Mystery: Shadow of Order

Chapter 251: Philip's past

At No. 8 Williams Street in the West District, Klein took a photo of the dust on his clothes, hurried back to Miller Carter's basement with a lantern, and successfully persuaded the old gentleman Miller to close the door of the basement with his prepared remarks. It will not be opened for a short period of time to avoid the swarms of poisonous snakes inside.

Seeing Miller's slightly frightened expression, Klein breathed a sigh of relief. Although there was no concrete gain in this exploration, he was frightened a lot. If those poisonous snakes didn't have Miss Sharon, he wouldn't even be able to enter the gate. The statues of the six gods in the underground, the palace suspected to be the Tudor family in the fourth era, and the terrifying evil spirits are all headaches.

It seems that we will have to wait until Miss Justice has collected relevant information before deciding whether to continue exploring, and who knows what else will happen if we continue without thinking.

At Miller's insistence, Klein was sent to the door by him. At this time, it was already six o'clock, the sun did not appear today, and the street lights were already on, but they were not too bright in the dim environment.

The nasolabial folds are obvious, and the sharp blue eyes of Mr. Miller, whose temples are a little gray, glanced at the gloomy sky and sighed:

"I don't know if coming to Backlund is the right choice. It's summer now! At this time, it's still daylight in Jianhai County!"

Klein held up his hat, looked at the dim yellow street light that was about the same height as himself, and recalled the reports he saw a few days ago: "It will be better in the future, didn't the newspapers a few days ago still say that the upper and lower courts have passed The proposal to set up a 'Kingdom Air Pollution Inquiry Committee' allows the government to form this body. When it is officially established, pollution will be reduced a lot."

Although Klein said so, he knew that pollution was not so easy to control, and it would be difficult to see results without ten years.

"Perhaps." The old gentleman's tone was quite frivolous, even a bit mocking.

Klein raised his eyebrows, guessing that Miller might know some inside information. After all, if he could buy a house worth four or five thousand pounds at the junction of the West District and Queens District, he would definitely be able to get in touch with some nobles and congressmen. But what does this have to do with his little detective, just as he was about to say goodbye, he heard the sound of a carriage coming from a distance.

He turned his head and looked into the distance. This was obviously not the sound of a carriage, it was the sound of seven or eight carriages traveling together.

Soon, the carriages drove past Miller's house. Those carriages are almost all of the same style, and even the driver's dress is somewhat similar. There is a coat of arms on the side of the carriage, but the carriage is moving so fast that Klein can't see the specific pattern on it.

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"It's supposed to be the lawyers going to the banquet on Gatton Street."

Klein, who had flipped through the map, knew that Gatton Street was just next door to this street, just lawyers? Could it be that the seven or eight carriages were filled with lawyers?

Miller clearly saw Klein's doubts, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said with a smile:

"These are already few. As far as I know, there are nearly fifty barristers and eighty or ninety solicitors in Adrian's firm, which is already the largest law firm in Backlund. Today it should be The Celebration Office has secured an investment, which is said to be around £100,000."

Miller is from Jianhai County, and he bought this house because of his business, so he naturally needs to know the people who live nearby.

One hundred thousand pounds! Klein's pupils shrank slightly, and he looked in the direction the carriage left. It was quite a lot of money, but it was not a huge amount when it came to the salaries of hundreds of lawyers.


Inside 45 Gatton Street, the grand dinner was ready, and the lawyers who just got off work from the firm also arrived here to celebrate the investment the firm had received.

As the owner and boss, Rawls held a glass of champagne, clinking glasses with the barristers at the banquet from time to time, or simply chatting, or discussing opinions on a certain case, or to appease those who have just come to Baker Rand, barrister from Ahowa County.

There were many people attending the dinner today, nearly seventy people, and it was a test for the housekeeper, Mr. Augst, and the servants. But the guests are almost all lawyers in the firm and have also attended the banquet here, so the servants have a certain understanding of their preferences.

"Well, a toast to poor Mr. Edmund Robert, and I hope he forgives me."

"Hahaha" laughter echoed in the banquet hall, almost toppling the roof.

After describing the partner plan in detail again, he expressed that he would definitely stick to the plan, which dispelled the unrealistic wishes of some people. After this remark, Rawls did not usher in applause and cheers. Although this plan will increase their wages, it also makes them have to spend longer working hours, which is not in line with their status. (Note 1)

"I told several lawyers who participated in the capital injection negotiations before that if the firm receives capital injection, all members of the Adrian firm can bring their family members to take a vacation to Desi Bay one week after the beginning of this year, and the fee will be paid by the firm."

This time, even the unhappy lawyer showed a smile on his face and began to cheer.

