Mystery: Shadow of Order

Chapter 331: On how to make money

Hey, the "Wolfman" feature is good in my hands, shouldn't you go to see "The World"? How to go... No, "The Hanged Man" shouldn't think that the "craftsman" was captured by MI9, right? It seems that there is such a possibility. Every "craftsman" needs to be won by any force, including MI9. The "Emperor" has also been active at sea recently... Klein leaned back, leaning on the high-back chair, obscure Observe the reaction of the "Emperor".

Among the other members, only Audrey the Justice reacted. Fors the Magician frowned and continued to think about how to make money to buy the Astrology feature from the Emperor. Darry the Sun Ke doesn't care about these things, and even if he does, he doesn't understand.

Rawls naturally understood the meaning of Alger's words. Although "Craftsman" Sharf was not taken away by MI9, leaving Bayam did have something to do with him. And from the current situation, it is impossible to have a free body in a short time. After all, that is the only guy who can inherit the blood of the Gustav family.

Still, Rawls is unlikely to respond.

Klein, who had been prepared for a long time, was not surprised when he saw this. Unless he personally talked to the "Emperor" as a "Fool", the questions and difficulties of the other members could only be seen by Mr. "Emperor" and he was not interested in answering them. He manipulated the "world" and nodded to the "hanged man":

"I see."

Alger withdrew his gaze and stopped talking.

But if this is the case, the "werewolf" characteristic will always be in Klein's hands, so be careful with the "mother tree"... Rawls coughed lightly, attracting the attention of the other members before asking road:

"Does your 'werewolf' trait come from the indulgent faction of the Rose School?"

Does it make any difference? Or is it because MI9 has established a solid cooperative relationship with Sharon's "Temperance Faction" last time? Klein pondered for a while, and after making sure there was nothing wrong, let The World reply:


"Then you'd better release this trait as soon as possible or sacrifice it to Mr. Fool. All the traits and formulas of the indulgence faction may have certain problems, which may be related to the 'bound god' they believe in. ."

something wrong? Klein's spirit was shocked. He suddenly thought of what Miss Sharon had said. The Rose School's control over members is beyond my imagination. Everyone's body and soul are bound by something. This is the sequence information of the xenogeneic pathway. There is almost no reason for the leak.

So he didn't use this "Wolfman" characteristic to divination the corresponding formula before the gray fog, and Mr. "Emperor"'s reminder also proved this. The "Rose School" originated in the Southern Continent, and Loen colonized East Balam. MI9 should deal with the Extraordinary of the indulgence faction, but unfortunately the "Emperor" has no intention to buy this feature.

However, in this case, this "Wolfman" characteristic may have to stay above the gray fog all the time, and if it flows out, it will harm others. But where does the money I buy for Beyonder characteristics come from? Miss Justice couldn't come up with this money for a while... Klein sighed secretly, and nodded his head in manipulation of the "world".

Rawls twitched the corner of his mouth and said very formally:

"I have a copy of the Sequence 5 characteristics you need."

"No, I don't need it for the time being."


Audrey, who was observing Mr. "Emperor"'s movements, frowned slightly. Although she couldn't see the specific expressions, she could also observe someone's heart from her movements. Why Mr. "Emperor" was not surprised by Mr. World's answer, as if he knew that he would answer like that.

Alger clenched and loosened his hands under the table. From what he said just now, he deduced that the "world" should be the same as him, both of Sequence 7, and the Thousand-faced Hunter and Human Skin Shadow that he had entrusted before were both Sequence 6 Material. But he didn't need the characteristics of Sequence 5. Did he have the potion or did he not have enough money for the time being?

No, I want to be promoted to "Windwinder" as soon as possible, and look for opportunities to go to that island to hunt blue shadow falcons. After that, I will find a way to get the Sequence 5 formula from the "Emperor". I am already behind the "Emperor", and I can no longer be behind the "World" that I joined later!

"Uh, Mr. Emperor, I want to buy that 'astrologer' feature from my hands."

