit taught by Colliffe, the Lellint is already reluctant to go to the club to waste time.

Therefore, there are only two remaining on his schedule:

Or because Benedict has a case, he goes to the jury and takes the opportunity to act.

Or go to the basement of Earl Hall Castle to learn the advanced level of the mysterious language.

After the New Year, within a few days, the Earl led his family away from Backlund and returned to East Chester to enjoy the beautiful air and sunshine.

"If I'm still like the original book, I don't know anything, I don't understand anything."

"Then I can enjoy it without any worries!"

Especially as a noble with a good financial situation, Grelint does not lack wealth to enjoy.

Unfortunately, I know too much...

Under the premise of having a chance to fight for it, I still want to have a certain ability to protect myself, and I am not willing to lie down completely.

While Grelint was learning the arcane language and digesting the "lawyer" potion, he also told Jim about "acting".

So Jim has been using this as an excuse recently, using "mental interference" to create hallucinations to trick him.

The true meaning of "acting" is of course not simply using extraordinary abilities, but Grelint sees that Jim is more measured, so he doesn't care about him - just treat him as practicing extraordinary abilities.

After all, he is not the "thief" path, and he does not know the correct way to play the corresponding sequence.

In addition to this, Jim's learning task has one more learning task. After all, the next place he is going to is the Southern Continent.

However, this is quite simple. On the basis of the Luen language, with the help of the "Learn's Fever", it only takes three or four days.

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