"Finally, I wish you all a nice evening!"

After Rawls' speech ended, the banquet continued. Under the arrangement of the housekeeper, Mr. Augst, more drinks, food, and snacks began to be delivered one after another.


Rawls pushed open the door of the study on the second floor, and saw the tall, somewhat fat Lord Philip Negan standing by the window. He was not wearing the police uniform, but a rare black formal suit.

Holding a glass of red wine, he turned to look at Rawls, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he joked:

"I'm worried right now that all of my money was spent on vacation by you."

"Then I hope that the more capital injection, the better." Rawls closed the door of the study, leaned against the wooden door, and pinched his eyebrows, "The firm has joined too many people at one time, and has carried out some reform measures, so it is necessary to find It takes time for them to work together, otherwise the firm is likely to be dragged down by internal competition instead of being overwhelmed by the outside world.”

Philip shook the glass, causing the scarlet wine to make waves:

"I have given you all the money. Unless you bring in a third person in a short time, I won't be able to give you much."

His one-time delivery of £80,000 to Rawls has taken up most of his current assets. Although Philip is still the heir of the Negan family, the money does not belong to him for the time being. In addition, he has been in the army for ten years, and he rarely cares about property matters. It is not bad to be able to take out 80,000 pounds at one time.

"Unfortunately, I don't trust those people very much. Your capital injection can keep the firm for more than a year at least. If there is no effect within a year, then the introduction of the second capital injection will have no effect."

Rawls leaned against the wooden door and stretched. To be honest, he was only a little confident, but he would be much more confident based on the smog incident at the end of the year. After all, he was not a lawyer in his previous life, nor did he run a law firm. .

"One year?" Philip frowned slightly and took a sip of red wine, "Is it too late?"

"Then it depends on the people you introduced." Rawls is still leaning against the door

"Your office should be almost arranged, it's time to prepare for my affairs."

Rawls stood up straight and slightly adjusted his wrinkled clothes, indicating that Philip could continue. Although Philip didn't mention it last time, he could see that Philip's investigation of Oravi's governor, Auston Leavitt, was not solely based on his smuggling and possible treason.

Philip was silent for a while, and put the wine glass on the desk with a complicated expression, anger, hatred, and memories. His voice was also a little hoarse, and the whole person seemed to have lost the majesty of the past.

"I graduated from the Pritzker Naval Academy at nineteen and joined the Enmatt, a sailing battleship, as a cadet officer. No one there knew who I was except the man who was the captain. I'm an ordinary naval cadet officer."

Rawls' eyes flickered, and he could hear Philip's obvious hatred when he mentioned that person. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly when he heard the ordinary naval trainee officer he said, but Philip, who was caught in the memory, did not notice.

In order to investigate the relevant intelligence of the ironclad ship, Rawls still spent some effort, especially the more important Artillery Research Institute, Ship Research Institute, Shipyard, Pritz Naval Academy, etc. have all studied relevant information.

In the Royal Navy, the only way to become an officer is to join the Pritzker Naval Academy, probably at least middle class, mostly from the upper classes.

"I had a very good relationship with Mr. Andy Haydn, the second mate on the Enmatt at that took a deep breath," But at that time, the kingdom and Feysac often had friction, For the Royal Navy, no, it was still the Royal Navy at that time, and it was very normal to have a long artillery battle with Feysac's fleet, and even a small naval battle.

But not long after, a year after I joined the Enmatt, I had become a captain. Our relationship with Feysac grew that year, and I was transferred back to Pritzker Harbor. Afterwards, a naval battle broke out between the Royal Navy and a fleet of Pritzker. In that naval battle, Mr. Andy Haydn died. I thought it was a normal sacrifice, but when I went to visit his family, his wife handed me a diary.

That diary was Mr. Haydn's sailing diary, but I found in it that the captain of the HMS Enmatt, Captain of the Royal Navy, Auston Levitt knew and had a relationship with the captain of the Battleship Mian in Feysac. very good! "

Philip almost gritted his teeth and said:

"But the captain was in Riversack's fleet in that naval battle, and more importantly, the navy of the Enmatt told me that they did have a fight with the Mian."

The follow-up matter, without Philip to continue, Rawls can guess, but since Auston Leavitt is still the governor of Oravi, naturally there is no relevant evidence, so I want to stumble by investigating smuggling auston.

After a period of silence, Philip spoke again:

"Rolls, I will arrange for you to take the Pritzker ironclad to Oravi!"

Note 1: Barristers in the Victorian era were all high-income groups in the middle class. In addition, most people in the common law system were inseparable from lawyers, so their working hours were very short every day, and they could even watch before the court session. Once the case file, it can be defended.

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