Forsi's voice was very soft. If everyone hadn't been close enough, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to hear what she said. And the reason for this is, of course, that she doesn't have enough money. Since she started playing "Master of Trickster", although the potion has been digested for the most part, writing has completely stopped.

"1,200 pounds."

"Yes, but can I pay in installments? I can only pay you 500 pounds for the time being. If not, I can use the money to book..." At the end, Fors had buried his head in his chest, and his voice was like a mosquito Small as a fly.

This was made up after she and Xiu borrowed some of the money. After all, after Xiu joined MI9, her weekly salary was fixed, and the "pre-trial and interrogation team" she belonged to seldom performed tasks, and there was no bonus. Accumulate credit. The two old gentlemen of the Abraham family had already taken great pains to teach her extraordinary knowledge, and she could not bear to borrow money from them.

It turns out that it's not just me who has no money... Klein sighed inwardly, feeling a little fortunate that he obtained the formula from Rosago and the characteristics of the Sequence 5 "Master Puppet", otherwise a potion worth tens of thousands of pounds would not be worth it. Know when to get together.

"Okay." Rawls twitched the corner of his mouth. If he hadn't known Forsi thoroughly, he would never have sold her characteristics.

"Uh...Thank you very much, Mr. Emperor, I will collect the remaining money as soon as possible."

At first, she couldn't believe her ears. Forsi raised her head and was stunned for two seconds before she reacted. She nodded as quickly as a chicken pecking at rice, for fear that Mr. "Emperor" would go back on it.

In addition to being happy, she touched her face, looked around, and asked very sincerely:

"Everyone, is there any good way to make money?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she found that everyone fell into silence at the same time.

Rawls raised his eyebrows and chuckled:

"For the path you are in and the current sequence, it is really difficult to find a good way. You can try going to the circus? Or after you become an 'astrologer', go to a divination club to help people divination, As long as the price is not set too low, it is certainly easy to make a small fortune.

I can give you a piece of advice, only fortune-telling ten times a day, ten pounds at a time. As long as you stick to this principle, many rich and petty aristocrats will find you for divination. Ten pounds is very easy for these people. "

I used to give people divination for only 8 pence each time. Although I had just become a Beyonder at that time, Tingen was only a small town... Klein felt a little bitter in his heart, and suddenly felt that he had missed many opportunities to make money. But he didn't regret it, because if he followed Mr. "Emperor"'s suggestion, he would only usher in the investigation of the three extraordinary churches.

Although he was very happy because Mr. "Emperor" agreed to his installment payment, Fors also knew what this suggestion would provoke.

"Will this be investigated by the Extraordinary of the church?"

"Of course, but you can choose to be an informant of a certain church. For them, a Beyonder who can cooperate and is proficient in divination is very necessary. Or you can choose to join MI9..."

As soon as Rawls finished speaking, he met the eyes of everyone except "The Sun". He shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly:

"Okay, you ignore the last one."

If the Hall family could speak to MI9 or Evernight Church, Audrey would actually like Fors to join MI9 or Evernight Church, but the latter was not in line with Fors' beliefs. In the former case, she was also unable to determine what was going on inside MI9, although she had friends working there.

Alger frowned. In his opinion, this is the "emperor" trying to investigate the identities of the members of the Tarot Club. Is it his own idea or the meaning of the Loen royal family?

Klein didn't think so much. If the "Emperor" wanted to investigate the Tarot Club, he would report to the royal family when he first joined, instead of expressing himself so blatantly after making a promise to an evil **** of unknown origin. To investigate the meaning of the Tarot Club.

Is it because you were promoted that you are so happy? Klein could tell from the aura of Mr. Emperor that he had just been promoted not long ago.

"Thank you for your suggestion."

Although his best friend is working in MI9, the life of going to work on time every day, often working overtime, and occasionally doing tasks is not what Foer thought. In fact, if Mr. "Emperor" hadn't promised her to pay in installments, she would never have responded so politely to anyone who suggested this to her.

You must know that both of her current teachers are from the Abraham family, and a demigod of the Tamara family is also involved. She has a full moon curse on her body, and she is a core member of a secret organization. How could she be in such a situation? Become a church informant!

