"I'll go to the bathroom, and then we can leave." After a dance, Snow, who returned to the dance floor, suddenly said, Triss looked at him suspiciously, and said incredulously:

"Don't you mean to leave me behind and run away?"

"Would you like to come with me? Oh, sorry, I forgot that you are not suitable for the men's toilet right now." The corners of Snow's eyes were slightly raised, and his pungent temperament was evident.

Triss scolded her hometown in a low voice, took a deep breath, and said angrily:

"If I am caught, I will confess you without hesitation."

"Yes, I see!" Snow nodded insincerely, swaggeringly walked up to an embassy military attache, and in Triss's dumbfounded gaze, asked the location of the bathroom.

"Is this guy so confident?"


"The Holy Spirit who pursues knowledge;"

"The beacon of the mysterious world;"

"The eyes that peer into fate;"

"The king over the sea;"

"Holy Bernadette Gustave..."

There was no extra prayer, just after a period of honorable name, Snow cut off the contact, he believed that Huang Beibei understood what to do next.

After slightly adjusting the shielding settings on his body, after confirming that Zhenzao was not watching, he recited the familiar name again——

"A fool who does not belong to this era, you are the mysterious master above the gray fog, you are the king of yellow and black in charge of good luck, I pray for your hearing, I pray for your attention, Lanvus has already escaped as planned , In addition, Bakerland Jean Mardan is dead."


Triss stared nervously in the direction of the bathroom, thinking in her heart whether she should run away or not. Although there is a high probability of being detected whether she leaves the scene or sneaks away, at least her identity is fake. Yes, as long as you rush out of the embassy and wash your face, you'll be fine, but if you continue to stay, in case Beckland's body is found, he will...

"What are you thinking!" Snow's voice suddenly sounded behind Triss. If it wasn't for the concentration she had accumulated during the time of the instigator and assassin, she would have jumped up directly.

"When did you come here?"

"That's how it came.

"Snow still had that three-point taunting, three-point teasing, and four-point nasty smirk, patted her on the shoulder and said:

"Come on, we can leave now."


Above the gray fog, Klein, who had just finished psyching with Master Luo, felt that the stars belonging to Mr. Demon were expanding and shrinking, and he slightly complained:

"Mr. Devil's dinner is a little late today!"

Although he said so, he still spread his spirituality and touched the star, and then, layers of prayers appeared in his ears.

"Beckon is dead? Mister Devil killed it? No, compared to this, Lanvus!" Klein immediately reacted to what he should do, and his spirituality pointed to Justice, The Hanged Man, and Magician, although he He thought it was enough to just inform Miss Magician, but considering Mr. Fool's equal treatment, he still sent Mr. Devil's prayer to the three.

In fact, he really wanted to watch the end of Lan Erwusi, but considering that there is still a sleepy wraith lady in reality, he can only visualize the spiritual body sinking, returning to the real world, and starting today's operation of dividing the spoils...



Lan Erwusi hummed a little tune and strolled on the streets of the West District, probably because his posture was too casual, and the clothes he was wearing were of great value. Even the patrolling police did not realize that this would actually be a dangerous elements.

He just wandered around the street, planning to use the money from those patrolling police officers to hire a rental carriage.

He is in a really good mood now, and thanks to that "lullaby", he can calm down the consciousness of the true creator.

Moreover, through the process of obtaining this song, his role as a decryption scholar has also been completed. As long as he can be promoted to fire thief, he can start to "steal" the true creator consciousness in himself. If he fails to achieve it twice, twice If you don't do it three times, even if you can't "steal" the consciousness and divinity of the real creator in Sequence Six, you can speed up the role and let him quickly advance to Sequence Five.

And relying on this tune that can appease Zhenzao's consciousness, it can not only minimize the risk of his stealing, but also allow him to have a good night's sleep.

As long as he finds a recording shop and records this tune into a record, he can sleep peacefully without worrying about waking up and appearing in a slum like the East End.

Once this attempt is successful, he can try to leave Backlund to find an opportunity to be promoted to a demigod. As long as he becomes a demigod, he can try to parasitize the evil god consciousness parasitizing himself.

At that time, the consciousness of the true creator will no longer be pollution to him, but a real gift!

"Anyway, let's find a recording shop first..."

Lan Erwusi, with yearning for a better new life, hummed a ditty and walked to the carriage ahead, but this carriage, why is it a bit strange?

Lanvus immediately became vigilant, but before he could react, a lady in a yellow cake dress and a black old-fashioned soft hat walked out of the gorgeous carriage gracefully.

Generally speaking, Bernadette will use Jack's peas to create a confined space, but firstly, the sage needs enough feedback, and secondly, she is not sure whether the divinity of the true creator will affect the mysterious reappearance.

Facing the projection of an evil god, even if it is only an incomplete consciousness, it cannot be easily faced.

"I..." Although Lan Erwus didn't know the identity of the other party, he also understood that this must be a powerful Beyonder, and immediately wanted to explain, but Bernadette didn't intend to give him a chance to speak at all.

The pale mask was covered on his face, and the mask that covered his eyes gave a strange sense of horror. Lanervus found that his body was dying slowly.

"Damn it!" Lan Erwus tore his shirt to shreds, exposing his chest, which seemed to be stripped of the skin and made up of muscles and blood vessels.

The breath of the gods instantly shattered the spiritual blockade set by Bernadette, and the carriage that originally sent Bernadette tore apart, leaving only a few small mouse corpses and a smashed pumpkin.

Lan Erwus suddenly sang an exciting melody, and the original silent consciousness of the real creator was awakened instantly, and the blood vessels on the back of Bernadette's hand began to twist unnaturally, but then, a strong sleepiness suddenly flooded Lan Elus' mind.

"It's useless! Now I am the true creator!"

Lan Erwus said loudly, the real consciousness in his chest was also interrupted by listening to the song, and he became more and more manic. Unfortunately, it is only a projection of consciousness after all, one with only a little divine, not even a clone. projection.

Apart from the coercion and breath of the gods, the real consciousness could not provide any help to Lanvus. He could only watch an extremely complicated three-dimensional rune emerge in front of Bernadette, the pure will of death. , so that the mosquitoes that were still lingering in the early autumn also died.


As if the world was in the midst of the wailing and wailing, Lan Erwus's body suddenly exploded, bones and blood spattered, forming deep imprints on the ground.

Bernadette felt the spiritual touch, and vines suddenly hung down from the void, bringing this saint who was not like the world up to the sky...

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