Despite a successful transaction, there is no follow-up clue about the Thousand-faced Hunter and the human-skinned shadow. The deep-sea Naga's hair "The Hanged Man" indicates that he has clues in his hand, but it still takes time to determine.

After the trading session is over, it enters the session of free communication.

It was still Audrey "Justice" who took the lead in sharing her latest knowledge, most of which were her loyal hounds, the golden retriever Susie heard from her father, Earl Hall, including but not limited to the upper class of Loen. Some moves and feedback on recent reforms, as well as what appears to be an end to the fight between the two parties, and a limited collaboration started.

Just when she was about to end her sharing, she suddenly thought that she and her mother, Countess Hall, had entered the palace to visit the queen a few days ago to discuss her coming of age ceremony. Although she is an adult, Audrey will not be involved in this kind of thing. She can only hang out in the Sodrak Palace with the two princesses of the royal family.

Knowing from Princess Caroline, who is younger but still four years older than her, it seems that His Majesty the King will arrange a marriage for his eldest daughter, Princess Delina, and is currently selecting targets from various royal families and great nobles , her brother was one of many targets.

Naturally, what Audrey wanted to share was not this one thing, but another thing that Princess Delina threw out in order to avoid getting entangled in this issue. That was one of the advisors of the Gonzalez family of the Matheen Kingdom, the honorary president of Winston University, and the famous scholar, Countess Dorothy Lovelace, who accepted the Backlund Institute of Technology, which is now the reorganized Backlund At the invitation of the Rector of the University of Industry and Technology, Pont Mormont, there will be a three-month academic exchange after the new year.

As a believer of the goddess, Audrey is no stranger to the countess. She has made great achievements in medicine, mechanics, and mathematics, and is a world-renowned scholar. If it weren't for the fact that what she was researching could rarely be commercialized and scaled, she would most likely be comparable to Turani von Hermerthein.

Such a big man is respected by every female believer of the Evernight Goddess, and although Princess Delina is a believer of the storm, she is very excited that such a world-famous female scholar wants to visit Loen.

More importantly, such a great scholar is very likely to be an Extraordinary.

When Audrey spoke out about this, she found that Mr. "Emperor" had the most unusual reaction among all the members, and even other members who were not "Audience" noticed this.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on him, Rawls couldn't help sighing to himself. He just used Fors to tease Klein to make him a little too relaxed, and he was indeed wanted by Dorothy Loveless. The news of the visit was shocking. You must know that he has just tacitly agreed to a cooperation with the elder Lagat of the Tamara That is, the Tamara family will send members into the Maxi Kingdom to help him investigate the disappearance of his mother Madeleine. In addition, the Gonzalez family inheritance will also be investigated.

"Dorothy Loveless is not only a countess and a world-renowned scholar, but also a demigod, a 'Prophet' of Sequence 4 of the 'Reader' pathway."

Klein couldn't help but stunned to himself, if he hadn't become a Beyonder, he might really think that these great scholars are just ordinary people. Even now, it is hard for him to believe such news.

Demi god? Audrey opened her mouth slightly. She thought that Countess Dorothy might be an Extraordinary, but isn't the demigod a bit exaggerated, and it's still the "Reader" pathway. Isn't that the pathway mastered by the Church of Knowledge? She had never heard that the countess believed in the **** of knowledge and wisdom...

She glanced over the "Hanged Man" and couldn't help but wonder:

"Is she a believer of the 'God of Knowledge and Wisdom'? Then why did she come to visit Loen?"

Although Loen has a harmonious relationship with Lumberg, Masi, and Segal, the issue of belief must be abandoned. After all, the gods of the two royal families are not in harmony.

"No, the countess is only on good terms with the Church of Knowledge. Not only that, she has a good relationship with the Church of the Mother Earth and the Church of Steam. It is said that she only believes in knowledge and does not believe in any gods."

Because of the mistake just now, Rawls had to explain a few more words, and began to think about the real purpose of this demigod's invitation to visit.

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